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What in the Denver is going on?


Well-Known Member
First the GM of the year Uriji leaves for Toronto and now the Coach of the year George Karl is fired.

John Denver is rolling in his grave.
The GM thing does not surprise me as the Denver owner makes the GM a puppet basically. OR is that Portland?

But George Karl getting the ax is shocking.
Ujiri had won GM of the year and Karl had won COY.
So does this mean that the Denver 'Dump a star and Rebuild' can no longer be considered far better than the Jazz's 'Dump a star and Rebuild' ?

  1. Iggy has to be gone, doesn't he?
  2. What does the rest of the team look like next year?
  3. Are they Tanking for Wiggins too?
Maybe the Jazz can pull Ty Lawson away from them. He's the only player I like on that team. Will be interesting to see how Dano returns from his knee injury.
Sounds like the owner is a little "Rockie Mountain High," likely believing anyone can come in and run the team, both from the FO and on the court. Denver is cheap; Ujiri was one of the lowest paid GM's and was looking for more money. I'm sure Karl also asked for a raise. He only had 1 year left on his contract. With a COTY trophy in hand, he had a lot of leverage, especially with Ujiri having been granted permission to leave for more $. It would have been a bad situation to have an unhappy, lame-duck coach running the show in 2013-14. I think Karl will end up with the Clippers or Grizzlies and perhaps Hollins ends up in Denver.
As some of you may know I am a Nuggies fan through and through, while this may look like chaos it's really just back to even... It sucks we let a great up and coming GM go, but we also got rid of a "lame-duck" playoffs coach... Yes Karl did a great job during the regular season, he won games... But does that really matter if you don't win in the playoffs... Only once have they gotten out of the first round and I'm pretty sure Chauncey Billups was doing most of the coaching that year... George is a very good coach who can't win in the playoffs and this team is so young and developing, ownership clearly wanted to win some playoff games, and develop the young guys, so all I ask is that we stay
Away from any sort of Ty Corbin type coaches and I'll be happy.
As some of you may know I am a Nuggies fan through and through, while this may look like chaos it's really just back to even... It sucks we let a great up and coming GM go, but we also got rid of a "lame-duck" playoffs coach... Yes Karl did a great job during the regular season, he won games... But does that really matter if you don't win in the playoffs... Only once have they gotten out of the first round and I'm pretty sure Chauncey Billups was doing most of the coaching that year... George is a very good coach who can't win in the playoffs and this team is so young and developing, ownership clearly wanted to win some playoff games, and develop the young guys, so all I ask is that we stay
Away from any sort of Ty Corbin type coaches and I'll be happy.
And completely overachieved with the rosters he was given. The regular season success was astounding considering the lack of talent and team players he has dealt with. You can't succeed in the playoffs with an inferior roster.
Same people who say this still think Sloan can come back and coach, too.


Are you saying Karl (or Sloan) coach less well today than 15 years ago? If not, my point still stands, Karl can win in the playoffs.
Are you saying Karl (or Sloan) coach less well today than 15 years ago? If not, my point still stands, Karl can win in the playoffs.

He did, 16 years ago.

After that, his playoff tandem reanimates to the Walking Dead.

Health and age do play/wreak havoc on a coach. Karl has been through chemotherapy. He had talent on his team, and he got them to do well in the regular season, but once the playoffs came along it was a whole new ball game. A whole new level of stress. These coaches aren't robots, they're usually the first ones to wake up in the morning, they got to adjust gameplans, watch films, do all the X and O's, dirty work. It's a tough job, it boggles the mind. Just look at Bob Knight, a powerhouse in the 80s and in the 90s, but as soon as the 2000's hit all he was good for was screaming at players.