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At this point I think i've seen enough of Burke and maybe it's time for more and more exum.


Well-Known Member
I really liked burke a lot as a rookie. I seriously thought he could become like a CP3 type of player, but I think it has become evident that the guy just doesn't have it.

He can penetrate and dish out some nice dimes and he does have quite good handles. But his shooting is a serious serious problem.....361% FG....

You know it's a real big problem. Not only can he not shoot, he also cannot play a lick of defense. I see him constantly getting destroyed on screens and he gets ate up alive on the first step too. Makes the entire defense fall apart.

Now I know exum is still not ready at all, but seriously at this point who cares. We might as well get the kid as much playing time as possible for his development. Let him learn from his mistakes. Also I am still not sold on Exum but atleast he can have some defensive upsides that Burke will never have.
At this point in time I'd rather have Exum sit on the bench and learn what NOT to do by watching Burke.
I want Exum closing out games. I dread when Burke comes back in halfway through the 4th quarter, but I realize Exum is best served as a backup.
I didn't see the Heat game. Did Exum actually attempt to drive the ball? Why so much excitement over Exum?

If he isn't going to attack the basket like our one shoulder Houdini then I actually still prefer our brick layer to start and close out games. Exum has been a huge disappointment to me with his lack of aggression.
I really liked burke a lot as a rookie. I seriously thought he could become like a CP3 type of player, but I think it has become evident that the guy just doesn't have it.

He can penetrate and dish out some nice dimes and he does have quite good handles. But his shooting is a serious serious problem.....361% FG....

You know it's a real big problem. Not only can he not shoot, he also cannot play a lick of defense. I see him constantly getting destroyed on screens and he gets ate up alive on the first step too. Makes the entire defense fall apart.

Now I know exum is still not ready at all, but seriously at this point who cares. We might as well get the kid as much playing time as possible for his development. Let him learn from his mistakes. Also I am still not sold on Exum but atleast he can have some defensive upsides that Burke will never have.

Penetrate and dish? Rarely. If you watch closely, Trey can rarely get around his guy and into the lane. Once in awhile he gets an opening and takes advantage, but he can only do that if the D screws up. If they want to keep him out of the lane, they will. He neither quick nor fast, and the same issues apply on D so that he cannot stay in front of anyone. If he can shoot better, he might make an okay backup some day. But it is too soon to start Exum, he is just not ready at all.
I watch most of the Hawks games, which means I've seen their last two games against Orlando. If you want a lesson in why it can be detrimental to force young, raw guards into a lot of playing time, then just watch the Magic. Oladipo and Payton look really rough out there for long stretches, and the opposing defenses are just daring them to beat them. This style of play isn't helping them develop good team play, because their current skills AREN'T conducive to good team play. It's really that simple. I'm happy with how Q and staff are bringing Exum along. Don't rush him.
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I watch most of the Hawks games, which means I've seen their last two games against Orlando. If you want a lesson in why it can be detrimental to force young, raw guards into a lot of playing time, then just watch the Magic. Oladipo and Payton look really rough out there for long stretches, and the opposing defenses are just daring them to beat them. This style of play isn't helping them develop good team play, because their current skills are conducive to good team play. It's really that simple. I'm happy with how Q and staff are bringing Exum along. Don't rush him.

Dennis shot pretty well in both of those performances tbh.
I really liked burke a lot as a rookie. I seriously thought he could become like a CP3 type of player, but I think it has become evident that the guy just doesn't have it.

He can penetrate and dish out some nice dimes and he does have quite good handles. But his shooting is a serious serious problem.....361% FG....

You know it's a real big problem. Not only can he not shoot, he also cannot play a lick of defense. I see him constantly getting destroyed on screens and he gets ate up alive on the first step too. Makes the entire defense fall apart.

Now I know exum is still not ready at all, but seriously at this point who cares. We might as well get the kid as much playing time as possible for his development. Let him learn from his mistakes. Also I am still not sold on Exum but atleast he can have some defensive upsides that Burke will never have.

You said it.
Exum has been a huge disappointment to me with his lack of aggression.

Dante always looks tired. I sometimes wonder if he has anemia or something. He has a huge upside based on this alone though. The Jazz need to get him a personal trainer and dietician ASAP.
maybe the jazz are trying to somewhat keep burke's trade value up. if they bench him they would be lucky to get soiled TP for him at the deadline.
Exum isn't ready in strength or confidence - 15 to 20 mpg is right for him. The only thing we can do is act like Burke is "still our guy" and let him lead us to another top 5 pick.
I didn't see the Heat game. Did Exum actually attempt to drive the ball? Why so much excitement over Exum?

If he isn't going to attack the basket like our one shoulder Houdini then I actually still prefer our brick layer to start and close out games. Exum has been a huge disappointment to me with his lack of aggression.

He needs to improve his handle. When that gets tighter, then he'll actually be able to utilize his speed and other athletic gifts. He needs a much better hesitation dribble, crossover, and inside-out dribble. Then, of course, he needs to be able to improvise through pressure A LOT BETTER. With good coaching, these are not terribly hard to add. He'll get there.

Exum isn't ready in strength or confidence - 15 to 20 mpg is right for him. The only thing we can do is act like Burke is "still our guy" and let him lead us to another top 5 pick.

I think the strength issue is important, but it is a bit overstated. Handles is his #1 issue right now. (see above)
maybe the jazz are trying to somewhat keep burke's trade value up. if they bench him they would be lucky to get soiled TP for him at the deadline.
That's the way I see it. Besides, Exum needs to WANT it and EARN it. Look at Gobert; he's making it damn near impossible for Snyder to play him only 16 mins/per off the bench. I'd like to see the Jazz get some value back for Trey. Maybe a trade this summer or next season for a decent vet who might start initially, but only play 24 mins or so, splitting time with Dante.
I want Exum closing out games. I dread when Burke comes back in halfway through the 4th quarter, but I realize Exum is best served as a backup.

Haha, yep, I've been having that exact same feeling. Every time I see the clock around 8 minutes left, I'm like 'oh ****, time for Burke, were going to lose'.
Well, looking at this from the glass-half-full perspective, it's pretty clear to me that Burke is helping our tank. When he misses 9 or more shots in a game, we virtually never win. Plus he helps the opposing PG go off and run their offense.
Well, looking at this from the glass-half-full perspective, it's pretty clear to me that Burke is helping our tank. When he misses 9 or more shots in a game, we virtually never win. Plus he helps the opposing PG go off and run their offense.

Interesting that he just happened to miss exactly 9 shots today, although his % wasn't as bad as it's been.

Still, when Burke is taking the most shots on the team, you know there's a serious problem that is on the coaching staff to address. I would start by pulling his *** from the lineup. Although you might also try simply telling him to quit taking so many shots.