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The Biden Administration and All Things Politics

Biden seems to genuinely care about the working poor. I've been surprised and optimistic on several of his proposals. One thing that really hets under my skin is welfare for the well off wrapped up as for the poor. The college debt forgiveness is largely that. That debt is bimodal and highly skewed to being owed by well off. The median is well below the average.
Tuition payment programs for college? Don't most of poor just not go there?

Apprentice trades need it more.
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I'd class this as contemporary teaching theory, with no evidence or competent facts. I'd guess it's more likely something like focus, interest, or student motivation. All this can be addressed online as well as in a classroom.
If there is no evidence and no facts, it's not a theory.

Of course it's focus, interest, and motivation, all of which are related to the method of instruction. Asynchronous classes have significant issues in maintaining focus, interest, and motivation because (and this might not be a surprise to you), human contact matters.
Intellectual intolerance is a sure sign of a dead end in your learning experience.
You mean, like when a poster accuses others posters of being dupes or agents of conspiracies?
For today, Ted Cruz is getting raked over the coals (deservingly so). Dude jetted off to Cancun while his state goes through a generational power/water crisis.

I mean, bad timing and really poor optics. Politicians can take vacations just like anybody can and should, but you don't take one when your state and people are freezing to death and can't get gas. R's would be smart to primary this dude as he's just a buffoon with no spine.

For today, Ted Cruz is getting raked over the coals (deservingly so). Dude jetted off to Cancun while his state goes through a generational power/water crisis.

I mean, bad timing and really poor optics. Politicians can take vacations just like anybody can and should, but you don't take one when your state and people are freezing to death and can't get gas. R's would be smart to primary this dude as he's just a buffoon with no spine.

Say what you want about Chuck Schumer - I know I have. But the day after Hurricane Sandy hit NYC he was riding through Brooklyn on a ****ing 10-speed bicycle checking on people. No entourage, no bodyguards, no photographers - just him.

I know this because he stopped to speak to my parents (they used to live in the district that he represented when he was in the House of Representatives) for 10 minutes and asked how they were doing and their neighbors were doing.
If there is no evidence and no facts, it's not a theory.

Of course it's focus, interest, and motivation, all of which are related to the method of instruction. Asynchronous classes have significant issues in maintaining focus, interest, and motivation because (and this might not be a surprise to you), human contact matters.

You mean, like when a poster accuses others posters of being dupes or agents of conspiracies?
If there is no evidence and no facts, it's not a theory.

Of course it's focus, interest, and motivation, all of which are related to the method of instruction. Asynchronous classes have significant issues in maintaining focus, interest, and motivation because (and this might not be a surprise to you), human contact matters.

You mean, like when a poster accuses others posters of being dupes or agents of conspiracies?
I heard an ad on the radio for an online school that actually featured their "asyncrhonous" teaching method together with individual progress through subjects.

I think the efficiencies of the video courses far outweigh the personal contact or group interactions, but that is a rather individual matter. The choice is what I think we should all have. People who argue against choice in education, or school vouchers allowing students to choose their school type and location, really seem to me to be Neanderthal or Medieval monsters. Honestly.

Nobody has a good argument against choice.

When I was in grade school, as I've told before in my stories, I was the class dunce through the fourth of fifth grade. I would have been happy being that forever I think.

But some public school teachers, one my fifth grade teacher, and a sixth grade teacher, who knew my father and my family and in fact lived a block away on kitty corners next to the market, conspired against that. This is indeed a conspiracy theory, but it conforms to all the facts I know. Maybe my uncle, who was on the school board, was in on it. For all I know.

At any rate, I was transferred to the other elementary school in town, to the West Elementary, and placed in the class of Mr. Cannon, theco-conspirator.

Mr. Cannon knew if I went home I would not study, so he asked me, rather manipulated me, to stay in class after the school day ended. He charmed me by telling me knew I was a good student, and someone he could trust. He also set up a class competition sort of method in his teaching where he applauded the one student who demonstrated the best knowledge of the lesson. And told the class I was smart, and challenged them to beat me.

I was hooked. Within weekes we (Mr. Cannon and I) had the class convinced.

Thus ended my career of prowling the neighborhood with stick swards and cap guns pretending to ambush the indians.

I gave it all up for notoriety and glory.

Our differences about what constitutes objectionable conspiracy theories will persist until you stop thinking God is a conspiracy theory.////
Say what you want about Chuck Schumer - I know I have. But the day after Hurricane Sandy hit NYC he was riding through Brooklyn on a ****ing 10-speed bicycle checking on people. No entourage, no bodyguards, no photographers - just him.

I know this because he stopped to speak to my parents (they used to live in the district that he represented when he was in the House of Representatives) for 10 minutes and asked how they were doing and their neighbors were doing.
That's really cool

Sent from my ONEPLUS A6013 using JazzFanz mobile app
I heard an ad on the radio for an online school that actually featured their "asyncrhonous" teaching method together with individual progress through subjects.

I think the efficiencies of the video courses far outweigh the personal contact or group interactions, but that is a rather individual matter. The choice is what I think we should all have. People who argue against choice in education, or school vouchers allowing students to choose their school type and location, really seem to me to be Neanderthal or Medieval monsters. Honestly.

Nobody has a good argument against choice.
No doubt there is a percentage of the population who does fine, or even better, in asynchronous classes. There is wondrous variety in humanity. Most people do better with instructors.

School choice and vouchers are often a request to supplement segregation in the student body. If charter school out-performed public schools on the average, that would be more acceptable, but they don't.
This administration is closing in on its first month in office. So far I haven't been embarrassed to be a U.S. citizen based on the childish, stupid, arrogant actions of this administration.

I'd call that a win.
This administration is closing in on its first month in office. So far I haven't been embarrassed to be a U.S. citizen based on the childish, stupid, arrogant actions of this administration.

I'd call that a win.
Agreed. Also, there has been much less politics shoved down my throat and less government in my life. I have gotten back to a normal level of reading, watching, and discussing politics rather than the insanely high amount i was doing during the trump presidency.

My across the street neighbor finally took down his Trump 2020 **** your feelings flag. Now he has one up that says Trump, making liberals cry again. I call that progress

Sent from my ONEPLUS A6013 using JazzFanz mobile app
Agreed. Also, there has been much less politics shoved down my throat and less government in my life. I have gotten back to a normal level of reading, watching, and discussing politics rather than the insanely high amount i was doing during the trump presidency.

My across the street neighbor finally took down his Trump 2020 **** your feelings flag. Now he has one up that says Trump, making liberals cry again. I call that progress

Sent from my ONEPLUS A6013 using JazzFanz mobile app
Yeah, I'm all for my government being boring AF. Don't need the oval office to take the place of the WWE and the ********* reality TV gutter trash combined.
Agreed. Also, there has been much less politics shoved down my throat and less government in my life. I have gotten back to a normal level of reading, watching, and discussing politics rather than the insanely high amount i was doing during the trump presidency.

My across the street neighbor finally took down his Trump 2020 **** your feelings flag. Now he has one up that says Trump, making liberals cry again. I call that progress

Sent from my ONEPLUS A6013 using JazzFanz mobile app
Soon it will say "Trump - the sad old man on the end of the street that tells the neighbors to **** off when they bring him a casserole out of the goodness of their hearts."

That'll learn'em!!
Fewer people attended college in the 1920's.
Pretty sure OB wasn't in the pre-Med chem class in the seventies. U of U did those in a 150 seat "pit" style lecture hall, and assistants did all the questions and answers and grading. We had a demo skit team that did the fun stuff..... explosions and color shows, all that stuff.
Say what you want about Chuck Schumer - I know I have. But the day after Hurricane Sandy hit NYC he was riding through Brooklyn on a ****ing 10-speed bicycle checking on people. No entourage, no bodyguards, no photographers - just him.

I know this because he stopped to speak to my parents (they used to live in the district that he represented when he was in the House of Representatives) for 10 minutes and asked how they were doing and their neighbors were doing.

I have ridden with Chuck and he only has an 8 speed bike! ;)
It’s pretty amazing how much **** she takes yet how much good she does for people. Think Ted cruz or John Coryn would be raising charity money if New York State was in the same boat?

How many of those Texans benefitting by AOC’s good will here were previously making fun of her?

And while Ted cruz was planning his cancun vacation, the guy who should be in his senate seat this:

He’s organizing calling trees to contact people to check up on them and helping to spread the word on where people can go for help.

oh and Joe Biden? Why is he helping Texas? They didn’t vote for him. They haven’t kissed his ring.

“bOtH pArTiEs ArE tHe SaMe!”
Can we play with if?

1. what if trump had won re-election?
2. What if a trump bus had been treated like this in a blue state (like California)?

3. What do you think trump would be doing to California right now?

I hope this serves as a wake up call. Our democracy treats Texas far better than Texas treats our democracy. That needs to change. Especially since they’re going to be a money hole for the foreseeable future due to climate change.

Maybe it’s time for the voters there to grow up?

I mean how embarrassing is this?

It’s time for voters there to grow up and start sending us some decent people to DC. Hopefully this is the beginning of a new enlightenment in America. Of healing. It begins with Biden. He’s not flaming states that didn’t vote for him.
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One other thing I really like about Bidens presidency is the lack of rallies

Sent from my ONEPLUS A6013 using JazzFanz mobile app
isn’t it nice?

I loved Biden’s town hall the other night. One, I didn’t know it happened until after. Then, when I tried to watch it, it was so normal and boring I never finished it. He didn’t insult anyone or suggest injecting Lysol. It was so boring and normal.