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"Those despicable headphones commercials!"


Well-Known Member
....starring Colin Kaepernick, Kevin Garnett and now Richard Sherman!

"In the Garnett and Kapernick ads, the public is presented as a hateful, enraged, violent mob that must be restrained from attacking them. The headphones make them all go away.

In the new Sherman ad, the media — apparently not those who have been excusing his hideous but hideously calculated behavior — are portrayed as stupid, insensitive.

That all three pros have goaded opponents and their fans into disliking them — the “they started it” of it — doesn’t come into play.

Respect is now a one-way street, something one demands, no reciprocity.

The inanities that followed Sherman’s wild-eyed and apparently contrived — good for his fame and fortune — post-NFC Championship behavior, naturally included the “race angle.”

In pandering places, Sherman’s misanthropy was rationalized, explained, excused, defended and even applauded as a matter of race; he’s African-American.

But what does that say? We shouldn’t expect better or different from blacks?

What about the target of Sherman’s mocking, Niners WR Michael Crabtree? He’s black! Think he’d defend Sherman as a matter of shared race?

Among those who have excused or celebrated Sherman’s behavior, how many would encourage their kids to behave that way?

Before it becomes a matter of black or white, shouldn’t it stand — alone, and at the top — as a matter of wrong or right?

In Sherman’s headphone ad he’s insulted by the suggestion he’s “a thug.” But the reality of it all would leave Sherman infuriated: “How dare you suggest that I’m a thug — just because I act like one!”

Kaepernick, in a playoff game, stood in the end zone mocking the opposing QB, then kissed his biceps. Yet, he appears in his ad as an aggrieved party, a target of the insensitive uncivil.

Garnett publicly and obscenely denigrated an opponent’s wife! Still, he, too, appears in his ad as far above the crass, classless, paltry public fray."

I like this....I like this a lot! How about you?

You must be unfamiliar with sports fans. They are good effective commercials.
...got nothing to do with being familiar with sports fans! The points made by this sports writer I happen to agree with.
...got nothing to do with being familiar with sports fans! The points made by this sports writer I happen to agree with.

Sports fans are loud and aggressive when rival teams arrive and leave. I do not see that much of an exaggeration there. Also, it is good marketing because everyone is talking about it. The choice of song they had playing was especially good.
Phil Mushnick is crusty old fart. And this article is nothing more than a feeble attempt to draw the ire from other crusty old farts like him. He should have retired decades ago.
Phil Mushnick is crusty old fart. And this article is nothing more than a feeble attempt to draw the ire from other crusty old farts like him. He should have retired decades ago.

Phil Mushnick is crusty old fart. And this article is nothing more than a feeble attempt to draw the ire from other crusty old farts like him. He should have retired decades ago.

...Mushnick might be old....but his column in the N.Y. Post is probably the most popular and gets the most hits than any of those other young bucks! By the way, I see your avatar is also a "crusty old fart!" What's up with that? You have become what you have mocked?
...Mushnick might be old....but his column in the N.Y. Post is probably the most popular and gets the most hits than any of those other young bucks! By the way, I see your avatar is also a "crusty old fart!" What's up with that? You have become what you have mocked?

This is the guy who wrote 47 articles about Robinson Cano jogging too often to first base on pop-ups and ground outs - never mind the fact that he did everything well and is one of the top 5 players in baseball.

When Mushnick started out, he probably made as much as the average athelete and they were easily accessible. Now they all make 10-50X more than him and don't even know print media still exists. So he uses his forum to tear down young athletes that don't even know his name - so yeah there's a niche market for that type of bitterness and cynicism. That's really the entire reason why The New York Post is still in circulation.

As for my avatar, Jaws is a timeless movie. And while Robert Shaw might have acted crusty, he was really a bad *** who died relatively young.
This is the guy who wrote 47 articles about Robinson Cano jogging too often to first base on pop-ups and ground outs - never mind the fact that he did everything well and is one of the top 5 players in baseball.

As for my avatar, Jaws is a timeless movie. And while Robert Shaw might have acted crusty, he was really a bad *** who died relatively young.

Cano is a puke and a punk! Seattle will be paying threw the nose for years to come.....while getting minimal return at best! Best money move the Yankees have made in decades!

By the way, I think Robert Shaw is a most underrated actor and was outstanding in a great number of movies starting with From Russia With Love to Jaws to The Sting!
Cano is a puke and a punk! Seattle will be paying *threw the nose for years to come.....while getting minimal return at best! Best money move the Yankees have made in decades!

By the way, I think Robert Shaw is a most underrated actor and was outstanding in a great number of movies starting with From Russia With Love to Jaws to The Sting!

As for my avatar, Jaws is a timeless movie. And while Robert Shaw might have acted crusty, he was really a bad *** who died relatively young.

Not much you can do when a giant shark bites you in half, tbh.

I'd like to see one with David Stern as he retires and leaves the building.