Well-Known Member
All of this is wrong. To start: slavery was a primary cause, as in it was a charitable undertaking, but was not the reason the civil war started. I take Abraham Lincoln at his word on that point, and he was unambiguous. The rest is what you wish was there to see.You don’t think slavery was a primary cause of the civil war, you shill for rapists and child molesters, and now for literal South American Neo Nazis. You have no principals, no integrity and you’re a passive aggressive liar. You think it’s funny. Well I think you’re lazy and weak in the mind.
The first sentence is nails, and the rest could well be correct depending on who you are referring to, but I stand by my claims that parents who coddle or even foster the delusion that a young male child can become a female child are bad parents. The outlook for transgender youth is a horror show. They kill themselves. They fail to get jobs. They fail to build a life. They have a massively higher rate of mental illness.But you’re a dick dude. I can’t be friends or cordial really with you because our morals and principals do not align. I will fight for you to be whatever you want to be. But what you’ve choosen I don’t like, because your views and actions actively hurt people I know and love.
There is nothing wrong with being gay. THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH BEING GAY. If not pushed off into hormone blockers, surgical interventions, and social conditioning, nearly all supposedly transgender kids would grow up to be functional gay adults. The research on that is crystal clear, and there is nothing wrong with that outcome. There is an old saying that goes “a stich in time saves nine”. When children are young is exactly the time when parents should be the most hawkish, the most hostile to unhealthy behaviors. In that, I am not kind. I am a parent and I have a responsibility.
If you have people you know and love who have elected to treat parenting different from how I approach parenting then it is fair to conclude our morals / principals do not align.
If as usual, you are off on some tangent involving ethnicity then you're spun off into the weeds.