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It is time.

And there could be a "legacy" rep score, maybe? something that represented you're lifetime accumulation of rep points, but was not used to determine you "season" rep score that was used to increase your total rep power.

Yup, like a running total which can't be used but does give an indication of how long you've been on Jazzfanz and your level of participation. I like it.
In fact, any rep you get over 100 should automatically be given to others unfortunate enough to have not yet reached that milestone.

Yup, like a running total which can't be used but does give an indication of how long you've been on Jazzfanz and your level of participation. I like it.

It's already kind of that way. A ton of us got our rep when rep was very low. Now a new poster can come in and pile up rep, literally, 100x faster than we did in the beginning.

It's all so very complicated. Quite complex and nebulous.
That's why mods know best by just creating socialism in the vacuum of a sports message board.
It's a safe and equitable place for all.
can someone please explain rep to me? Why is it important (especially for new posters) to understand?

can someone please explain rep to me? Why is it important (especially for new posters) to understand?


Ideally, it is a measure of community sentiment regarding each member. For example, ncoloradojazz has negative total rep, which means people often give him negative rep, which means he's not well-liked and his posts are not well-received. b-line has a lot of rep on relatively few posts, which means people tend to like his posts and often give him positive rep.

That's ideally. In reality, it doesn't always work like that. Hack for example, has a ton of rep. Who the **** keeps repping Hack??
Ideally, it is a measure of community sentiment regarding each member. For example, ncoloradojazz has negative total rep, which means people often give him negative rep, which means he's not well-liked and his posts are not well-received. b-line has a lot of rep on relatively few posts, which means people tend to like his posts and often give him positive rep.

That's ideally. In reality, it doesn't always work like that. Hack for example, has a ton of rep. Who the **** keeps repping Hack??

Thanks. It seems like a very inconsistent measure, but obviously a good generator of inside jokes and other kinds of community glue.

His alts?

what does this mean?
I see we have nested meanings. It seemed that understanding 'alts' was a part of understanding 'rep'. But this comment makes it seem otherwise. I was getting straight answers at first.

An alt is an alternate account of an existing member. Usually created to troll and post garbage under an anonymous handle. People who create alts hide behind a vpn or a proxy to hide their true identity, because it is a bannable offense if found out.
what does this mean?

Some posters will occasionally create alternate accounts so they can different personas in an attempt to appear to be multiple different posters in order to better troll other posters and cause drama on the site.

My post was in essence saying that hack created alternate accounts in order to rep his main account.

I wasn't really being serious though
yep, I can tell I've inadvertently wandered into a core paradox of this site. This isn't the way I wanted to raise some kind of profile.

Every newcomer does. Has One Love welcomed you yet? You are not likely an alt if he hasn't.