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Happy No Collusion Day Everyone

Its being reported all over that there will be no more indictments. Meaning, this **** show is over.

Throw a dart at the wall and you find any leftist news outlet reporting this.

In the spirit of not jumping to conclusions, let's wait until the report comes out before we go overboard with the exoneration or impeachment discussion. What does it mean that the president will not be indicted if there are grounds for impeachment? And by the report coming out I mean that it is seen by someone outside the administration or Republican Cabal.
In the spirit of not jumping to conclusions, let's wait until the report comes out before we go overboard with the exoneration or impeachment discussion. What does it mean that the president will not be indicted if there are grounds for impeachment? And by the report coming out I mean that it is seen by someone outside the administration or Republican Cabal.
You know that the investigation was focused on Russian interference in our Presidential election, right?

They found evidence of that and have convicted several people of that.

So please tell me why that should not have been investigated or was a waste of money?

So to answer your question the point of the 27 million dollar investigation was to uncover details about Russian interference of our Presidential election. Since none of us know what's in the report we don't yet know the extent of that interference, but we do know it happened and we have charged and convicted people based on their involvement in it.

Cmon. The writing is on the wall. We know whats going to be in that report.

Its going to be this convoluted long drawn out novel thats says there isnt enough evidence to point Trump colluding with the Russians. Or in a round about way say it sorta looks bad, but nothing is really there. Sorry guys. We wasted your time. Hillary and the left cried hard enough so we were forced to conduct this witch hunt investigation.

That is, I guarantee, the conclusion to this **** show.
Cmon. The writing is on the wall. We know whats going to be in that report.

Its going to be this convoluted long drawn out novel thats says there isnt enough evidence to point Trump colluding with the Russians. Or in a round about way say it sorta looks bad, but nothing is really there. Sorry guys. We wasted your time. Hillary and the left cried hard enough so we were forced to conduct this witch hunt investigation.

That is, I guarantee, the conclusion to this **** show.

There will be plenty there for those who have the will to see. Those who chose to be purposefully blind to the truth will be joining you in doing somersaults down the primrose path I am sure. The Congress will have much to review and provide oversight on. This is what I will guarantee you, that history will paint the Trump administration as one of the most corrupt and incompetent in history...starting with the man at the top of the ticket.
I think the dems have moved past the "Russia interfered with the election" narrative, which was always contrived and driven by dismay that Hilary lost the election. They're talking about how certain emails and information got leaked to Wikileaks. There will need to be something else in the report.

As for collusion, we collude all the time with Israel, Saudi Arabia, Mexico, Canada, Europe and even China. The word collusion itself doesn't mean anything. The question is whether US interests were really betrayed somehow, you know, like selling Uranium under the table or taking donations to the Clinton Foundation from nefarious characters in a pay-to-play scheme.
I think the dems have moved past the "Russia interfered with the election" narrative, which was always contrived and driven by dismay that Hilary lost the election. They're talking about how certain emails and information got leaked to Wikileaks. There will need to be something else in the report.

As for collusion, we collude all the time with Israel, Saudi Arabia, Mexico, Canada, Europe and even China. The word collusion itself doesn't mean anything. The question is whether US interests were really betrayed somehow, you know, like selling Uranium under the table or taking donations to the Clinton Foundation from nefarious characters in a pay-to-play scheme.
You do know that mining rights and ownership of the uranium mined are two different things, don't you? I mean people sound so uninformed when they say uranium was sold to Russia when that isn't what happened.
Looks like everyone can sleep at night. The president isn't a Russian agent afterall.

Gee, who would have thought.

Im shocked that the liberal media turned out to be wrong.
Did you just link an article from the liberal media and then say it was wrong by claiming that article is right?

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Oh there definitely was collusion of all sorts, it just came from Hillary and her DNC cronies.

Leftists are in shock now but yet curiously still in denial that they are gonna impeach the president for made up nonsense.

Remember a few years ago when even the left talking heads were overheard saying there is no there, there? Yeah, it was true then just like it's true now. Time to accept the election results cause an aftereffect result of Mueller and his report is that it most likely just reelected Trump again.
Did you just link an article from the liberal media and then say it was wrong by claiming that article is right?


Your statement makes no sense.

I said they turned out to be wrong. Which means I was referring to their past articles. Not the one I posted. Of course they are going to try and save face later by pretending to be unbias and report whats going on. Doesn't matter. The damage is done.

The whole point to this was to drag Trumps name through the mud as long as possible in order to win the next election. They knew all along they had no real evidence. Hence the term fake news.

This was all a charade.
Still talking about HRC. I mean , I really don’t like HRC or her politics but this strange obsession is weird. Maybe the trumpeters new infatuation with being threatened by AOC will give them a new shiny thing to OCD on for awhile.
Your statement makes no sense.

I said they turned out to be wrong. Which means I was referring to their past articles. Not the one I posted. Of course they are going to try and save face later by pretending to be unbias and report whats going on. Doesn't matter. The damage is done.

The whole point to this was to drag Trumps name through the mud as long as possible in order to win the next election. They knew all along they had no real evidence. Hence the term fake news.

This was all a charade.

Haha, oh man this is too good to be true. Some articles that agree with what you think are saving face and unbias but ones you disagree with are fake news. You are too funny. You might be terrible at trolling but at least your worth a good laugh. If only we could take you serious.
Since you obviously have read the report to determine Mueller has unequivocally absolved Trump of collusion claims, can you drop me a DM with the report? I'd like to read it too. Thanks.
Its being reported all over that there will be no more indictments. Meaning, this **** show is over.

It's Justice Department policy a sitting President can not be indicted.

However, if you are comfortable believing that both Manafort and Stone colluded with Russia, but Trump knew nothing about it, good for you.
It's Justice Department policy a sitting President can not be indicted.

However, if you are comfortable believing that both Manafort and Stone colluded with Russia, but Trump knew nothing about it, good for you.

Im not saying Trump doesnt have friends in Russia who helped leak emails and hack the DNC. Im saying I dont give a rats ***, and I dont consider it a crime or a big deal, especially when politics is already dirty as hell. Hillary and the DNC were the ones doing the rigging. Good for Trump and thank you Russia for helping expose these corrupt politicians.

You guys are throwing around collusion like he was doing something unethical. The guy was saving this country from another corrupt politician. Why are you liberals so in favor of these corrupt liberal politicians? Why do you hate honesty and America so much? Why in the hell are you stuck on this, when you should be mad as hell for what Hillary did? That is the real crime. Its a joke that you keep trying these diversions. This is all just a distraction from what is the real problem. Funny thing is, you are only hurting your own cause and your own party. 2020 is going to be an even more embarrassing loss for the Dems. Its a fractured party eating its own everyday, and making fools of themselves everyday.

You clowns actually believed that Trump was a ****ing Russian agent or something. Oh my god man. Get a ****ing grip. Asking for dirt on Hillary does not equate to Russian puppet spy committing espionage.

Nothing is going to happen because its not a big enough deal for anything to happen. It precisely why there will be no new indictments. Get over it man. Its over. The circus is closing up shop. You arent going to win that Teddy Bear. You got duped by your party, AGAIN!!
Haha, oh man this is too good to be true. Some articles that agree with what you think are saving face and unbias but ones you disagree with are fake news. You are too funny. You might be terrible at trolling but at least your worth a good laugh. If only we could take you serious.


I identify as a troll sometimes, but was born a genius.
Im not saying Trump doesnt have friends in Russia who helped leak emails and hack the DNC. Im saying I dont give a rats ***, and I dont consider it a crime or a big deal, especially when politics is already dirty as hell. Hillary and the DNC were the ones doing the rigging. Good for Trump and thank you Russia for helping expose these corrupt politicians.

What did Clinton actually do that was dirtier than hacking an opponent (which is an illegal act)?
What did Clinton actually do that was dirtier than hacking an opponent (which is an illegal act)?

Took over and rigged the DNC. She defrauded an entire base.


She isnt even a true progressive. She is just another corrupt politician. She will say anything to get the nomination. Just a few years ago her immigration policy was just the same as Trump's.

Why doesnt this bother you? Why do you look the other way with her. She is more corrupt than Trump could ever be. The country made the right choice. Trump and Hillary were our two choices. The far better candidate won.