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Attempted Coup Underway in Venezuela

Honestly, I hope this is happening because the military has overwhelmingly decided to support Guaido and the "transition" will take place with minimal violence.

Good luck Venezuela!
We've been working on this coup for quite some time. The Koch brothers and company want easy access to the Venezuelan oil, the largest reserve in the world, 5X that of Saudi Arabia. Don't believe the crap that their socialist economy is the problem. It's our economic boycott that has destroyed their economy. Another immoral coup by the U.S.
All puppets. Hope this works out terribly for the US military industrial complex.
I hope the fewest possible number of Venezuelans are harmed and that ultimately their lives improve. I wouldn't want to more suffering and death just to see the U.S. military industrial complex get a black eye that will fade within a week or two.
There are also members of the Bolivian National Guard on the ground in support of Guaido.

Very volatile. Hope injury and loss of life is minimal.
I agree with Rubashov that this coup has a large degree of US influence and backing for imperial purposes.

However, I don't think the US was entirely responsible for Venezuela's problems, and am hopeful conditions will improve there.
It’s starting to go hot. Reports of gun fire outside an military air base, video of military vehicles running over people, a Colonel has been shot. Pics and video of military members of Venezuela and Bolivia facing off and firing into the air. Gas canisters being thrown back and forth.

Here we go...
I hope the fewest possible number of Venezuelans are harmed and that ultimately their lives improve. I wouldn't want to more suffering and death just to see the U.S. military industrial complex get a black eye that will fade within a week or two.


The response you replied to is such an asshat way of thinking. I get that people don't like the US, but to this degree is absurd.

So edgy.
It’s starting to go hot. Reports of gun fire outside an military air base, video of military vehicles running over people, a Colonel has been shot. Pics and video of military members of Venezuela and Bolivia facing off and firing into the air. Gas canisters being thrown back and forth.

Here we go...
Just saw the video of the armored vehicle running over protesters. There are a couple that did not get up. Incredible and atrocious.
I hope the fewest possible number of Venezuelans are harmed and that ultimately their lives improve. I wouldn't want to more suffering and death just to see the U.S. military industrial complex get a black eye that will fade within a week or two.

Not to mention limiting those interfering to just the American Military Complex is ignorant of the full story. It is already known that at least Russia and Bolivia have members of their military in Venezuela. It’s far more complex than the convenient boogeyman “America”.
Tell me I’m right.

I feel like this, and Trump, and other **** going on in the world is sad, and spells the end of times for a decent society, but then I think, I’m just getting older and more crotchety and **** like this has been going on forever. The Cold War, Libya, Afghanistan, **** like that around 1980 when a I was a kid, and the world really hasn’t changed that much in this regard.
Just makes me sad for my children I guess.

And I’m not against the coup. Sounds warranted from what all y’all have said.
Tell me I’m right.

I feel like this, and Trump, and other **** going on in the world is sad, and spells the end of times for a decent society, but then I think, I’m just getting older and more crotchety and **** like this has been going on forever. The Cold War, Libya, Afghanistan, **** like that around 1980 when a I was a kid, and the world really hasn’t changed that much in this regard.

Yemen, Korean War, Vietnam, Russian invasion of Afghanistan, Crimea, Iranian revolution, Iran/Iraq war, India v Pakistan a half dozen times, Sandinistas, Central American Northern Triangle, Turks v Kurds, Sunni v Shia, Somalia, Sudan, FARC in Columbia... its never stopped. People love their categories and enemies.
Well, I figured that if the coup was going to succeed it would be over by now...