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NO VS Jazz 7pm MTS - Ingles will be out Wednesday...

The Midnight

... from an oral surgery.

Get Well Soon Joe.

Jody Genessy ‏@DJJazzyJody 44m44 minutes ago
Jazz forward Joe Ingles (oral surgery) will not play Wednesday against the Pelicans.




The "Tripple Wing"


Go Jazz!!!!
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Naos now owns this thread.

Seriously, how boring is this Jazz team that the most exciting things we talk about are kevin Durrant post game comments and Joe Ingles dentist appointments.
Looks like this is the closest thing there is to a game thread.

Triple wing is starting tonight. So is Jeff Withey.

Quin is going to end this skid right now.
Triple wing is starting tonight. So is Jeff Withey.


Going to bet for the jazz to cover due to this news
I also bet Hayward over 18 points, Hayward over 8 total rebounds and assists, hood over 11 points, and first basket by either team to be a three pointer

Counting on a hayward bounce back game
Looks like this is the closest thing there is to a game thread.

Triple wing is starting tonight. So is Jeff Withey.

Quin is going to end this skid right now.

OK I've decided to turn this into a game thread.... unless anybody objects or wanted to make another one let me know.

Go Jazz!!!!
OK I've decided to turn this into a game thread.... unless anybody objects or wanted to make another one let me know.

Go Jazz!!!!
Good work. I approve.

Though I like having really well done intricate and funny gamethreads the main thing for me is simply having a thread to discuss the game and I don't really get all hung up about the quality
Good work. I approve.

Though I like having really well done intricate and funny gamethreads the main thing for me is simply having a thread to discuss the game and I don't really get all hung up about the quality

Haha.. yes agreed. Although I did make sure there are hot girls and fried chicken in there so that should surely count for something!!!!
Haha.. yes agreed. Although I did make sure there are hot girls and fried chicken in there so that should surely count for something!!!!
True and I appreciate that.
Now for my addition to the thread..... The good luck jazz girl will be a classic from back in my horny pre teen years.