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Afghan War Revelations

I am shocked, shocked I tell you. I would never have guessed that government overstates successes and understates failures. What I can't believe is that this is a consistent issue regardless of which political party is in charge, never would have expected it under my preferred party.

Seriously though, anyone who served in Afghanistan or Iraq could have told you all of these same things. From boots on ground perspective it was very clear that after about the first 6 months there was no plan. You wonder why there is so much mental health issues with our military, it is because we put them in harms way without a plan or purpose. When there is no righteous cause or material benefit soldiers can use to justify the 2% casualty rate it becomes hard to handle.
I am shocked, shocked I tell you. I would never have guessed that government overstates successes and understates failures. What I can't believe is that this is a consistent issue regardless of which political party is in charge, never would have expected it under my preferred party.

Seriously though, anyone who served in Afghanistan or Iraq could have told you all of these same things. From boots on ground perspective it was very clear that after about the first 6 months there was no plan. You wonder why there is so much mental health issues with our military, it is because we put them in harms way without a plan or purpose. When there is no righteous cause or material benefit soldiers can use to justify the 2% casualty rate it becomes hard to handle.

This is why we absolutely need to smear antiwar candidates such as Tulsi Gabbard and Trump. They are filthy Russian Agents. Stopping wars favors Putin and the Russians.
This is grounds to start some ****. All the lives that were taken... this filth needs to start being held accountable.