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Moving to China

Cool as hell mang. Grats.

You'd be dumb to take advice from me. Never been to China. But a buddy of mine moved over there and taught English, and he said once he shared and accepted the culture he felt great.

Not sure how it is now, but he was saying how the internet was filtered while he was there (five years ago). A proxy service might be worth looking into if you're bringing your own computer.

That's all I got. But fricking congrats man Have a good time, and get out to see the terrocata warriors. So much detail for so long ago.
Yeah, I just bought a new laptop and will definitely get a good VPN on it before I move. That is good advice.
So. so awesome. I’ll actually watch the WO and root for your team. Congrats, my brotha.

Thanks, ill post which teams/athletes I end up working with. Im a little nervous about but I am excited about the opportunity.

I turned down an intership with the US olympic speed skating team a few years ago and really regretted it. So I am glad I am getting a chance again to work with an Olympic team. This time it pays though!
Thanks, ill post which teams/athletes I end up working with. Im a little nervous about but I am excited about the opportunity.

I turned down an intership with the US olympic speed skating team a few years ago and really regretted it. So I am glad I am getting a chance again to work with an Olympic team. This time it pays though!

I thought you said ski and snowboard?
Sounds like a really sweet gig!

Both my son and daughter have had close friends who each lived in China for 3+ years. My daughter's friend and her husband went for her job (her company opened a China office) and lived in Shanghai. They really enjoyed it and had a great ex-pat community. They just came back this summer (to Chicago, her job in China was over) and miss it quite a bit.

My son's good friend was there (in Beijing I believe) first on a study abroad program in college - he did one semester than repeated it for a second semester. When he graduated, he got an internship with a Chinese company that led to a full-time job - his girlfriend went over as well and got a job teaching English. They were there for two years and loved it as well, though they were both ready to come back. Again, they had a great group of ex-pat friends. Perhaps neither here nor there, but he is Black and his g/f (now his wife) is Latina and they said they felt there was less racism there than in the states.

They are all in the late 20's to early 30's.
Yes, I have a job lined up. I am not sure what city yet. Most likely Beijing, Shenzhen, or Shanghai.

Well, haven't lived there but 've spent some time traveling in China. Shanghai is pretty cool and more diverse than Beijing. Easier to navigate too.

Beijing is incredibly big and polluted. Summers are pretty hot and humid. Winters are bitterly cold. Traffic is a mess. Not as diverse or cosmopolitan as other big asian cities. You can still get everything you need though.

Never been to Shenzen but it's pretty close to Hong Kong, which is amazing. Actually, HK is one of my favorite cities in Asia. Housing is pretty expensive but is such a cool, dynamic city.

Get a good VPN and you are set.

I hope you have an amazing time. On my part, I'll be moving to Mexico City in a couple of months.
Well, haven't lived there but 've spent some time traveling in China. Shanghai is pretty cool and more diverse than Beijing. Easier to navigate too.

Beijing is incredibly big and polluted. Summers are pretty hot and humid. Winters are bitterly cold. Traffic is a mess. Not as diverse or cosmopolitan as other big asian cities. You can still get everything you need though.

Never been to Shenzen but it's pretty close to Hong Kong, which is amazing. Actually, HK is one of my favorite cities in Asia. Housing is pretty expensive but is such a cool, dynamic city.

Get a good VPN and you are set.

I hope you have an amazing time. On my part, I'll be moving to Mexico City in a couple of months.
What are you moving there for?
I have a cousin who lived in China for the past 5 years (just recently moved back). He speaks the language and even married a Chinese woman who he met over there. He started an exporting business. He has some crazy stories. Based on the experiences that he has shared with me I'm quite surprised at the comment earlier in this thread that racism is not much of an issue over there. He claims that Chinese see themselves as racially superior to other people and that they are not at all embarrassed of saying so or of asserting their rights to discriminate.
I literally saw over 1000 movies last year, several hundred were documentaries, read 100's of books. By-far the most unsettling, horrifying story I came across was what i just posted above and it's non-fiction.....

There are legit crimes against humanity on a massive scale, that are sanctioned by the state, going on in china, it's no wild conspiracy, its true.

Go find out the answer to why the average wait time for a kidney or liver transplant is weeks in china, but 2-3 years in the US and most other developed countries. Some have called it "a medical genocide", their training (programming might be a better word) doctors to murder efficiently there on a massive scale..

Still beats the horrors of living in the US.
I think the competing story here, one from a black man and latina woman, vs what I assume was a white male living in China and their assessment of which place was more racist... well, I'm sure the white male experienced more racism in China than he experienced in the U.S.. The mixed race couple, on the other hand...
I didn't know you were a chemist...

Thats a good one. China is actually stupidly strict about stuff. They wont even let their athletes eat anywhere except their facilities to prevent them from accidentally taking a banned substance these days.
Thats a good one. China is actually stupidly strict about stuff. They wont even let their athletes eat anywhere except their facilities to prevent them from accidentally taking a banned substance these days.
