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Trump Dictatorship and All Things Politics

You don’t think slavery was a primary cause of the civil war, you shill for rapists and child molesters, and now for literal South American Neo Nazis. You have no principals, no integrity and you’re a passive aggressive liar. You think it’s funny. Well I think you’re lazy and weak in the mind.
All of this is wrong. To start: slavery was a primary cause, as in it was a charitable undertaking, but was not the reason the civil war started. I take Abraham Lincoln at his word on that point, and he was unambiguous. The rest is what you wish was there to see.

But you’re a dick dude. I can’t be friends or cordial really with you because our morals and principals do not align. I will fight for you to be whatever you want to be. But what you’ve choosen I don’t like, because your views and actions actively hurt people I know and love.
The first sentence is nails, and the rest could well be correct depending on who you are referring to, but I stand by my claims that parents who coddle or even foster the delusion that a young male child can become a female child are bad parents. The outlook for transgender youth is a horror show. They kill themselves. They fail to get jobs. They fail to build a life. They have a massively higher rate of mental illness.

There is nothing wrong with being gay. THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH BEING GAY. If not pushed off into hormone blockers, surgical interventions, and social conditioning, nearly all supposedly transgender kids would grow up to be functional gay adults. The research on that is crystal clear, and there is nothing wrong with that outcome. There is an old saying that goes “a stich in time saves nine”. When children are young is exactly the time when parents should be the most hawkish, the most hostile to unhealthy behaviors. In that, I am not kind. I am a parent and I have a responsibility.

If you have people you know and love who have elected to treat parenting different from how I approach parenting then it is fair to conclude our morals / principals do not align.

If as usual, you are off on some tangent involving ethnicity then you're spun off into the weeds.
So when are you nice americans start thinking about ( not talking about orange cult brainless sheep) emigrating to Canada, Australia or NZ? Only 2 days of orange turd **** show and your country is closer to Putin/Kim type dictatorship then ever. Or we will see a real civil war and split of USA into two different countries? I just can't see UNITED states anymore after what is happening now. The division is just getting way to big for peaceful coexistence in my honest opinion?
All of this is wrong. To start: slavery was a primary cause, as in it was a charitable undertaking, but was not the reason the civil war started. I take Abraham Lincoln at his word on that point, and he was unambiguous. The rest is what you wish was there to see.

The first sentence is nails, and the rest could well be correct depending on who you are referring to, but I stand by my claims that parents who coddle or even foster the delusion that a young male child can become a female child are bad parents. The outlook for transgender youth is a horror show. They kill themselves. They fail to get jobs. They fail to build a life. They have a massively higher rate of mental illness.

There is nothing wrong with being gay. THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH BEING GAY. If not pushed off into hormone blockers, surgical interventions, and social conditioning, nearly all supposedly transgender kids would grow up to be functional gay adults. The research on that is crystal clear, and there is nothing wrong with that outcome. There is an old saying that goes “a stich in time saves nine”. When children are young is exactly the time when parents should be the most hawkish, the most hostile to unhealthy behaviors. In that, I am not kind. I am a parent and I have a responsibility.

If you have people you know and love who have elected to treat parenting different from how I approach parenting then it is fair to conclude our morals / principals do not align.

If as usual, you are off on some tangent involving ethnicity then you're spun off into the weeds.

Yeah, I can’t really care less about your opinions on this stuff. I don’t think you really know what you’re talking about and you’re just saying things you’ve been told or read on the internet. You don’t know any trans people or kids. I do. Your church doctrine and leadership actively persecutes LGBTQIA+ people and it’s why your membership is dropping. Spare me.

Why are you so worried about trans suicides? You should be concerned about, which you probably relate to more easily which is young male suicides. I would love a deep dive from you on that, sincerely.

Mesogeny, white supremacy, and poor male role models are leaving men sexless and alone. Women don’t want to reproduce, or be around, dumb toxic dudes. Thus they’re being weeded out of the gene pool. They can’t compete, so they just die out. It’s happening all over the world. I saw what this phenomena and extreme poverty can do to a country like Morracco last fall. It’s terrifying honestly.

We have a lot of important things to figure out as a country and society. Focusing our efforts on such a small population instead of what’s facing the majority of young men is sad and disappointing.

But keep fighting that good fight, I guess?

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So when are you nice americans start thinking about ( not talking about orange cult brainless sheep) emigrating to Canada, Australia or NZ? Only 2 days of orange turd **** show and your country is closer to Putin/Kim type dictatorship then ever. Or we will see a real civil war and split of USA into two different countries? I just can't see UNITED states anymore after what is happening now. The division is just getting way to big for peaceful coexistence in my honest opinion?

EDIT: I totally wooshed this post by @MVP. If so my bad, but I’ll leave it cause the point stands.

If you really want half of America to leave and cash out our retirements and investments? You’re stupid. That would ruin all your lives. We’re not there, but we can be. We’re smart and have money too.

Yeah, we’re not nice anymore to people like you. When we actually were nice, you just got all up in your feelings about being called out on your ********. Now, we’ll treat you like to dumb, toddlers you are. You can’t have your cookie back.

You have short memories, small minds and even smaller hearts. There’s no shelter for you here.

We’ll be waiting for you all to snap out of it. Or yeah, we’ll take our treasure elsewhere and you can enjoy a crippled America.

For now, I’m punching Nazis.

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  • Hmmm
Reactions: MVP
There’s a reason we shame and banish fascists. They need professional help and be kept away from all the dummies in society.
Yeah, because they are retards no different from any other socialists. Fascists, Nationalist Socialists, Democratic Socialists, Stalinists, Maoists, Antifa, Khmer Rouge, and Bernie Bros are the same genocidal douchebags in all but name. I agree the dummies in society, all around the world, fall for the siren song of socialism. If you want to condemn the lot then welcome to my team. If you want to claim Elon Musk is a socialist then you better have more than a arm movement to back that accusation.


I punch them in the dick.
That is funny! See! I told you that you owned the whole 'being short' thing.
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If you really want half of America to leave and cash out our retirements and investments? You’re stupid. That would ruin all your lives. We’re not there, but we can be. We’re smart and have money too.

Yeah, we’re not nice anymore to people like you. When we actually were nice, you just got all up in your feelings about being called out on your ********. Now, we’ll treat you like to dumb, toddlers you are. You can’t have your cookie back.

You have short memories, small minds and even smaller hearts. There’s no shelter for you here.

We’ll be waiting for you all to snap out of it. Or yeah, we’ll take our treasure elsewhere and you can enjoy a crippled America.

For now, I’m punching Nazis.

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I think you have misunderstood the particular poster you are responding to.
So when are you nice americans start thinking about ( not talking about orange cult brainless sheep) emigrating to Canada, Australia or NZ? Only 2 days of orange turd **** show and your country is closer to Putin/Kim type dictatorship then ever. Or we will see a real civil war and split of USA into two different countries? I just can't see UNITED states anymore after what is happening now. The division is just getting way to big for peaceful coexistence in my honest opinion?
The biggest difference is not red states and blue states, it is urban vs rural. The lifestyles and realities are quite different and that shapes a lot of people's perspective. So how do you divide the cities from the surrounding rural areas?
You don’t know any trans people or kids. I do.
The trans people or kids aren’t the issue. If you know some then I hope you are kind to them. It is the parents that I have a problem with. It is like my objecting to a parent letting their toddler play on the freeway, pointing out how dangerous it is, and receiving back something to the effect of my hating toddlers. No, no. It is not the toddler that is in the wrong and I am not denying the toddler exists or that the toddler wants to play on the freeway.

Mesogeny, white supremacy, and poor male role models are leaving men sexless and alone. Women don’t want to reproduce, or be around, dumb toxic dudes. Thus they’re being weeded out of the gene pool. They can’t compete, so they just die out. It’s happening all over the world.
The problem isn’t misogyny, racism, or any of the rabbit holes you’ve gone down. There certainly isn’t more of any of those things now in 2025 than there were a hundred or a thousand years ago. The issue is far simpler. It is too much choice. Humans are weird in that too much choice makes them unhappy. It is a well-studied phenomenon called the ‘paradox of choice’.

If you purchased a jar of apricot jam from a store than only had three flavors of jam, you’d be more happy with your purchase than if you has purchased that exact same jar of apricot jam from a store that had 200 flavors of jam. It is the same product, but your happiness is different.

Women today have more choice that ever in history, and they’re miserable. A reasonably attractive girl could sign up on a dating app and have an inbox full of a hundred potential suitors before the end of the day. If she picks any one of them, she won’t be happy because she could have selected from the other 99, or any of the hundred the next day, or the hundred the day after that. The fascinating part is that women seem to understand the abundance of choice is making them unhappy and are imposing unreachable standards to reduce the choices available. It is not that a 6’3” guy earning $100k would make them more happy. It is that they are rare, with few to select from, and that scarcity of choice is what makes happiness.
The trans people or kids aren’t the issue. If you know some then I hope you are kind to them. It is the parents that I have a problem with. It is like my objecting to a parent letting their toddler play on the freeway, pointing out how dangerous it is, and receiving back something to the effect of my hating toddlers. No, no. It is not the toddler that is in the wrong and I am not denying the toddler exists or that the toddler wants to play on the freeway.

The problem isn’t misogyny, racism, or any of the rabbit holes you’ve gone down. There certainly isn’t more of any of those things now in 2025 than there were a hundred or a thousand years ago. The issue is far simpler. It is too much choice. Humans are weird in that too much choice makes them unhappy. It is a well-studied phenomenon called the ‘paradox of choice’.

If you purchased a jar of apricot jam from a store than only had three flavors of jam, you’d be more happy with your purchase than if you has purchased that exact same jar of apricot jam from a store that had 200 flavors of jam. It is the same product, but your happiness is different.

Women today have more choice that ever in history, and they’re miserable. A reasonably attractive girl could sign up on a dating app and have an inbox full of a hundred potential suitors before the end of the day. If she picks any one of them, she won’t be happy because she could have selected from the other 99, or any of the hundred the next day, or the hundred the day after that. The fascinating part is that women seem to understand the abundance of choice is making them unhappy and are imposing unreachable standards to reduce the choices available. It is not that a 6’3” guy earning $100k would make them more happy. It is that they are rare, with few to select from, and that scarcity of choice is what makes happiness.

lol, ok boy.

It’s definitely not because women don’t want to **** stupid, radicalized, mouth breathers. You’ve always been losers and you will continue to be losers. You’re cursed. It’s not trans parents or womens fault either. It’s your inability to adapt. No wants to **** you anymore. You’re gross.

Dude, it’s amazing you’re still alive.

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I am not attacking the validity of having Social Security. I am saying it has been mismanaged. I am also saying older generations getting a windfall because our representatives refuse to make needed changes (benefit level, age, contribution limits) it leaves current and future generations being negatively affected.

WIthin 10 yrs the reserve is gone and people won't get their full benefit. We have known this was coming for decades, but legislators don't do anything to fix the issue.

It is mind numbing to see these political arguments and mentions of socialism when discussing a problem like this.
I agree with this for sure.

The mention of socialism is because a big part of our politicians not addressing this issue is the false narrative among a big part of the electorate that any social assistance like this means we are becoming "socialist", which is viewed as evil. So they are afraid to tackle it for real for fear of losing the vote and their cushy and lucrative jobs, not to mention the non-stop lobbying from big corporations who do not want to pay the taxes that would be necessary to right the ship at this point, so they can continue to give their wealthy investors stock buy-backs to increase their wealth.

No matter how you slice it this requires 3 things to get right (minimum of these 3 IMO): 1) Increase in payments into the system - most likely from increased taxes, preferably corporate (we cannot cut taxes forever and keep any of this **** going); 2) Better management of the trust funds - better investment, enshrine it into law to leave it the **** alone, etc. and 3) a shift in focus for our politicians to embrace what social security is supposed to be and ensure it is protected accordingly. Of these, especially under the current administration, none of them will happen in any meaningful way, in fact we face the 4th option more than any other - they simply cut the payout to keep the fund going longer. So more people move into poverty while corporations engage in those stock buy-backs and other gifts to the already wealthy. This is completely bass-ackward if you ask me. We have lost sight of what it means to be a functioning society in favor of promoting the oligarchy that currently runs the country. Idiocracy here we come!
I agree it has been mismanaged, and why I think there are better forms of retirement security, as big government is great at fiscal mismanagement.

I also agree the payments are low, but when there are more payouts than payments into the fund, then yes, there is a problem.

Replace SS with special forced contribution individualized retirement accounts with annuitized payments at retirement, making ESOPs (employee ownership of companies through employer funded retirement plans) more attainable, give tax credits as a matching retirement plan contribution for lower income individuals that out money in these accounts. A lot can be done to ensure retirement security and it does not get done.

When I worked for the federal government, they hired excess staff to ensure full capacity when they anticipated hiring freezes. We literally had 4 staff members with zero duties. Each year we'd get all kinds of new equipment, carpet replacement, etc., because if we spent less that our allocated budget, our allocation for the next year would go down. So they wasted money to keep their budget. It is insane.

Military spending has a lot of the same issues. Lots of inefficiences and mismanagement. Reducing military spending could work if done right, but keep in mind that our military employs and pays good salaries to a lot of people that would not fare nearly as well without those jobs. And as far as military spending, China and Russia are spending a lot more on military than they report. I hate war, but I feel like we need a robust military in the current environment.

Here is a hybrid system that is among the best in the developed world. There are others as well. Ready-made blueprint. Problem is, the politicians will cry "SOCIALISM!!! THE DEVIL!!!" and do nothing about it.
