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As a former member of the military I want to know where all my royalty checks are from all the people that stand during the national anthem to support our troops? Or when we say they are supporting our troops do we really mean they are just standing there not really doing anything at all that improves the lives, living conditions, mission objectives, or anything else for the people in the military?

If the whole point of the national anthem is to support our troops with a whole lot of nothing I think I'll just sit down and relax next time I'm at a sporting event.

Supporting the troops is not what it's about. It's about an outward display of obedience to those who control our troops. It is about fitting in and being part of the group. It's about all of us doing some meaningless thing together so that we can easily see those who don't want to play along so that we can ostracise them and point at them and whisper to each other how horrible they are.
Why do tea party types cry about tyranny and then trip over themselves to be the most supportive of the governments primary instrument with which to oppress? Why don't lefties realize that every law eventually leads to a guy with a uniform and a gun showing up to enforce it? Shouldn't y'all be on opposite sides of this argument? or on opposite sides of the whole size of government thing?
OK, if the cops aren't obligated to be there and paid by tax payer money to be there, then they have the right to do refuse to accept the private job as protest.

I still think it's silly though. I'm not exactly sure what they are protesting though. Free speech?
They don't like being called pigs and racists. They don't like having hate incited against them. They believe that their very dangerous job is made even more dangerous by the insinuation that they are out to harm blacks.
They don't like being called pigs and racists. They don't like having hate incited against them. They believe that their very dangerous job is made even more dangerous by the insinuation that they are out to harm blacks.

So free speech.

I just don't get how refusing to work a game because a backup QB wore socks with pigs dressed as cops on them is a reasonable thing.
Black people have every right to think of cops as pigs. It's privileged thinking that leads us to ignore the LONG toxic relationship between law enforcement and the black community
Here comes the inevitable "b-b-b-but not ALL cops--"
Wearing the socks was in bad tast. Kaep even said as much. It's part of his message that has been skewed he even said he has friends and family that are officers that he respects, but is speaking out on the dirty cops hand lack of punishment for these cops

First and foremost, don't ever call me your homie or bro or whatever!!

I hold cops to higher standards because they are leaders in the community and carry out the law not to mention they carry a gun. Just as most who strongly oppose what Kaep is doing, don't care about understanding his message or why he's doing what he's doing. I myself was upset with him sitting, but I took the time to figure out why and understand.

The point I'm trying to make is that if this police force strives to be squeaky clean they would be right there in support of Keap trying to advocate for stronger penalty for dirty cops and asking for more support from the city and what not for the extra help they need.

Instead they are sending the message to the public that they are siding with all of the dirty cops. I'm not saying that's how they felt, but that's the message they give off, making them the villain. Therefor giving credence to to Kaep's stance. They missed an opportunity to join in with Kaep in protest of dirty cops.

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Whatever bud.

Some rambling point that cops are under supported by the cities so they should not react to the targets on there backs for doing there jobs without support or appreciation? Weak argument friend.


^That's more than 1 in 4 young black men! (that image is from the American Conservative so please refrain from making liberal media comments)

Whatever bud.

Some rambling point that cops are under supported by the cities so they should not react to the targets on there backs for doing there jobs without support or appreciation? Weak argument friend.

Cops are Underappreciated with or without Kaep. Point is they arent doing any favors for themselves by siding with the dirty cops. Can't u ****ing read!! By standing with Kaep they are reacting dumbass!!

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^That's more than 1 in 4 young black men! (that image is from the American Conservative so please refrain from making liberal media comments)


"The negroid is genetically predisposed to viol--"


^That's more than 1 in 4 young black men! (that image is from the American Conservative so please refrain from making liberal media comments)


"Rap music is destroying the black comm--"
It is if it used by some white dude to put down a black dude.

It isn't if it is used by some black dude to put down a black dude.

There's a scene in the movie Pride (about a group of gays and lesbians who helped a Welsh coal mining town during the British coal mining strike around mid-1980s)in which they have been called 'perverts' in the press. In discussing how to react to this, one of the antagonists points out that the gay and lesbian community has learned that one effective way to deal with name calling is to own the name, thus gays proudly referrring to themselves as 'queers' or in this movie (which is a great movie) as 'perverts.'

The general point is that oppressed people often adopt (own) the language of their oppressors as a source of defiance, pride, and so forth. Thus, when a black person uses the 'N' word, the context is very, very different from when a white person uses it.

This is another one of those obvious points that I wish we'd all just agree on so as to save us the trouble of having to explain it over and over.

What up my pedo?
Yep, God forbid that we offend the tender sensibilities of the police force by criticizing them. They seem at times to be more worried about mean people saying mean things about them and hurting their feelings than they are about the systemic corruption that exists in many police forces and the large number of bad actors within the force (even if a minority) who abuse their power and run roughshod over the rights of citizens.

they should own the discrimination an use it as pride. Cops should come out bragging about putting thugs down like rabid dogs. You said it not me. Oppressors, source of defiance an all that.
Cops are Underappreciated with or without Kaep. Point is they arent doing any favors for themselves by siding with the dirty cops. Can't u ****ing read!! By standing with Kaep they are reacting dumbass!!

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They are doing thereselves favors. It is called PRIDE, somethink you apparently do not believe in. They may not be doing thereselves any favours but they are not causing thereselves any harm neither. You think these internet drama starved twats are going to change there opinion if the cops DID NOT protest?

On second thought, I wonder if someone exposed to nuclear waste as a child could realize that.
They are doing thereselves favors. It is called PRIDE, somethink you apparently do not believe in. They may not be doing thereselves any favours but they are not causing thereselves any harm neither. You think these internet drama starved twats are going to change there opinion if the cops DID NOT protest?

On second thought, I wonder if someone exposed to nuclear waste as a child could realize that.

So they are doing less harm to themselves by siding with and protecting dirty racist cops. If that's your point then I'm done talking to u.

Pride is wanting to be better. Pride is not standing with dirty cops. Pride is doing your damned job. Pride is standing with others to improve life. Pride is seeng the truth and then doing something about it no matter how hard it is because u know it's right. Pride is letting go of your Pride.

Instead of standing against police brutality and making a difference in the community that specific police force is throwing a tantrum like a little child

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So they are doing less harm to themselves by siding with and protecting dirty racist cops. If that's your point then I'm done talking to u.

Pride is wanting to be better. Pride is not standing with dirty cops. Pride is doing your damned job. Pride is standing with others to improve life. Pride is seeng the truth and then doing something about it no matter how hard it is because u know it's right. Pride is letting go of your Pride.

Instead of standing against police brutality and making a difference in the community that specific police force is throwing a tantrum like a little child

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How you jump from cops protesting Kaepernick protests to cops supporting dirty cops is beyond me. You do know most health insurance plans cover mental illness therapy?
How you jump from cops protesting Kaepernick protests to cops supporting dirty cops is beyond me. You do know most health insurance plans cover mental illness therapy?

Perception is everything. If they are trying to stop Kaep from speaking out against minority inequality and police brutality, weather they intend to or not they are being racist and standing with dirty cops at a time when Kaep is getting more and more support. That makes what this police force is doing even worse, even the president came out and said Kaep is expressing his constitutional right to not stand for the anthem. And applauded him for standing up for these issues.

What this means is if that specific police force wants to help themselves they will stop trying to take Kaep's constitutional rights away from him. That is exactly what they are trying to do.

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Perception is everything. If they are trying to stop Kaep from speaking out against minority inequality and police brutality, weather they intend to or not they are being racist and standing with dirty cops at a time when Kaep is getting more and more support. That makes what this police force is doing even worse, even the president came out and said Kaep is expressing his constitutional right to not stand for the anthem. And applauded him for standing up for these issues.

What this means is if that specific police force wants to help themselves they will stop trying to take Kaep's constitutional rights away from him. That is exactly what they are trying to do.

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Okay bud, whatever you say. Cops has no rights an should fall in line with your ill conceived agenda cause you say so. Nice support for constitutional rights from you bud.
Okay bud, whatever you say. Cops has no rights an should fall in line with your ill conceived agenda cause you say so. Nice support for constitutional rights from you bud.

Not a surprise u aren't even looking at the issues or trying to understand what I'm saying. You are falling right in line with everything wrong in Society. I am as every bit a supporter of cops and what they do to serve and protect. But u, and police forces everywhere need to recognize the problem with cops senselessly murdering minorities who are unarmed then getting barely a slap on the wrist. They are putting u and me at risk by doing what they are doing.

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Not a surprise u aren't even looking at the issues or trying to understand what I'm saying. You are falling right in line with everything wrong in Society. I am as every bit a supporter of cops and what they do to serve and protect. But u, and police forces everywhere need to recognize the problem with cops senselessly murdering minorities who are unarmed then getting barely a slap on the wrist. They are putting u and me at risk by doing what they are doing.

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You do understand Boris is a troll alt, right? He plays a different character each month. You remember when he was a Russian with a fake accent? Probably my favorite character he played.