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One sobering incident sums up this Jazz team


Gordon Hayward yielding his ground at the free throw line to J.J. Barea was one of the saddest, most infuriating moments I have ever experienced as a Jazz fan. Way to fight bag, Too Big. By stepping aside instead of holding his ground, Hayward summed up this season's Jazz team: back off and don't fight. Can you imagine John Stockton stepping back? Karl Malone? Deron Williams? Harping? Me neither, but sadly I can see Al Jefferson doing it or CJ Miles, or even Derrick Favors. I was really hoping to see this team coming together at this point in the season but instead, they seem to be reverting back to the team that limped to the end of last season. I was hoping to see Hayward look more like the guy who went toe-to-toe with Kobe last year but instead he is the cowering puppy, scared to stand up, and highly likely to piss himself.

I'm still shaking my head at that one play, one play that is a microcosm of this team. Sad.
I can't hate on Hayward to much. He's a 2nd year player and I'm sure he was a little afraid of getting called for a foul if he breathed on him. I expect Al to AT LEAST put a hand up.
I can't hate on Hayward to much. He's a 2nd year player and I'm sure he was a little afraid of getting called for a foul if he breathed on him.

Just don't move out of the way. They can't call a foul on you if you just firmly stand your ground.
Can't say I disagree.

This team does lack mental toughness.

Seeing what Jeremy Lin is doing, I don't see why Harris couldn't be doing it. He has the skills, we've seen them. But Lin plays with confidence and he goes for it (which is why he also has a lot of turnovers), while Harris just.......doesn't.
I'm not sure if it is a rule, but Harp said that a Tech should have been called on Barea. But not on this night would the refs have helped the jazz out like that.
I didn't see the play, but you're right about the fight...they don't seem to have much in them. They talk about getting things turned around and fighting through it, but they all have to want it enough to leave it on the court. Is Corbin tough & inspiring enough to coach this group? It can't all be the coach, but it might have to start with him before the players catch on & get going.
I can't hate on Hayward to much. He's a 2nd year player and I'm sure he was a little afraid of getting called for a foul if he breathed on him.

The only thing that would have been called would have been a double technical. Instead, he shrank away from the Hobbit Barea and then missed the free throw.
I'd have made him go around me and stare him down the entire way.
Gordon Hayward yielding his ground at the free throw line to J.J. Barea was one of the saddest, most infuriating moments I have ever experienced as a Jazz fan. Way to fight bag, Too Big. By stepping aside instead of holding his ground, Hayward summed up this season's Jazz team: back off and don't fight. Can you imagine John Stockton stepping back? Karl Malone? Deron Williams? Harping? Me neither, but sadly I can see Al Jefferson doing it or CJ Miles, or even Derrick Favors. I was really hoping to see this team coming together at this point in the season but instead, they seem to be reverting back to the team that limped to the end of last season. I was hoping to see Hayward look more like the guy who went toe-to-toe with Kobe last year but instead he is the cowering puppy, scared to stand up, and highly likely to piss himself.

I'm still shaking my head at that one play, one play that is a microcosm of this team. Sad.

Oops. I must have misread your message. I thought you were talking about the last play of the game.
There have been other signs. Favors allowing Dirk to knock the ball out of his hands with no comment. (Watson got pissed and did something)
Complete collapses at the end of games. We need someone to show these players how to be tough without crossing the line.

Hayward could easily have stood his ground or pushed JJ out of the way(I would have done the 2nd, But I'm known as a bit of a dirty player). Instead he just took it and nothing happened. If Hayward stands his ground and forces Barea to make more contact with him they would almost be forced to call a Tech on Barea. But he just moved out of the way with no fight in him. I knew at that point he would miss.

If he pushes JJ out of the way and says something to the ref the worst that happens is they call a double "T".

He needed to do somthing though. Not just take it and get out of the way.
I would've just made the free throw! That's all there is to it. You guys want to talk about the way Barrea cut him off but that's not the issue at all. He missed the free throw! That's the issue.
There have been other signs. Favors allowing Dirk to knock the ball out of his hands with no comment. (Watson got pissed and did something)
Complete collapses at the end of games. We need someone to show these players how to be tough without crossing the line.

Hayward could easily have stood his ground or pushed JJ out of the way(I would have done the 2nd, But I'm known as a bit of a dirty player). Instead he just took it and nothing happened. If Hayward stands his ground and forces Barea to make more contact with him they would almost be forced to call a Tech on Barea. But he just moved out of the way with no fight in him. I knew at that point he would miss.

If he pushes JJ out of the way and says something to the ref the worst that happens is they call a double "T".

He needed to do somthing though. Not just take it and get out of the way.


When I play ball, if someone is giving me cheap shots or anything of the sort, I knock them to the floor. I get a foul or something, but that person stops the crap.
Yes, I am that good!

actually, I don't play ball much anymore. City league sucks and church ball is just not worth it.
Hayward wasn't even paying attention and barely noticed, I doubt it registered what Barea did. Relax.
BS. Hayward moved to the line as part of his routine. There is no way he barely noticed. He even tried to redo his FT routine to get reset. Complete poor sportsmanship by Barea and he should have recieved a tech for it.
If he physically pushes JJ, Hayward probably gets a tech, not smart. He should have just firmly stood the line.
I would've just made the free throw! That's all there is to it. You guys want to talk about the way Barrea cut him off but that's not the issue at all. He missed the free throw! That's the issue.

Had he made it, I still would have been pissed because it was his chance to stand up and fight back. Instead, he backed down to one of the smallest players in the game. What does that tell you about his heart? No way does Raja Bell, Earl Watson, or Josh Howard step back. Then again, I doubt Frodo Barea would have tried it with any of those players.
I would've just made the free throw! That's all there is to it. You guys want to talk about the way Barrea cut him off but that's not the issue at all. He missed the free throw! That's the issue.
You don't think having somebody intentionally interfere with your FT routine had something to do with that? Hayward at the least should have walked back off of the FT line and took his time and redid his routine the right way. At the very least. But not getting pushed out of the way at all would have been preferable.