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Whose Fault?

Everyone talks about how we should've hired Tom Thibodeau as if he were sitting by his phone anxiously awaiting a call from the Jazz. Was there any indication that he was even interested?

You're right. I've said as much. But it's more about the Jazz doing the right thing, firing Sloan when it was obvious his time was up rather than holding on to nostalgia and being terrified of fan backlash. It's about taking a chance. Instead, we waited too long and will never know if we could have gotten Thibedeau. Similarly, we now once again have done the safe thing. Keep a coach who's been on the staff and sign him to an extension, unnecessarily mind you. Let's not kid ourselves either. Corbin will be here next year too as the team withers away into oblivion. Why? Because Jazz fans are stupidly loyal to their own, even if they suck, and he's as cheap a head coach as the Millers will be able to get.
It's San Andreas fault.
The idea that the Jazz somehow "blew it" by not firing Sloan to hire Thibedou seems so ridiculously "20/20 hindsight" it is just absurd.