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Dr. Jones

In pursuit of #9
- welp, it's Monday and first day back to work since first week of April. Going in strong and intend to crush **** today.

- hard looking at restaurant menus in St. George after devouring fresh caught everything in the Keys.

- St. George restaurants suck, btw.

- dreading the thought of spending most of my upcoming summer in Kentucky, tbpfhwy. Hot, humid, and always family drama.. but I guess we all gotta do what we gotta do.

- wife wants to start breeding Bengal cats.. for fun. I think she's a nut. Probably is.

- I FINALLY, for the first time in almost 19 years have a house with no one under the age of 3 years old. Hallelujah! It's been great team/family.. but hell ya!

- go get Boogie!
FWP.... :D

My youngest is 3 and it makes me sad and happy at the same time. However if I had as many kids as you I'd definitely be more happy. ;) (I actually wanted that many but my husband was not on board)
My youngest just had his first B-Day and the kid is just a tank. My two year old turns 3 in two weeks and my 8 year old turns 9 two weeks after that.

All settled into my new house and am getting the yard under control. Wife reenrolled in college and starts in August.
4 kids between 1 and 11. We had issues getting prego after the first two. Two boys and then two girls. Wife is a nurse and I work full time for the Air Force. Boys do all major sports, but one loves soccer the other loves bball. All huge Jazz fanz and all huge Yankee fans (it's painful this year).
- welp, it's Monday and first day back to work since first week of April. Going in strong and intend to crush **** today.

- wife wants to start breeding Bengal cats.. for fun. I think she's a nut. Probably is.

She should breed these

wife wants to start breeding Bengal cats.. for fun. I think she's a nut. Probably is.

Do it. I've always wanted to breed them and Dogo Argentino.


There's an *** load of money in breeding. My sis in law makes $15k a year breeding plane jane labradors. They have very large litters so it's a little easier...

Anyway, what I would really love to do is breed a miniature cat. You could get $10k per cat from the Paris Hilton's of the world. But my wife is allergic and I don't have the land, so...
Do it. I've always wanted to breed them and Dogo Argentino.


There's an *** load of money in breeding. My sis in law makes $15k a year breeding plane jane labradors. They have very large litters so it's a little easier...

Anyway, what I would really love to do is breed a miniature cat. You could get $10k per cat from the Paris Hilton's of the world. But my wife is allergic and I don't have the land, so...

How much room does a miniature cat need?
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Two separate ideas in one. Not much room for dogs on my lot, and I assume breeding cats is an indoor activity. What am I gonna do? Keep 'em in a chicken coop so the neighbor cats don't interbreed with them?

What a way to start the week.

Up at 3:50am to get to St. George airport heading to Laguardia.
Taking my 17 year old son.
Meeting with Trump's and Buffets law firm on a real estate deal I'm trying to "structure."

Unfortunately going to miss Joe Bagos trip to geezy this go round. *shoutout*

Going to eat GOOD FOOD. Damn geezy sucks for dat.

Dala is narrow-minded.

Gyp is a perv.

Utah is conservative.

And Trump will make America great again.

Peace and have a great week!
Gonna have a baby on Thursday! C-section is scheduled.
They will do a C for your first out there? 4 days overnight there?

Ya, we have no choice. Baby is in a position where a natural vaginal birth is not possible.
I'm going to be off work for 25 days starting Thursday.