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Nicely done. You brought up Obama and Fox News, not me. Now you've decided to ignore the fact that the police who expressed their opinion have no more obligation to work 49ers games than Obama has to go on Fox.

I haven't yet seen any examples of police refusing to work any events that they are required to. In my opinion putting on a uniform does not mean they have to sit there with their mouths shut while Kaep ****s on them. You apparently believe they did something to deserve it. I do not.

Actually, putting on the uniform means EXACTLY that. I'd love to see what you'd think if a policeman refused to server you or your community because s/he is offended by something or another.

For the millionth time, whether they "deserved" it is irrelevant. People are free to voice their opinions. Not only opinions you happen to agree with, but any opinion. Cops, in their capacity as cops, are not free to choose who to serve.

And I'm sorry for even bringing up Fox News.
Actually, putting on the uniform means EXACTLY that. I'd love to see what you'd think if a policeman refused to server you or your community because s/he is offended by something or another.

For the millionth time, whether they "deserved" it is irrelevant. People are free to voice their opinions. Not only opinions you happen to agree with, but any opinion. Cops, in their capacity as cops, are not free to choose who to serve.

And I'm sorry for even bringing up Fox News.

Police have no right to protest cause Siro says so. Welcome to 2016 folks. Humans rights are void.
Nicely done. You brought up Obama and Fox News, not me. Now you've decided to ignore the fact that the police who expressed their opinion have no more obligation to work 49ers games than Obama has to go on Fox.

I haven't yet seen any examples of police refusing to work any events that they are required to. In my opinion putting on a uniform does not mean they have to sit there with their mouths shut while Kaep ****s on them. You apparently believe they did something to deserve it. I do not.

Actually, putting on the uniform means EXACTLY that. I'd love to see what you'd think if a policeman refused to server you or your community because s/he is offended by something or another.

For the millionth time, whether they "deserved" it is irrelevant. People are free to voice their opinions. Not only opinions you happen to agree with, but any opinion. Cops, in their capacity as cops, are not free to choose who to serve.

And I'm sorry for even bringing up Fox News.
Well, it doesn't surprise me in the slightest that a reporter who feels slighted by Trump would use his/her power as a media member to lash out with extra force. It also doesn't surprise me in the slightest that Kaep's words offend some police officers. I think we ought to remind ourselves that in all of these cases we're dealing with people and they're likely to react in the ways that people generally react. Very few (if any) people are not automatons who make no adjustment to their attitudes or behaviors when someone insults them.

I believe there's a huge difference between good cops and bad cops, and I'm not even a tiny bit surprised that good cops resent people implying that they are killers or pigs.
The police should be held to a higher standard. They are after all charged to serve and protect. Whether this station is guilty of police brutality or racism or not they surely realize that these things are going on in other stations all over the country, and instead of trying be part of the solution they are adding to the problem and making Kaep's point.

They missed an oppertunity to be proactive in being a part of the solution like the military vet that was invited to the 49ers sideline at the preseason game after talking about the issues with Kaep about the issues and the way he chooses to protest. The two men were able to find common ground and respect in one another. This police station on the other hand has decided to stand with every dirty cop or force that have oppressed minorities which is a very real thing in this country. They are essentially turning their backs to the people they gave an oath to protect.

Who's higher standard homie? Yours? Mine? Siro's? What higher standard are you holding them to? The one where they are conscripted an subject to no human rights?

Guess what folks, cops have a right to protest to just like any Union, 99 percenter, or MLK rally. You people bitching about a police protest are hypocrites that only want your selfish purposes fulfilled.
You can't be serious. This officer was placed on leave for the position he took. We have no idea what his status is now, but I'm guessing that he is either no longer a police officer, or that he's agreed that nothing like this will ever happen again. But I guess I should have been more careful in my statement because there will always be one off examples of idiots doing idiotic things (no matter which group they are part of):
I see no evidence of police forces failing to work events they are required to.
My only problem with it (and maybe I just haven't heard that he has) is that he has zero solutions to the problem. Everyone knows about the problem. Come up with some solutions.

Why is it required to have a solution in hand as a pre-requisite for taking a stand on social issues? So, if, say, I don't have a solution to end poverty, I should, by your logic, refrain from making any public statement about it, or trying to raise social consceiousness about it?

That's a silly argument.
My only problem with it (and maybe I just haven't heard that he has) is that he has zero solutions to the problem. Everyone knows about the problem. Come up with some solutions.

Marijuana legalization would be a good start.
My feelings on Kaep have changed so many times, it started out with hatred towards him, than when he stood their and answered every question about not standing (the first time) I loved everything he said and it changed how I initially felt. Than he wore that Fidel shirt and it probably wasn't that big of a deal, but than I saw the socks and I was like **** this guy, than I found out that he wore those in August (doesn't justify it, but it would've been a much bigger statement had he wore those the day after) and I really respect that he worked out a different way to protest by kneeling instead of sitting in order to show respect to the military (which I don't think he ever meant disrespect to them, doesn't mean it can't be interpreted that way) and his press conference after the SD game was great.

Wearing those socks were a really bad idea, but I bet he regrets wearing those.

An open conversation between the police and citizens could go a really long way right now. As long as both sides are willing to listen to what the other side has to say and not get defensive immediately.
Cops at these sporting events are off duty, it's not their sworn duty. I understand both sides arguments here, we would be better off if we could all communicate our differences rather than fighting each other about them.

Most of the time cops from other communities working these sorts of events are off duty. I'm pretty sure they have no responsibility to work them, just like Obama has no responsibility to go on Fox News.

I could find dozens of clips of Obama complaining about Fox News yet nobody that I'm aware of is up in arms about it. To me his complaints seems quite parallel to the complaints of these cops.

OK, if the cops aren't obligated to be there and paid by tax payer money to be there, then they have the right to do refuse to accept the private job as protest.

I still think it's silly though. I'm not exactly sure what they are protesting though. Free speech?
Nicely done. You brought up Obama and Fox News, not me. Now you've decided to ignore the fact that the police who expressed their opinion have no more obligation to work 49ers games than Obama has to go on Fox.

I haven't yet seen any examples of police refusing to work any events that they are required to. In my opinion putting on a uniform does not mean they have to sit there with their mouths shut while Kaep ****s on them. You apparently believe they did something to deserve it. I do not.
Wearing the socks was in bad tast. Kaep even said as much. It's part of his message that has been skewed he even said he has friends and family that are officers that he respects, but is speaking out on the dirty cops hand lack of punishment for these cops
Who's higher standard homie? Yours? Mine? Siro's? What higher standard are you holding them to? The one where they are conscripted an subject to no human rights?

Guess what folks, cops have a right to protest to just like any Union, 99 percenter, or MLK rally. You people bitching about a police protest are hypocrites that only want your selfish purposes fulfilled.

First and foremost, don't ever call me your homie or bro or whatever!!

I hold cops to higher standards because they are leaders in the community and carry out the law not to mention they carry a gun. Just as most who strongly oppose what Kaep is doing, don't care about understanding his message or why he's doing what he's doing. I myself was upset with him sitting, but I took the time to figure out why and understand.

The point I'm trying to make is that if this police force strives to be squeaky clean they would be right there in support of Keap trying to advocate for stronger penalty for dirty cops and asking for more support from the city and what not for the extra help they need.

Instead they are sending the message to the public that they are siding with all of the dirty cops. I'm not saying that's how they felt, but that's the message they give off, making them the villain. Therefor giving credence to to Kaep's stance. They missed an opportunity to join in with Kaep in protest of dirty cops.

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Lol I guess the "n word" isn't racist to you?

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It is if it used by some white dude to put down a black dude.

It isn't if it is used by some black dude to put down a black dude.

There's a scene in the movie Pride (about a group of gays and lesbians who helped a Welsh coal mining town during the British coal mining strike around mid-1980s)in which they have been called 'perverts' in the press. In discussing how to react to this, one of the antagonists points out that the gay and lesbian community has learned that one effective way to deal with name calling is to own the name, thus gays proudly referrring to themselves as 'queers' or in this movie (which is a great movie) as 'perverts.'

The general point is that oppressed people often adopt (own) the language of their oppressors as a source of defiance, pride, and so forth. Thus, when a black person uses the 'N' word, the context is very, very different from when a white person uses it.

This is another one of those obvious points that I wish we'd all just agree on so as to save us the trouble of having to explain it over and over.
Good on em? Are you kidding me? Just because 1 football player expresses his opinion the police are going to be like "Well **** everyone at this football game we arent going to help anyone because our feelings are hurt". Dumbest **** I have ever read in my life. Cops are, in general, dumb as **** and this only proves that point further.

Yep, God forbid that we offend the tender sensibilities of the police force by criticizing them. They seem at times to be more worried about mean people saying mean things about them and hurting their feelings than they are about the systemic corruption that exists in many police forces and the large number of bad actors within the force (even if a minority) who abuse their power and run roughshod over the rights of citizens.
Yep, God forbid that we offend the tender sensibilities of the police force by criticizing them. They seem at times to be more worried about mean people saying mean things about them and hurting their feelings than they are about the systemic corruption that exists in many police forces and the large number of bad actors within the force (even if a minority) who abuse their power and run roughshod over the rights of citizens.

To exacerbate the problem, a "we stick together regardless" culture exists among the police, which makes it difficult to separate the wheat from the chaff.