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The *OFFICIAL* Russia Is About To Invade Ukraine Thread

But you don’t just “ask” anything. You describe other posters in a manner suggesting there could not be a worse human being alive today. You take what a poster says, and twist it until, it not only represents the very opposite of what they said, but is deliberately designed to trigger those individuals. I spent years studying the religious traditions of the world, from shamanism to the major faiths. I studied the inner traditions of those major faiths, what some call “the Perennial Wisdom”. For many years. But you would have me as someone who hates anyone who embraces Christianity. You do not know me, and you have no real business describing me, or anyone else here, in that hateful way. Well, Christian nationalism should be called out for what it is. I am both entitled to that point of view, and it is a point of view that is not attacking religious beliefs at all. It is showing how so-called Christians use that faith to push anti-Golden Rule hate.

Demanding that other posters answer specific questions, over and over in your replies, while acting like you are the most victimized poster, (your posts always seem to be some version of “the world revolves around me”), all while describing people in the most hateful manner you cam muster. And for what? Because some of us have a very, very low an opinion of Trump? We’re entitled to our opinions, and slamming the guy is not over the top at all. I can separate the man from some of his followers. Some are my friends, and I value their friendships a great deal.

You said once that you decided, since you regard leftist views expressed here to be, in so many words, over the top and absurd, that you would do the same with right leaning talking points. But, you can do that without speaking of others here in the piss-poor way you do. You don’t have to seek out ways to anger others. If I say how I feel about Trump, that does not mean I hate you, or anyone else who does not hate Trump. You can’t post rebuttals to left leaning points, without first making sure anybody who disagrees with you is first described as a horrific, hateful, human being, everyone who disagrees with you has to be one of the worst human beings alive today.

And you get angry when someone returns your positions unanswered, because you trash the hell out of someone, and then demand “why won’t you answer my question!!!!”. If you just examine your own tone, your own words, it should not be such a mystery to you.
Where did I demand anything? Even Thriller pointed out that I have been perplexed about the love and support of Ukraine since day one. Now I see Democrats waving the flag in the chamber? Why exactly? It seems to me, and I've brought this up that people are celebrating this war. Now I understand that Russia invading Ukraine is completely wrong but why is that our problem? People really think Russia who can barely beat Ukraine is going to take other countries? I don't. Russia has specifically said it's stuck to Ukraine. Now you make the claim that just because I say something like that, I am a Russia bot or since we don't want to fun this needless war, that we are some Russian implants. Your documentary accused this, Thriller posted some odd link saying that Christian Nationalist are going to turn America into Russia in 2025. But still I asked a simple question. I didn't antagonize or anything.

"Red... Can you tell me what you like about Ukraine specifically? What is so amazing about Ukraine? I absolutely despise Russia and Putin but you all act like Ukraine is some historically great country when it's a garbage country itself. But maybe I'm just not educated on Ukraines historically racist and corrupt country. What am I missing? Ukraine is terrible with human rights, just like Russia."

You are literally fabricating the tone.

And yes, when you guys call people "cult" on a daily occasion, I take that as hate. Can you describe to me how it's not blatant hatred? That's another simple question that you guys say is trolling but it's an honest question, is it not? All because someone votes differently? When you attack a person for liking Trump and being a Christian, yes I take that as hate too. Your documentary you posted the other day said there were "seas of Christians holding crosses and Christian flags" but there wasn't. You told me to google search and I proved the search. Were there some crosses and religion symbols? But not "seas" of them like this was some predetermined tally. You use terms like Christian Nationalist and say how they are a threat but you don't say a damn thing about the Democrats shutting down colleges, telling Jews to leave this country(Columbia), people chanting death to America, and people literally showing up at Google to intimidate Jews. You literally stay silent about that. I don't see Christian Nationalist doing anything even remotely close to this. Not even an iota. So excuse me when I feel you are just fabricating one sided bs propaganda.

And again, maybe the same could be said to you guys. Maybe I wouldn't respond in kind if you didn't refer to people I love and cherish as a cult. I'm grouping you up with others but do you think your friends and family would agree with you guys when you call them cultist behind their back? Every single day? Again how is that ok? Why is it ok for you all to bully? I live in Trump country and like anyone there are some bad apples but 99% of us just want a better country and are really good humans. Great humans. To you though they are a cult. You hate Trump yet you call your friends and family cultist.

And that's the thing as well. You guys think I am the one starting and I fully believe that it's you guys who start it. You guys call me a transphobe because I think children should have to wait until 18 to get life altering surgeries? Because I think women deserve their own sports and bathrooms? Do I dedicate entire threads to call you guys names? No. Do you think calling someone a transphobe for simply having a secondary opinion is not flat out bullying? It 100% is. I have never once said I dislike a trans person or am afraid of them. But when I say "men should not be allowed in womens and girls areas", I'm called a transphobe. How is that not blatant trolling and bullying? Again, I'm not trolling by asking a simple question, I'm genuinely perplexed why it's ok for you guys to call others unneccary names? Do I start threads dedicated to you hating Christians even though you supposedly don't? No. Do you guys start threads dedicated to calling others names to flat out bully the opposing opinion? Yes. I am no cult member nor am I a transphobe.

"If I say how I feel about Trump, that does not mean I hate you".
This has always worked for me. He always wanted to be a mob boss, and settled for the Oval Office. He’s telling his cult that he’s tougher than Al Capone, been doing that for awhile actually….The mob boss as larger than life…
Why is it ok for you to call people cultist? Could you please explain how this is not the very same thing you accuse me of? That anyone who supports Trump is too stupid to think for themselves and are in a cult? That anyone who belives in God and likes America is a Christian Nationalist? What about the people rioting and shutting down colleges? Are they Muslim Nationalist because they believe in Islam an love Palestine? Hell Palestine is 98% Muslim so shouldn't they be Muslim Nationalist or does it not work that way?

And you know why I changed my name from Jazzy? And you will not believe me but because people like @fishonjazz and @The Thriller started following me around to even the Jazz forum to bully and call me racist and other things. Taking politics to the sports forums. I couldn't even talk basketball without fish following me everywhere for a while. That is why I have a little grudge with them and their hypocrisy. Call me a liar on that but that is the honest to God truth.
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But you don’t just “ask” anything. You describe other posters in a manner suggesting there could not be a worse human being alive today. You take what a poster says, and twist it until, it not only represents the very opposite of what they said, but is deliberately designed to trigger those individuals. I spent years studying the religious traditions of the world, from shamanism to the major faiths. I studied the inner traditions of those major faiths, what some call “the Perennial Wisdom”. For many years. But you would have me as someone who hates anyone who embraces Christianity. You do not know me, and you have no real business describing me, or anyone else here, in that hateful way. Well, Christian nationalism should be called out for what it is. I am both entitled to that point of view, and it is a point of view that is not attacking religious beliefs at all. It is showing how so-called Christians use that faith to push anti-Golden Rule hate.

Demanding that other posters answer specific questions, over and over in your replies, while acting like you are the most victimized poster, (your posts always seem to be some version of “the world revolves around me”), all while describing people in the most hateful manner you cam muster. And for what? Because some of us have a very, very low an opinion of Trump? We’re entitled to our opinions, and slamming the guy is not over the top at all. I can separate the man from some of his followers. Some are my friends, and I value their friendships a great deal.

You said once that you decided, since you regard leftist views expressed here to be, in so many words, over the top and absurd, that you would do the same with right leaning talking points. But, you can do that without speaking of others here in the piss-poor way you do. You don’t have to seek out ways to anger others. If I say how I feel about Trump, that does not mean I hate you, or anyone else who does not hate Trump. You can’t post rebuttals to left leaning points, without first making sure anybody who disagrees with you is first described as a horrific, hateful, human being, everyone who disagrees with you has to be one of the worst human beings alive today.

And you get angry when someone returns your positions unanswered, because you trash the hell out of someone, and then demand “why won’t you answer my question!!!!”. If you just examine your own tone, your own words, it should not be such a mystery to you.
While I applaud your intent and sense of decorum, I would be remiss if I didn't point out the obvious, that you are casting your pearls before swine in this attempt. But I'm glad you called it out directly as it gives us better grounds for reporting their trollery in the future.
While I applaud your intent and sense of decorum, I would be remiss if I didn't point out the obvious, that you are casting your pearls before swine in this attempt. But I'm glad you called it out directly as it gives us better grounds for reporting their trollery in the future.
Now this is just unnecessary and blatant trolling. Hell check Logs history and he rarely adds anything of value besides trolling in this thread. Very very rarely. He literally just comes in to stir the pot and attack another poster.

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You are flat out wrong Thriller. You fabricated a scenario out of nowhere. I said nothing even remotely confrontational as far as asking red his thoughts on Ukraine. Lol at you bringing up a random conversation from over a year ago. I am genuinely curious why people love the country so much. Now what I said about Biden may be confrontational but it's my honest to God opinion. I find it repulsive that biological men can now safely and freely go into women's bathrooms and locker rooms. That is not a phobia. That is common sense that has been lost.

You and Red are the only ones attacking posters AS ALWAYS. Not me. Moving on though. YOu guys got me. Good work.

Why do i feel like every time you open your disingenuous, half educated, ignorant mouth, we all lose? The ideas of the enlightenment lose, western civilisation loses, that you and people like you will be the death of human decency and courage? That you and people like you are the worst of us and suddenly through some nightmare dreamed up by people incomprehensibly worse, scum like you think the world cares about the ridiculous ignorant misinformed crap you spew into the world? You and what you believe in is the impotent fury of the uneducated swill the populates trailer parks and and truck stops throughout your **** hole country. You are without any human value, you have no morality, no sense and contribute nothing to the world, I encourage you and all like you to do the community a favour and **** right off.
Why do i feel like every time you open your disingenuous, half educated, ignorant mouth, we all lose? The ideas of the enlightenment lose, western civilisation loses, that you and people like you will be the death of human decency and courage? That you and people like you are the worst of us and suddenly through some nightmare dreamed up by people incomprehensibly worse, scum like you think the world cares about the ridiculous ignorant misinformed crap you spew into the world? You and what you believe in is the impotent fury of the uneducated swill the populates trailer parks and and truck stops throughout your **** hole country. You are without any human value, you have no morality, no sense and contribute nothing to the world, I encourage you and all like you to do the community a favour and **** right off.
Another blatant trolling post... I thought this was supposed to be let go but they continue the direct attack on me. I've never said anything even remotely close to this... Both of these blatantly hateful post should have you banned IMO. You're literally talking of murdering people. Executing them.................. Very very disgusting behavior for a human being. I don't want anyone executed in cold blood outside of pedophiles and rapist.
The rights not interested in independence, they want collaborators and compliance. In a better time in our history people who supported this **** and acted in the ways that Trump would encourage people to act were treated very differently. I and millions of others consider them to be traitors, in the good old day these morally bankrupt scumbags would be put up against a wall and shot and that's exactly what they deserve.
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Another blatant trolling post... I thought this was supposed to be let go but they continue the direct attack on me. I've never said anything even remotely close to this... Both of these blatantly hateful post should have you banned IMO. You're literally talking of murdering people. Executing them.................. Very very disgusting behavior for a human being. I don't want anyone executed in cold blood outside of pedophiles and rapist.

Get a bit touchy when the talk turns to executing traitors? Is that cause you know you are one or at the very least support them? Every last insurrectionist should be put against a wall and finished off with a 308. They could auction off the privilege, people would come from everywhere to see justice done. Trump and his supporters don't just represent and existential threat to American democracy, they represent a threat to the idea of democracy. I look at the stupidity of Americans supporting that criminal fraud and i think, maybe we should start restricting voting rights, maybe a basic cognitive and literacy test should be required?
Get a bit touchy when the talk turns to executing traitors? Is that cause you know you are one or at the very least support them? Every last insurrectionist should be put against a wall and finished off with a 308. They could auction off the privilege, people would come from everywhere to see justice done. Trump and his supporters don't just represent and existential threat to American democracy, they represent a threat to the idea of democracy. I look at the stupidity of Americans supporting that criminal fraud and i think, maybe we should start restricting voting rights, maybe a basic cognitive and literacy test should be required?
Case in point. Post like this are directed at me often I just dont report them. Jason asked us all to cool it and you guys continue to attack me. I'll digress but wanting to murder people... I've never. This is now the third time people have wanted people like me dead here. Here's Log literally laughing at this blatant trolling while accusing others of his own victim playing hypocrisy. Further evidence of who is really responsible. Log thinks wishing death on Trump supporters is funny...

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Case in point. Post like this are directed at me often I just dont report them. Jason asked us all to cool it and you guys continue to attack me. I'll digress but wanting to murder people... I've never. This is now the third time people have wanted me dead here.

Seems like you're suffering from a persecution complex have you considered seeking professional help for your disingenuous, self serving, narcissistic nonsense?
i think, maybe we should start restricting voting rights, maybe a basic cognitive and literacy test should be required?
I support your recognition of universal suffrage being a bad idea but I'm not clear on why you've decided to dress yourself in a white sheet and started burning crosses on neighbor's lawns.

I thought this article was worth reading. It’s about the disinformation war being waged on us by authoritarians around the world. It’s one of the big reasons why I believe we should support Ukraine against Russia. Delivering a big L to Putin will put China on notice and hopefully help clear up our own bad actors domestically. Right now many are just flooding the zone with **** (we see it here everyday on this website) that cause people to become disconnected from reality (vaccines are bad, Trump won, mail in ballots are bad, nationalism is good). Normal everyday Americans don’t benefit from when rich billionaires and authoritarian leaders wage disinformation wars against their society. It makes it really hard for government to serve its citizens (which is what many of the rich in America want. It’s hard to regulate them, raise taxes, and provide social services to the poor and needy when no one can agree what reality is).

Give it a read!

I thought this article was worth reading. It’s about the disinformation war being waged on us by authoritarians around the world. It’s one of the big reasons why I believe we should support Ukraine against Russia. Delivering a big L to Putin will put China on notice and hopefully help clear up our own bad actors domestically. Right now many are just flooding the zone with **** (we see it here everyday on this website) that cause people to become disconnected from reality (vaccines are bad, Trump won, mail in ballots are bad, nationalism is good). Normal everyday Americans don’t benefit from when rich billionaires and authoritarian leaders wage disinformation wars against their society. It makes it really hard for government to serve its citizens (which is what many of the rich in America want. It’s hard to regulate them, raise taxes, and provide social services to the poor and needy when no one can agree what reality is).

Give it a read!

That's a long paragraph to say nothing lol. The funny thing is you don't even address anything the article is about. Literally not a single thing . Not even an iota. Probably because it's behind a paywall and you didn't read it. @fishonjazz what's the article about?

I ask because I would address it if Thriller actually used digital literacy and explained his point instead of just provide a link he obviously didn't read as he didn't address anything. He just posted a pay link lol. And no, I see nothing wrong with Nationalism but you're not capable of debate. Just childishly mock and post links. A true digital literate that is afraid of debate. And nobody ever said vaccines are bad lol melodramatic liar.
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I thought this article was worth reading. It’s about the disinformation war being waged on us by authoritarians around the world. It’s one of the big reasons why I believe we should support Ukraine against Russia. Delivering a big L to Putin will put China on notice and hopefully help clear up our own bad actors domestically. Right now many are just flooding the zone with **** (we see it here everyday on this website) that cause people to become disconnected from reality (vaccines are bad, Trump won, mail in ballots are bad, nationalism is good). Normal everyday Americans don’t benefit from when rich billionaires and authoritarian leaders wage disinformation wars against their society. It makes it really hard for government to serve its citizens (which is what many of the rich in America want. It’s hard to regulate them, raise taxes, and provide social services to the poor and needy when no one can agree what reality is).

Give it a read!

Hey Mr. Ukraine Nationalist by definition....I would love your opinion on US funding over 60% of this war. If this is sooooo important then why is Ukraine literally begging America for money and arms? Where is NATO? Instead of passive aggressive childish bullying I would love to understand why NATO can't help more. Western Ukraine is getting pounded and it's *** kicked right now and NATO isn't doing ****. Why not? Just admit you don't know or care. You just see catchy headlines that you obviously didn't even read and post it while not addressing anything but Trump obsession.

The mass barrages also drain Ukrainian air defenses of ammunition as Kyiv’s depleted forces await delivery of the latest batch of promised Western military support. Ukrainian officials have been pleading for more NATO-standard air defense systems, such as Patriots.

Russian bombardments, though frequent, have become less regular in recent weeks, and Ukrainian officials suspect Moscow is stockpiling resources ahead of a major battlefield offensive that could come within weeks.

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I haven't see a lot of coverage on it in the major media outlets, but Russia has launched a new attack to take Kharkiv. They haven't tried to do that since the first days of the invasion.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xFUzcEki6QI

Think tank ISW has been warning Russia would do this in recent days due to Russia trying to take anything they can before American arms can get to the theater.
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I haven't see a lot of coverage on it in the major media outlets, but Russia has launched a new attack to take Kharkiv. They haven't tried to do that since the first days of the invasion.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xFUzcEki6QI

Think tank ISW has been warning Russia would do this in recent days due to Russia trying to take anything they can before American arms can get to the theater.

Ukraine are pulling away from Kharkiv. Trumptard traitors did this.
Ukraine are pulling away from Kharkiv. Trumptard traitors did this.
Uh, no. The imposed rules of engagement combined with the smaller population of Ukraine relative to Russia did this.

Kharkiv is right next to the Russian border. When Europe and the US supplied weapons, we told Ukraine they were not allowed to use them to hit targets in Russia. The weapons are good enough that every time there was a concentration of Russian troops in Crimea or Donbass, the Ukrainians could hit them. Until recently, the Russians used to be safe if the troop concentrations were far enough away from the front lines because the US refused to supply the long range ATACMS missiles. That changed a few weeks ago. Now, with the longer range ATACMS in their arsenal, Ukraine can hit any point in Crimea and Donbass.

Here are hits on targets in the bottom of Crimea:

...And here are strikes on Kupiansk:

The only place safe now from being hit by Western weapons is in Russia. The Russian army has been moving troops in large numbers to right across the border from Kharkiv, and everybody sees it but the United States won't allow Ukraine to even fire at them with a slingshot or BB gun if the weapon came in an aid package. We've flooded the area with anti-tank weapons, but the Russians aren't using vehicles for this Kharkiv assault. They are using 5-man groups that work their way forward on foot to regroup at the target. Only about 30% of the troops get through but Russia is sending so many thanks to the large reserves they have safe out in the open on the Russian side of the border that it is still a threat. Trump has zero to do with any of the current situation in Kharkiv. Please rip up your voter card.

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If Trump has the power to release this man, why doesn’t he? Instead, he’s blackmailing us. Which shouldn’t be a surprise. He does this all the time. He held Stormy’s career until she slept with him. He held up military aid for Ukraine. He’s just a mob boss that has got millions of cultists who worship him.

Last time Repubs did this (Johnson v Nixon) they kept it mostly a secret. Not anymore. He’s just tweeting the strategy.

View: https://x.com/radiofreetom/status/1793682720985334243?s=46
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