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Page Resets

The Thriller

Well-Known Member
Anyone else have this issue? When using a smartphone the page will reset every few mins and lose a lot of what’s been written. Sometimes it’ll save a previous version of a post. What causes this and can anything be done to stop pages from doing this?
Not experiencing that here. What phone and browser are you using? Have you had a phone or browser update lately?
Anyone else have this issue? When using a smartphone the page will reset every few mins and lose a lot of what’s been written. Sometimes it’ll save a previous version of a post. What causes this and can anything be done to stop pages from doing this?
I’ve seen it recently. Are you iPhone and chrome?
Anything lately?
I’ve been getting it recently. I’ve noticed this when I watch a video someone has imbedded and it’s like after every few minutes the pages crashes and refreshes. It does it when I’m making longer posts, too, which is maybe a favor to everyone.
I’ve been getting it recently. I’ve noticed this when I watch a video someone has imbedded and it’s like after every few minutes the pages crashes and refreshes. It does it when I’m making longer posts, too, which is maybe a favor to everyone.

Let me know if you see any improvement starting today, Tues Apr 30.

I've yet to recreate it again when it was fairly consistent prior.

Let me know if you see any improvement starting today, Tues Apr 30.

I've yet to recreate it again when it was fairly consistent prior.
I had it happen again when I was writing a response. It's only (as far as I can tell) on Safari on the iPhone. One issue I've noticed on a PC is that you start typing and then something (an ad?) ends up moving the cursor out of the text box (for lack of a better description) and then the text on your keyboard isn't entering anything until you click your cursor into the text box again.
Ok, thanks. Keep us updated. I've def seen far less (like none in 2 days) but I don't post as often as some of you. Still working it.
That’s good. Thanks. It did just happen to me once but I too haven’t seen it in a while prior. Thanks for letting me know.