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Will we ever win a ring?

Will we win a ring? (Yes/No) If so, when?

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That's it, will we ever win a ring and if so, when? Everyone gets 2 votes, 1 for "will we ever win a ring" and 1 for "if so, when".

Very frustrating season so far. If they don't do something soon they'll lose another all star. Time to blow their wad on something. I'm kind of doubting I'll ever see it in my lifetime. Anyway, discuss...
I voted "sometime in the next 50 years" but I really doubt I ever see a banner in the Jazz stadium in my lifetime, wherever they end up with wild-man Ryan running rough shod over all the Jazz traditions.
It’s possible but I wouldn’t hold my breath. I think we’ve probably only had 3 seasons in the past 50 years where we could have realistically won. Two of those years the refs/league obviously wanted Jordan to win. The last was the 20-21 season where we choked against the Clippers. I am optimistic that we have the assets to do something within the next few years but there’s not a whole lot of room for errors in drafts and trades.
I voted never. We are too unempowered on the FA acquisition landscape to make it happen.

As Colin Cowherd said 8 or so years ago "the NBA doesn't have an equity problem (small vs big markets) - it has real estate problem"

I'm so glad SLC has had a franchise all these years, but we are an outlier in an era when players are able to force trades to be where they want.
we are an outlier in an era when players are able to force trades to be where they want.

On the other hand... players who force trades probably won't stop doing that just because they sign with your team. A lot of clubs have learned that the hard way. It's dangerous to go after these eternally "disgruntled" types.
As Utah Jazz? I don't think so.
We will win after relocating, 100 years from now.
Maybe 100 years from now NBA become global and Jazz can relocate somewhere in Africa.
We have a lot of draft picks coming up, maybe we get very lucky and that leads to a title. Seems like our only chance.
As Utah Jazz? I don't think so.
We will win after relocating, 100 years from now.
Maybe 100 years from now NBA become global and Jazz can relocate somewhere in Africa.
In 100 years, SLC will be a bigger market than most of the current NBA markets.
In 100 years, SLC will be a bigger market than most of the current NBA markets.
I’m sure that in 2124, championship rings will be available in every corner drug store, but here in 2024 they’re a little hard to come by.
We have a lot of draft picks coming up, maybe we get very lucky and that leads to a title. Seems like our only chance.

We've had two team-eras featuring paired HOF players, assuming Rudy gets in and he will.

I'm curious to know how that stacks up against other franchises.
I voted "sometime in the next 50 years" but I really doubt I ever see a banner in the Jazz stadium in my lifetime, wherever they end up with wild-man Ryan running rough shod over all the Jazz traditions.
It makes me sad that my dad is gone and will never see one. I'm a fan because of him. In my latter teen years (90s) we watched every game together. I had a job at Shopko in the electronics department and when the Jazz played I'd put Hotrod on the radios and call my dad on the work phone when I had the chance to talk about critical plays, he was watching the game on TV.

If they do win I know that I will cry because I will be thinking about my dad and how fun it would have been to share that experience with him. There is no one I would rather share that experience with but it will never happen. It makes me sad to think about, but I do want to see the Jazz win a championship and I think they will.
I choose yes and 5 to 10 years. But hope it will happen before. We should have tank hard the the last 2 seasons and get top pick. If we are not able attract star players first, the best way is to get great players through the draft, which mean a bit of luck. Minny draft KAT and ANT at 1 and they sucks for years to get good draft position.. But now they are good and they can attract good players to join. No star players are interesting to sign to Detroit or Washington right now. On the other side, i'm sure SA can improve quickly just become they got Wemby.