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Let me help you out.

Wanna cry wolf go cry wolf an git a nother Trump.

Wanna talk about something meaningful talk about the Minnesota MOSQUE BOMBING an how Trump AN the media ain't commentin on it cause they playin y'all in this political game. Y'all are distracted so what the biased media care?

fake news
Babypeterzz are you gonna take free speech from radical Muslims to?

“Liberate the Al-Aqsa Mosque from the filth of the Jews,” prayed Imam Ammar Shahin of the Islamic Center of Davis in northern California. “Annihilate them down to the very last one.”

He continued, raising his voice as he spoke to a receptive audience of devout California Muslims: “Oh Allah, make this happen by our hands. Let us play a part in this.”

Simple yes or no.
What? Can you show a single statement of mine that could be considered a Nazi apology? Do you consider every person who opposes ANTIFA a Nazi apologist?

Oh, BTW http://www.scottmanning.com/content/communist-body-count/

I don't know why you are arguing with me. You attacked me, and I can only assume so because you disagree with my stance on Nazi's and fascism. To be honest, I have no ****ing clue what you're trying to say. Are you saying that Antifa are communists? Because I would argue they're more anarchists than anything. From your limited posts so far, it looks like your trying to co-opt American's experience with Nazi's and white nationalism and apply it to your beef with communism and Russia. If so, wrong thread bro. If not, I have no idea what you believe, other than you've come after me for speaking out against fascism.

**** you. You want to make references to alcohol in a thread where nothing I've posted and nothing in this thread gives that any relevancy.

Don't talk to me. Don't @me. You're not creative, you're not funny, you don't express unique ideas. You regurgitate conspiracy theories from people who don't even believe them, but use them to appeal to idiots like you.

You're the most boring poster on this site. You've never once, as far as I know, posted anything in the Jazz forum and have never, as far as I know, expressed any interest in the Jazz. Why are you here?

You're famous for your alcohol threads, and your brews. So far as I know, all tasteful delights. Alcohol is not evil. Why do you imagine false realities and hate people who speak mere truth?

I don't drink because it means nothing to me. Enjoy your life a little if you care to.

I forgot my lab days when I used 200 proof ethanol from Utah Alcohol Commission stickered bottles as a pure solvent in various experiments, so yah, you're only 3.2 or whatever where the real thing is 200.

You use the word "conspiracy theory" as a sort of slur, but you love Hillary and her "vast Rightwing conspiracy" and the mainstream media with their Russia "hacking" of our election. I find the term a bit tiring because the leftists don't ever qualify their rhetoric with analysis of the facts or the term. It's pure leftist hate speech, nothing more.

Alex Jones believes we have some very rich dudes with warped morals trying to outmaneuver the people and manage the world. When was that ever actually untrue. Was Hitler doing that? Was Stalin doing that? Were any of Rome's Caesars doing that? Alexander the Great?

Lord Cecil Rhodes was a flagrant racist who conceived of a way the whites could exert "superior" preferably "British" influence over significant world populations. His philosophy was at the root of the origins of the modern "progressive" movement, very influential with the likes of Margaret Sanger as well as Adolf Hitler, and even Stalin. The Japanese had their own original version of the idea.

Lord Cecil Rhodes was philosophically connected with the rise of the various organizations like the American "Council on Foreign Relations"

Unfortunately, I think Trump is nothing more than an alpha American with little understanding of geopolitics, or philosophical movements, or the US Constitution. But I think our media is the most hate-rabid organization on the planet right now, just reeling from the simple political truth that most Americans find their "news" too tedious to listen to.

I read Dr. Jones' scouting reports and have posted I think almost ten comments in the Jazz forum. Don't see you or Red, or Jonah saying much over there. Maybe I should go there and read more often.

I consider mankind fundamentally "racist" whatever race people are. We like what we are, and don't understand people who are different somehow, not just looks. Usually it is superficial and when we actually know other people it wears off and we like people of whatever race. Most Americans today don't want separate racial or ethnic groupings. why do leftists keep talking about it?

If someone expresses views you're not comfortable with, you want to drive them outta town with neg reps or dislikes or contemptible expressions of your hate. I think you've got the problem you accuse others of having. A little common sense and good humor would do you a lot of good. I don't believe in miracles, but if Jesus could turn water into wine, maybe you could smile at the world a little, oh maybe 3.2% of the time.

We have conflicting reports on Charlottesville events and sequence. My gut instincts say that both groups were paid political rent-mob employees paid to create a flash point of racial hatred, you know, sorta like some people accuse Machiavelli of advising medieval princes as an alternative plan for achieving political control, simpler, cheaper, and more effective than say sending in the troops to just gun down the other army.

I don't care for hate, and I don't care much for political crusaders out to make the world better somehow. But my weapon of choice is humor, bro. Sorry you don't see it.

Gawd we have an awful media with no journalistic standards and thank God most Americans are just sick of it.
I don't know why you are arguing with me. You attacked me, and I can only assume so because you disagree with my stance on Nazi's and fascism. To be honest, I have no ****ing clue what you're trying to say. Are you saying that Antifa are communists? Because I would argue they're more anarchists than anything. From your limited posts so far, it looks like your trying to co-opt American's experience with Nazi's and white nationalism and apply it to your beef with communism and Russia. If so, wrong thread bro. If not, I have no idea what you believe, other than you've come after me for speaking out against fascism.


Attacked you? C'mon, really?

I just pointed out that your words were the same that were used in Nazi Germany, is that an attack? OK, sorry?

Various groups in ANTIFA are communist, others are anarchist, others are anarcho-communist, Maoists, Trotskyst, and a long etc. If you are OK with that, great. I don't need to be OK with that to be against Nazism. That's all that I'm trying to say. Somehow you seem to think that everyone that opposes ANTIFA is a Nazi sympathizer, and that's beyond wrong.

Why do you infer that I have a beef with Russia? Do you think communism is a Russia-only thing? If that's the case, you need more books bro.
Attacked you? C'mon, really?

I just pointed out that your words were the same that were used in Nazi Germany, is that an attack? OK, sorry?

Various groups in ANTIFA are communist, others are anarchist, others are anarcho-communist, Maoists, Trotskyst, and a long etc. If you are OK with that, great. I don't need to be OK with that to be against Nazism. That's all that I'm trying to say. Somehow you seem to think that everyone that opposes ANTIFA is a Nazi sympathizer, and that's beyond wrong.

Why do you infer that I have a beef with Russia? Do you think communism is a Russia-only thing? If that's the case, you need more books bro.

Fine. Whatever, honestly I have no desire to engage with you further on this. IMO, Antifa are on the front lines fighting my enemies and I support them. You don't, whatever.

You mentioned the hammer and sickle, I associate that with the USSR, and more broadly communism. My bad.

You keep wading in your imaginary grey area on white supremacy in America. Be bold.
how about we start enforcing laws to the fuillest extent. a nazi says **** jews. a person walksup to him and punches him in the mouth.

saying **** jews is not illegal in the USA, so the nazi as much as i hate to admit it did nothing illegal. and the puncher did something illegal!
we prosecute the puncher for putting hands on someone else!

once people are getting prosecuted for violence this **** will stop. their will be no escalation of violence. because we now have the 1st death. in what my opinion started with anti-fa by all accounts they started with violence against right wing speakers.

The guy should get punched in the mouth. The guy punching should get prosecuted for assault.

And the guy hitting protesters with his car should be charged for attempted assault for everyone he almost hit, assault with a deadly weapon for everyone he did hit, and Murder in the first for the person he killed. I'd say he should also be placed on any and all terror watch lists, but he should be in prison for the rest of his life.

Why aren't you asking what we could have done, within the law, to stop something atrocious from happening? One group has a hateful message. As it turns out, condemning hate groups isn't illegal. Making sure everyone knows hate groups are morally repugnant is not something we need to wait for laws to be passed. But we have to have a strong leadership to back it, and we have to have a consistent message. We have neither.
Attacked you? C'mon, really?

I just pointed out that your words were the same that were used in Nazi Germany, is that an attack? OK, sorry?

Various groups in ANTIFA are communist, others are anarchist, others are anarcho-communist, Maoists, Trotskyst, and a long etc. If you are OK with that, great. I don't need to be OK with that to be against Nazism. That's all that I'm trying to say. Somehow you seem to think that everyone that opposes ANTIFA is a Nazi sympathizer, and that's beyond wrong.

Why do you infer that I have a beef with Russia? Do you think communism is a Russia-only thing? If that's the case, you need more books bro.

Will you please define sympathizer for us?

The follow up will be a request to define enabler.
Will you please define sympathizer for us?

The follow up will be a request to define enabler.

Sympathizer, for me, someone who adscribe to their points of view or ideology at least partially.

Enabler, someone who helps make their points of view or ideology a reality.

Explain this to me. If you do not support Antifa, which stands literally for Anti-Fascist, does that mean you're Pro-Fascist?

also anti fa protested a extremely logical and based jew called ben shapiro!they litterally used violence to stop hm from speaking!

i am against that
My God, I can't believe the rationalizations coming from dumbass Trump supporters.

Apparently, being against Nazis means you're the alt left and just as much to blame as actual Nazis.

Twitler supporters have officially lost their ****ing minds.