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God and Country

The Idiotic Minivan K was talking about the sequel.

Not sure if the movie (if that's what it was) is anything like the book, but in the second book a little boy, Tip, travels around the lands of Oz and meets a few known and a few new characters.

Mild spoilers for a 120 year old book ahead

Anyway, around Tip's teenage years they begin identifying as a woman and eventually become Princess Ozma, the ruler of Oz.
What's really dumb about all this is that things like statues of the 10 commandments show just how selective and arbitrary Christianity is. Why don't they have a statue of the rules for owning slaves from the old testament? Selective belief in arbitrary "rules" is ludicrous. And foisting it all on everyone regardless of their beliefs is nothing short of tyrannical. But it's a good thing they preach tolerance, as long as it's about tolerating the right people, I guess.
Have you ever heard “biblical view” Christians who take the Old Testament literally ever preach that debts should be forgiven every 7 years? Hmmm. Wonder why?

I know I’m just a weird LDS person but I’ve always found christians, especially evangelical Christians, to be odd with all of the focus on the Old Testament. Why focus on the older texts geared towards Israel when CHRIST THE FOUNDER OF CHRISTIANITY said a ton of good things in the Sermon on the Mount that largely go ignored by “biblical view Christians?” In fact, much of the modern-day policy and conduct of American Christianity is refuted by Christ in that sermon (not to mention countless times In the NT). “Turn the other cheek? What a cuck!” To me it just shows that “Biblical View” Christians are mostly using Christianity as a shield to promote their authoritarian, xenophobic, misogynistic, and backwards views.

I believe one of the Trumps laid bare what many “Christians” believe today. Sacrifice the spiritual kingdom of heaven for the worldly kingdom of power, politics, and drinking liberal tears. Christ is merely a chump to these people, while Trump is their champ


Btw, I really love the LDS book “Jesus the Christ.” Anyone else have suggestions of the similar subject? It doesn’t have to be by an LDS author.
As many scholars of authoritarianism have written about lately, I found this article from Greg Sargent of the New Republic to be enlightening. Authoritarians, like Trump, like to test the limits on the public of their extremism. We’ve seen how Trump gradually degrades those around him until they either leave his administration or conform. In 2015, he was a joke within the GOP and now he commands it. We’ve seen him demean our institutions until they conform to his wishes. He’s grooming his followers to reject the outcomes of the election this fall unless he wins and is getting them used to the idea of using violence to achieve retribution on his perceived enemies.

This is not how democratic leaders are supposed to sound and act. The rhetoric is eerily similar to Hitler, Mussolini, and Putin. They too used/use crude vulgar and inflammatory rhetoric to fire up their bases and get the public used to the idea of violence.

Terrific article here

He’ll get rid of all you ****ing liberals. You liberals are gone when he ****ing wins. You ****ing ******* liberals are done. Uncle Donnie’s gonna take this election—landslide. Landslide, you ****ing half a *******. Landslide. Get the **** out of here, you scumbag.
By posting this video, Trump appears to be endorsing that sentiment about not only Scarborough but about liberals generally.Shouldn’t that be pretty big news in and of itself?
Some will give Trump the benefit of the doubt. Surely Trump thought the video was funny. Surely he only intended his MSNBC nemesis as the target. Surely calling a person or group “done” is just a figure of speech. And Scarborough doesn’t appear to feel threatened by the guy in the video. He was just a crank, right?
But the news here isn’t this one man’s anger at Scarborough, it’s that Trump elevated it. And moments like these require context: This one should be placed alongside Trump’s other recent threats, such as his vow that news organizations will be “thoroughly scrutinized” if he wins, his promise to persecute his “vermin”-like political foes, and his threat to prosecute a range of enemies without cause.

Hitler too tested the limits of his inflammatory rhetoric and adjusted when his remarks became too offensive. Gradually however, people became numb to his rhetoric until it became just natural to hear him describe fellow human being as “vermin” or to talk about “attacking liberals to save Germany.” Just like trump is currently doing.

Importantly, this vow is not merely rhetorical. As CNN’s Oliver Darcy shows, Trump’s threat to “investigate” the media exists in the form of a concrete program, with ideas about prosecuting media figures now discussed openly by Trump loyalists who are expected to serve in a second Trump administration. This talk has taken a truly dangerous turn.

This is what Hitler did and what Putin and Orban have currently done. They’ve all worked to intimidate and crush independent media. They either “work the refs” by calling them biased, which moves the Overton window to their direction as media outlets overcompensate to overcome the bias argument or come up with trumped up charges which force the media to either conform or be sold to cronies. This is how independent media in democracies die. And it’s already happening here. Sinclair owns many local news outlets already. Rupert Murdoch already attempted to buy CNN. Giving Trump back the powers of the White House will expedite this process, especially since he already owns the Supreme Court.

This is a good article about threats to our media from Brian Stelter.

, I suggest reading this book. It tells how many Germans working in occupation forces weren’t born killers. But through consumption of inflammatory rhetoric, ambition to rise through ranks for better employment, and peer pressure, they became monsters. This book is available in library systems in utah county and salt lake County. Highly recommend. As usual, I bring the receipts. I don’t just blow out of my *** like some trump ball washers do.

Lastly, one cannot read this book about the Holocaust denier and not see the comparisons to Trump world and some of our posters here. The way he spins, denies, and gaslights people living in reality is all familiar to those of us who have been paying attention to politics these last few years. The forces of authoritarianism assault our very sense of reality. They know that they don’t have facts. Which is why they rely on gaslighting you. Their hope is that you give up in trying to find truth from fiction. They hope that if you become cynical and just give up and give in to the strongman to take care of everything, that the authoritarian wins. This is what trumpers want to do to you. They want to exhaust you. Prepare now

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