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What's The Last Movie You’ve Seen?


I was pleasantly surprised by this. I think it is the best Guardians movie. Has a great balance between the comedic/dramatic/action moments. Rocket's backstory is so well done. The songs all work pretty well. Yeah, James Gunn is on fire, every project he is involved with lately has been great.
Your wife likely wants an equal partnership. Then again, I don't know her. I suspect you can hold your own.
Yeah my wife isn't willing to give up her spot to make it an equal partnership.

I liked this quite a bit. Despite it being 3 1/2 hours long there isnt much wasted screen time and it wraps up in a satisfying way with a fun cameo at the end. Really hammers home the ugliness of the crimes these people commited, it was like nothing to them. You could say the movie does lose some momentum during the course of these actions but it picks up again once the feds show up and bring justice(well some, the fact these people were released is a joke).
I just saw 2 huge blockbusters from last year back to back.
First I watched Killers of the flower moon. I hated it. One of the worst movies I ever saw. All the characters (other than may dinero's character and the FBI) were incredibly stupid. They portrayed the Osage indians as total idiots. So they come into money. Suddenly white men start "falling in love with them" when they didn't before they came into money. Then right at the same time white men start falling in love with them, they all start dying (like 63 of them iirc) and the white men inherit the money. I mean one white dude married an indian, she dies soon after, then only 2 weeks later he married her sister! Of course she dies soon after too. And they just keep marrying more white men and continue to die.
Dicaprio's wife doesn't realize that her own husband is involved in a bunch of murders of her family. Plus, she has diabetes and so Leo starts giving her insulin..... with some kind of poison in it that is killing her. He says things like "you need to get worse before you get better". The kicker though is that leo gets arrested for murder so now he cant administer the insulin with the poison in it anymore and bada bing bada boom she instantly starts getting better now that doctors are administering the non poisoned insulin. And she still doesn't put it together that her husband was killing her like all the other white men were killing all these indian people.
And the white men were all stupid too. They would kill in super sloppy ways often. the killers would just kill people because they were asked to. No other reason. They all sounded like country bumpkin dumbasses. Dicaprio always had a super stupid look on his face.
I hated it bad.

Then I watched Oppenheimer. Masterpiece. Robert Downey Jr was amazing. Cillian murphy was amazing. Josh hartnett was great. Florence pugh was fantastic. Oppenheimers wife was fierce and amazing. Matt damon was solid. All the supporting actors were great. I loved the musical score. Really like how when they finally detonated the Trinity bomb the director chose to use silence rather than a loud explosive sound. Somehow made the bomb feel even more powerful. Loved the use of black and white. Loved the use of Einsten. Loved the little blurb at the end about JFK. Loved all the scientific mumbo jumbo by all the brilliant scientists who worked on the bomb. Loved the scene with Oppenheimer and president Harrry Truman (truman was a total douche). Robert downey Jr made for a really good villain. Interesting to see all the bureaucracy and politics involved. 3 years, 4,000 people and 2 billion dollars to build the bomb. Crazy.
I liked it so much that i went to google and youtube afterwards to learn more about it. I had no idea that between 1942 and 1965 the US detonated 210 atomic bombs. The bomb dropped in hiroshima killed 70,000 instantly (iirc). the one dropped in nagasaki killed another 40,000 instantly. Then after radiation exposure 220,000 ended up dead. The japanese surrendered quickly and the war was over..... as the new cold war between us and russia began. I also found that only one Hydrogen bomb (1,000 times more powerful than an atomic bomb) has ever been detonated. I was by far the most powerful bomb ever detonated and was done by russia. Apparently windows in building were blown out 3,000 miles away.

Highly recommend oppenheimer. Hated killers of the flower moon.
I dont think I could watch those back to back. Thats what 6.5 hours?! I will be watching Oppenheimer soon.
I didn't watch them literally back to back.
I watched killers of the flower Moon over about 3 days last week and then oppenheimer over about 3 days this week. Sorry for the confusion.

I'm currently watching a movie called Hidden Figures and really liking it so far.
It's about these 3 black women back in the day who were working for NASA to help get a man on the moon.

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Watched TMNT:Mutant Mayhem and I enjoyed it a lot. It has good writing, funny dialogue and the animation is excellent. Great voice castings, Jackie Chan as splinter was perfect. I dont really have anything bad to say about it, they set up a sequel that I would be 100% down for. If you were a TMNT fan I would recommend this one. This was a nice surprise, exact opposite than the Super Mario movie which felt soulless.
Watched TMNT:Mutant Mayhem and I enjoyed it a lot. It has good writing, funny dialogue and the animation is excellent. Great voice castings, Jackie Chan as splinter was perfect. I dont really have anything bad to say about it, they set up a sequel that I would be 100% down for. If you were a TMNT fan I would recommend this one. This was a nice surprise, exact opposite than the Super Mario movie which felt soulless.
I liked that movie a lot as well. Cool bad guys too. (ice cube killed it)
Also didn't like super mario all that much either
Watched Oppenheimer. I liked it though I definitely felt the length of it as I got a little sleepy during the later scenes. Fantastic job by Cillian Murphy capturing the man himself, the scene after they drop the bomb and everyone is celebrating but the effect of dropping a bomb on civilians starts to haunt him is fantastic, one of my favorite scenes.

The testing of the bomb scene was probably the standout scene for me, I was totally glued to the screen. Another great scene is when they are discussing which city to choose to bomb. The Einstein scenes were great too, especially the haunting words to wrap up the movie.

My least favorite scenes were mostly Robert Downey Jr ones, not that he did a bad job, he actually did quite well. its just that it started to get a little confusing to me his role, his past relationship with Oppenheimer and his motivation for tearing him down. I got kind of annoyed each time they pulled me out of Oppenheimer storyline to bring me back to this guy I didnt care for. I kind of wished some of his scenes were cut out or at least trimmed down.
Watched Oppenheimer. I liked it though I definitely felt the length of it as I got a little sleepy during the later scenes. Fantastic job by Cillian Murphy capturing the man himself, the scene after they drop the bomb and everyone is celebrating but the effect of dropping a bomb on civilians starts to haunt him is fantastic, one of my favorite scenes.

The testing of the bomb scene was probably the standout scene for me, I was totally glued to the screen. Another great scene is when they are discussing which city to choose to bomb. The Einstein scenes were great too, especially the haunting words to wrap up the movie.

My least favorite scenes were mostly Robert Downey Jr ones, not that he did a bad job, he actually did quite well. its just that it started to get a little confusing to me his role, his past relationship with Oppenheimer and his motivation for tearing him down. I got kind of annoyed each time they pulled me out of Oppenheimer storyline to bring me back to this guy I didnt care for. I kind of wished some of his scenes were cut out or at least trimmed down.
Good thoughts.
Basically the whole reason Downey tore down oppenheimer was simply because his feelings were hurt by oppenheimer a couple times when oppenheimer made him look foolish

Weak sauce

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Gotta plug 2 movies...

Civil War. Just go see it. Powerful. Incredibly prescient for our times and the MAGA crowd and psycho Republicans. How far away are we from a real civil war anyway? This movie will show you in graphic detail a pretty damn accurate portrayal of how that just might actually look.

Then the Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare. Part "based on a true story" WWII movie, part origin story for James Bond. Obviously not super close to the actual events but a good entertaining movie nonetheless with a stellar cast. We both enjoyed it and my wife typically hates war movies. Worth the movie ticket.
Saw two today. Despicable Me 4. Solid. I fell asleep. Kids liked it a lot though.

Longlegs. Retarded. I was so hopeful based on IMDb and RT. Society is doomed. Spoilers below.

There is about a 0.0000000001% chance the female fbi agent ever gets a job as an fbi agent lest the Feds one day decided to skip the results of her psychological profile during the hiring process. Just so dumb. She was basically one note the entire film too. Anxiety-ridden. That’s it. There were a half dozen completely unnecessary moments too where the director just couldn’t help his or herself. Like wtf. You’re trying to be a real film. Cut the Nic Cage doing unhinged Nic Cage moments and the gratuitous gore and scare moments. They didn’t drive the plot at all. It just made the film feel more like a C- Cage flick. Maybe most importantly, it was just obvious where it was headed. Terrible writing. Just rife with issues that are so easily fixable which is what makes it and Hollywood in general so frustrating.
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I just read your review of the Killers of the Flower Moon. You know this was based on actual events, right? Now, I don’t know exactly how closely Scorsese stuck to the details and real life events but in general, this did happen. White people married Osage. The Osage were killed off. The Whites inherited. That said, I know what you mean. Everyone had to have known Deniro was the puppet master. I also thought the ending sucked. This odd denouement with Leo and his wife. Per the events of the film, Leo was an absolute POS. And there was this odd moment between them that felt tough to believe.

Iirc Leo signed on to play the Plemons role. Then he changed his mind and played Gladstone’s husband and they completely rewrote the script. I wonder if it would have been better off the original way.
Saw two today. Despicable Me 4. Solid. I fell asleep. Kids liked it a lot though.

Longlegs. Retarded. I was so hopeful based on IMDb and RT. Society is doomed. Spoilers below.

There is about a 0.0000000001% chance the female fbi agent ever gets a job as an fbi agent lest the Feds one day decided to skip the results of her psychological profile during the hiring process. Just so dumb. She was basically one note the entire film too. Anxiety-ridden. That’s it. There were a half dozen completely unnecessary moments too where the r just couldn’t help his or herself. Like wtf. You’re trying to be a real film. Cut the Nic Cage doing unhinged Nic Cage moments and the gratuitous gore and scare moments. They didn’t drive the plot at all. It just made the film feel more like a C- Cage flick. Maybe most importantly, it was just obvious where it was headed. Terrible writing. Just rife with issues that are so easily fixable which is what makes it and Hollywood in general so frustrating.
I saw despicable me on Monday. Pretty good.
I have been looking forward to longlegs more so than any movie in a long time. Sad to hear you didn't like it. I was hoping for silence of the lambs level
I just watched apocalypse now and Jacob's ladder. Both were ok but old movies just don't ever do it for me.

Watching how to train your dragon 2 with my daughter right now. It's really good.

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We also saw the new despicable me movie. Have to agree with @Keefe , very boring and derivative. Sadly they just thought the only thing anyone likes about those movies are the sight gags and overacting characters, so they just threw a ****-ton of that in there instead of bothering to have a plot of any kind. But usually by the 4th film most franchises like that hit bottom, and this was no different. Too bad because we’ve generally liked those and the minion movies for the most part.
I've never liked a movie when I've gone in with high expectations. The worst thing you can do for your enjoyment of a movie is go in expecting it to be great.
That's probably why I liked despicable me more than some. Plus it was at the drive in movies so it was kind of a cool experience.

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