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Jazz @ Nuggets - 8:30pm MST 2/4 - ESPN

DWill game time decision. AK out. Really bad timing with AKs injury. Carmelo tonight then Durant tomorrow.
Probably a loss. Hopefully, Deron will play and we will not have to watch freakin Ronnie Price. WAtson and Deron, all the way. The Jazz should win some big games to regain confidence, which is at a all season low, right now. I want us to win it just to make fun of Denver radio guy on twitter. Denver Tattos&Knuckleheads.

Usually a pretty optimistic guy... but that's usually grounded in some form of factual supporting evidence..

Yah... prb an L
my optimism left after that NJ loss. Tough sleddin' since then.

A win tonight would go a long way. Let's see if they can sack up and freakin' make hard cuts, take some beatings, and at least send a message that they won't go quietly into the night.

but, for those who think we are at a low right now, imagine losing the games against DEN, OKC, and then the FO making some obvious cost-cutting trade that brings us nothing. I'm bracing myself. So should you.