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DeMar DeRozan ESPN interview

Here's fun game. These are the rosters of the 2017 All-Star game that took place in NO less than a year and a half ago. How many of the 24 players are on a different team now?

There’s a report that Kawhi was unhappy the team wasn’t sending luxury cars to take him from the airport to the hotel and that he had to ride with the team. Apparently Westbrook gets that treatment and he was jealous. .
Unproven rumors.
So screw the player who loved the franchise and bleed its dna?

lol, you sound ridiculous. He got paid 27 mil a year to play a game and while he did well in regular season he disappeared in every playoffs he played. Sorry but he was one of the main reasons Raps got swept 3 out of last 4 years in playoffs. Change needed to be made.
lol, you sound ridiculous. He got paid 27 mil a year to play a game and while he did well in regular season he disappeared in every playoffs he played. Sorry but he was one of the main reasons Raps got swept 3 out of last 4 years in playoffs. Change needed to be made.
You sound like a bitter x girlfriend with all this hate lol

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People are blaming Masai, but it's the ownership that's holding a gun to his head at the moment for a quick result.

Had the Toronto had the same ownership as the Jazz, DeRozan would have been a Raptors Lifer.
People are blaming Masai, but it's the ownership that's holding a gun to his head at the moment for a quick result.

Had the Toronto had the same ownership as the Jazz, DeRozan would have been a Raptors Lifer.
And I take comfort in that.
Stockton and Malone didn’t make the finals until the latter part of their career....guess the Jazz should have traded the most iconic players they’ve ever had because it took them too long to reach the finals and they couldn’t beat Jordan when they got there. Guess they should have made that business decision.....on second thought I’d rather have the 2 decades of Stockton and Malone. Lots of franchises and players never win championships. I’d rather have a guy completely committed and work hard and bet on a very talented guy finally taking us there than to put all eggs in one basket for one season and start the process of rebuilding over.....and over....and over...and over all while still not getting a championship, screwing a guy who did so much for you, and not witnessing something special within the organization.

Pretty good post.
DeRozan was all class and loyalty, Kawhi is a selfish head case. He will bolt from the Raptors at his first opportunity and the Toronto Raptors will regret this decision.

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How is he selfish?

We really have no idea why Kawhi and the Spurs relationship soured. Kawhi did the right thing. He told the team he was going to leave. He is free to do that. He helped the Spurs out. He won them a ring. He's done more for the Spurs than most stars do for their teams.
How is he selfish?

We really have no idea why Kawhi and the Spurs relationship soured. Kawhi did the right thing. He told the team he was going to leave. He is free to do that. He helped the Spurs out. He won them a ring. He's done more for the Spurs than most stars do for their teams.
So you're saying he's a better man than Hayward or DWill?
How is he selfish?

We really have no idea why Kawhi and the Spurs relationship soured. Kawhi did the right thing. He told the team he was going to leave. He is free to do that. He helped the Spurs out. He won them a ring. He's done more for the Spurs than most stars do for their teams.

we shall surely never know the truth about how things truly went down man. Kawhi's camp saying this The spurs saying that etc to be honest I believe the Spurs over Leonard for some reason.
If anyone wants to sympathize or empathize with them, that's cool.

My point is just that those who don't aren't being inhuman.
Sure. Agreed.

But this isn't as much about if we should feel sorry for this person or that person, even though that's how I framed my example. The thing that irritates me is when people act as though professional athletes have no right to be upset or hurt by things like this.
Sure. Agreed.

But this isn't as much about if we should feel sorry for this person or that person, even though that's how I framed my example. The thing that irritates me is when people act as though professional athletes have no right to be upset or hurt by things like this.

I totally think derozan should feel hurt and upset by this. They did him dirty.

However, I don’t feel sorry for him even a little tiny bit for him getting traded like he did. He is one of he luckiest mother ****ers alive imo. If his kid died or something I would definitely feel sorry for him for something like that however.
Sure. Agreed.

But this isn't as much about if we should feel sorry for this person or that person, even though that's how I framed my example. The thing that irritates me is when people act as though professional athletes have no right to be upset or hurt by things like this.
Oh, they for sure can. But DeRozan is blowing it out of proportion.
I totally think derozan should feel hurt and upset by this. They did him dirty.

However, I don’t feel sorry for him even a little tiny bit for him getting traded like he did. He is one of he luckiest mother ****ers alive imo. If his kid died or something I would definitely feel sorry for him for something like that however.
Yeah, I went to far including dead kids, would have been better to just talk about a wealthy person's house burning down with their sentimental possessions destroyed.
Society has changed and the league has changed with it. Internet and social media have had a huge role in this. They had basketball video games 20 and even 30 years ago, too, but players didn't lose their minds over what their ratings were. Hell, I wonder when the first 5-on-5 licensed game with real teams and players came out, how many NBA players actually knew what video games were. And even though you couldn't see ratings in Lakers versus Celtics and the NBA Playoffs, you knew they were in the game because ****ing Eric Leckner would miss 2 out 3 dunk attempts even if no one was around and Malone wouldn't ever miss, even in traffic. Players are more aware now, more concerned with their legacies, more sensitive to what the media and the fans are saying. The instant gratification era we live on doesn't help, and it's skewing even the perception of past players, let alone current ones. Every internet debate about players seems to end with millennials screaming "raaaangs." Nothing else seems to matter. Look at what happened to Nique's legacy. 25 years ago, he was considering to be an all-time great. Now, his lack of championships or even a Finals appearance means makes him an afterthought. I mean, how in the world did he manage to lose to those stacked Celtics and Pistons team with the great Jon Koncak as the best paid player on his team? He should've whined until they traded him to Houston or Boston or something. Cause, you know, raaangs.

It wasn't like that 20-30 years ago. I don't think Dominique ever thought he was a failure because he never made it past the second round. Players nowadays act as if their careers are 4 years long. Gotta contend at all times, gotta win rings as soon as possible, gotta climb some imaginary ladder of all-time greats. Carmelo kicked and screamed his way out of Denver to find what? Even less success in New York? He was 26 when he forced that trade. Twenty six! George left Indiana to get bounced in the first round and get abused by dude who looks like your alcoholic, party animal roommate from Down Under. Why? Raaaaangs! Heaven forbid you'd spend a decade playing for a non-superteam. There's a sense of entitlement. LeBron has been in win now mode since he was 22. That's how old players used to be when they played their first NBA game. LeBron had to have contenders built around him at that age as if he freaking peaked at 22 and his window was closing. Cavs traded every first round pick they could and signed over the hill veterans because LeBron couldn't just wait a couple of years for them to have cap space or develop youngsters. Raaaangs! Rangs now! What kind of a player doesn't have a championship by the time they're 25? Welcome to the new normal.
And this is reflected in the way teams do business, too. Boom-bust. You should either be contending or tanking. Nothing in between. Who wants to have a decent team and watch a great player lead them to 47 wins and a rare second round appearance? Nope, suffer through endless rotation of lottery picks instead, hoping one of them will turn out to be amazing. Then hope he can convince a couple of his friends to force their way to your team. That leads to such wonderful logic as trading a 28-year old Jimmy Butler for a bunch of kids, hoping that one of the might be as good as a 28-year old Jimmy Butler you had to begin with. A boat's a boat, but a mystery box could be anything. It could even be a boat!

But just look at the treasure trove they got. A Kris with a "K." That's a win already. You can't be a top player in this league without a unique name nowadays. Draymond, LeBron, Klay with a "K", Stephen mispronounced. They also got a two-time dunk champion! They give rangs for that, right? And of course, the biggest talent to come out of Finland since Hanno Mottola!!! Just think of the possibilities. One of them could be a top-15 player in the league down the road. Can you imagine? Getting a top-15 player for Jimmy Butler? What a steal that would be.

That's what we get out of this millennial league. 3 teams that have the majority of best players among them. 3 teams that are obviously tanking, but it's okay if you describe it as a "process." And another 24 teams trying to be one of these 6. When Favors signed that deal, one thing I thought of was that he has played exactly 500 games for the Jazz. That's gotta be second to Dirk among active players as far as consecutive games played with one team. I know that's not true, but isn't it sad? It used to be the norm. Playing 9-10 seasons for a team where you made it big, and then maybe leaving after that for a new challenge. Now, you play a couple of contracts and you need a new challenge like you've won everything and done everything and now you need to start from the bottom up to provide some kind of a thrill. Constant movement of players, willing or not, in order to facilitate that chase for rangs. And you know what hasn't changed since the pre-internet days? There's still only one team winning the rangs in June. Until they change that too, of course. For all the efforts, it's still going to be 29 teams not winning. So why not put a decent product on the floor, entertain the fans, and have fun? Why is having 45 or 50 wins so bad now?