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Would you Rather

Would you rather cheer for a perennial playoff contender or a loser that wins one championship?

  • The team that makes the playoffs for 20 years straight, but never wins a championship

    Votes: 8 72.7%
  • The team that wins a championship, but then misses the playoffs for 20 years straight.

    Votes: 3 27.3%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Would you rather cheer for a team that makes the playoffs for 20 years in a row, but never wins a championship or a team that wins a championship, but then misses the playoffs for 20 years straight?
Third option. I've been cheering for a team that's largely been competitive and mostly in the playoffs for 30+ years and haven't gotten a championship. Now that I've had the former, I want the latter. Like if I were asked now if I'd choose the next 20 years of my Jazz fandom to include 20 years of playoffs or one championship, it's an easy decision. When I look back at the last 20 years of Jazz fandom, how much satisfaction have I gotten? I'm trying to envision if I were to know at this moment that in 20 years I'd still be posting here, still no closer to a championship than we are now, that would be incredibly depressing. If I were posting on here 20 years from now and our team isn't all that relevant, but we've won a championship, that changes things.

So my simple answer would be win a title, but that comes with the asterisk that I've already experienced the 20 years of playoffs and I'm awaiting the next step.
I like winning. Even non-finals games.
Not even a question. I want a championship as a Braves fan in the 90’s, yes they won a chip, but they won their damn division I think 16 times in a row and only won one chip and that was early in on the process. Most of that time sucked because every year there was expectations and every year they were just not the same team come playoff time. Chips are all that matter to me. I would’ve given my soul to see Stockton and Malone and coach Slo win one ring.
I'm a little torn and not enough people have commented/voted to help me lean one way.

On one hand I really miss the 90's Jazz and even though we never won a chip I would take that era over what we've had since any day. I was proud of our playoff streak that we had going, and I never had to cheer for losses. I think to some degree, and maybe especially for a small market team, winning a championship has such long odds. You have to find a top 5 player who wants to actually stay with your franchise long enough to build around him. Then when he makes the mega max you have to be able to put a competitive team around him without hitting the tax. It just feels like the odds or so high that it's better just to hope for sustained competitiveness.

On the other hand my NFL team is the Bears. The last time they won a championship was 40 years ago. They haven't been completely irrelevant since then, but almost. I wouldn't trade that one championship 40 years ago for anything. Somehow, winning a championship almost 40 years ago still has me feeling like the franchise is a winning franchise and can do it again. Whereas the Jazz have been a much better franchise throughout my life than the Bears, but I almost have no hope we'll ever win a championship.

Hmmm... any other thoughts?
Moving this to another forum. It won't get much traction here. If you want me to do so, I can.
I think people just don't care that much, which is fine. If people are like me they look at the What's New feed, so they would see this thread. I can see that this thread has almost 200 views and only 4 people bothered to vote, which I think is telling me this is something people don't care that much about. I started the thread because it's slow, so it's ok.
I think people just don't care that much, which is fine. If people are like me they look at the What's New feed, so they would see this thread. I can see that this thread has almost 200 views and only 4 people bothered to vote, which I think is telling me this is something people don't care that much about. I started the thread because it's slow, so it's ok.
Or that it’s had 190 bots visit it.
Third option. I've been cheering for a team that's largely been competitive and mostly in the playoffs for 30+ years and haven't gotten a championship. Now that I've had the former, I want the latter. Like if I were asked now if I'd choose the next 20 years of my Jazz fandom to include 20 years of playoffs or one championship, it's an easy decision. When I look back at the last 20 years of Jazz fandom, how much satisfaction have I gotten? I'm trying to envision if I were to know at this moment that in 20 years I'd still be posting here, still no closer to a championship than we are now, that would be incredibly depressing. If I were posting on here 20 years from now and our team isn't all that relevant, but we've won a championship, that changes things.

So my simple answer would be win a title, but that comes with the asterisk that I've already experienced the 20 years of playoffs and I'm awaiting the next step.
More or less this. I viewed it as a "from this point going forward" kind of thing and voted for winning the chip then 20 years of crap.
The only other sports team I like(d) is the Saints. I followed them pretty closely after I moved close to the area when I was a kid. Probably watched nearly every game for a 10 year period. But my fandom wasnt 10% of what it is for the Jazz. I didnt scout the draft or post on Saints message boards. I kind of just watched games. I was like an advanced casual I guess.

After they won the Super Bowl I just kind of stopped watching. There were other factors too, but it was like "Oh wow, that thing I invested a good amount of time in happened and now everything else they do seems kind of boring".

If the Jazz won a ring then I knew they would not make the playoffs for the next 20 years, I'd probably just stop watching. Enjoying the journey is more important than the end result and that's true with most things in life.

But obviously this is a stupid *** hypothetical question (no offense to OP). The joy of watching sports is not knowing, so having the results predetermined would ruin the experience.
Would you rather walk in on your wife ****ing your best friend or walk in on your dog ****ing your obviously consenting wife?
Winning...a championship.

I know what one of those options feels like, I don't know what the other one does.
Would you rather walk in on your wife ****ing your best friend or walk in on your dog ****ing your obviously consenting wife?
I'd rather walk in to find my dog ****ing my best friend and my wife in the corner eating ice cream while wearing nipple clamps.