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Monday Spurs VS Jazz 7 PM ET ---- Front row seat!

50 wins with gobert starting next year is an expectation for me. Guys, the Jazz have arrived.
Duncan got lucky, but the refs will be aware. I imagine they'll try and call one in our favour to get us back.
Spurstalk melting down about Hayward absolutely outclassing Kawhi right now. It's awesome.
Came out for a smoke, Duncan showed frustration after he was benched in the 1st, it was heaven. Also, it comes more apparent watching up close that Exum will be alright, he really shows that he wants to succeed. Overall amazing experience, game's faster than I thought.
--I have to say that Trey Burke has been playing so much better the last 1.5 games. Very impressed with his play so far. Under control and in the flow of the offense. I usually hate watching him play, so this is a very pleasant surprise.

--Hayward is 1/7 and has scored 11 pts. I fully expect him to take over the third.

--Rudy with 10 boards and an obviously disturbing presence in the paint.

--Damn, Duncan is so good!
Think about it. Duncan, Ginobili, Parker old as hell. Dirk, old as hell. The Suns sans Dragic. We can be better than these teams next year. The Pels too.

I want the 7 seed next year.
I am having a blast trolling the absolute **** out of spurstalk.com

Gonna have to ask Duncan how big Gobert's dick is-- Timmeh probably has a pretty good idea, seeing as Rudy's been going balls deep in Timmy all game long.

We are shooting 38% from the floor and 22% from the 3 and leading the world champs by 7... Gotta love that D!