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Alec or Wes

Which player would you prefer in a Jazz uni?

  • Alec Burks

    Votes: 28 54.9%
  • Wes Matthews

    Votes: 23 45.1%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
I get why the Jazz didn't resign Wes given what Portland gave him, particularly what it meant in terms of total dollars given that it made us spend luxury tax dollars above and beyond his salary. That being said, letting him walk is at the top of my list of former players I wish we still had. And Burks has had his good times but I still question his decision making and shot selection. Never felt that way with Wes. If you had your choice of Wes or Alec who would it be?
Gonna go with Burks. Matthews was better as a rookie but also 3 years older in his rookie year. Although Matthews is scoring around 13-15 PPG in Portland, his efficiency has dropped off. Despite killing his old team on a regular basis, he hasn't really got much better. In three years Burks could be a monster.
Right now Matthews is clearly a more complete player and I love the toughness and physicality he brings as a 2-guard, although you can argue Wes has reached his potential while we're not quite sure where Burks' ceiling is. Wes has gained experience but for the most part there hasn't been any major improvement since he signed with Portland. He's pretty much the same player now that he was as a starter in Utah - the only real difference is opportunties and shot attempts.

Right now I'd take Wes and would love to plug him in and have a lineup of Harris, Wes and Hayward, although big picture (i.e. over the next 3-4 years) it may turn out better to have Alec Burks with Alec Burks' contract over Wes Matthews with Wes Matthews' contract. Some day that extra cap room could make a difference.
We need 3pt shooting more than penetration right now with Hayward & Harris.. so I would have to say Wes.

3pt shots just open up so many chances for our bigs inside.
I voted Burks because the Jazz would have been ill-advised to pay Wes Matthews' salary. That being said, I would like Wes for his 3-point shooting. I guess if salary/age considerations weren't on the table, I could be convinced to change my vote.
It all depends on when. Now, Matthews of course, but I think Burks is going to be the better player in his prime.
It all depends on when. Now, Matthews of course, but I think Burks is going to be the better player in his prime.

I meant long term - not just now. I still say Wes. Not sure Alec will every play under control or within any kind of structure.
I'll be glad to be quoted in saying anyone voting for Alec Burks instead of Wes must be a Rockets fan.
I'll take Matthews right now. Going forward, though, I'll take Burks' huge upside. If this kid can develop a consistent jumpshot - watch out!
I'll take Matthews right now. Going forward, though, I'll take Burks' huge upside. If this kid can develop a consistent jumpshot - watch out!

I thought my username was bad.. (I actually regret picking this name - Nick isn't even my real name!) - but reading your username really gives me a headache.. @__@ i don't know if that was your intention or not, but what's the point of adding the additional "I" in the middle of that word???!!!
Oh wow, I didn't see that...pictures were small.
Yes, P Diddy should be included in this off topicness.

I'm not black.. but I think they look pretty similar..

If there is someone who's black and is reading this - could you tell me whether I'm on the right track?

Thanks in advance...