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You're the GM this offseason. What do you do?

Neither Crowder nor 36 year old Joe Johnson were better players than Favors yet lineup data shows that we were better with them at the 4 than Favors. We don't need to replace Favors with someone who is significantly better than he is, we need to replace him with someone who is a significantly better fit at the 4 next to Gobert than he is.
Nah. Ignore all that. Let’s reduce the argument down to “you just want someone who can shoot threes.”
Nah. Ignore all that. Let’s reduce the argument down to “you just want someone who can shoot threes.”
Neither Crowder nor 36 year old Joe Johnson were better players than Favors yet lineup data shows that we were better with them at the 4 than Favors. We don't need to replace Favors with someone who is significantly better than he is, we need to replace him with someone who is a significantly better fit at the 4 next to Gobert than he is.

My bad. I didnt know there was data to show what happens when Favors is off the team completely, or we have Conley + Favors, and our core had another year to get better, etc..
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A few things are pretty clear to me:

1. The Jazz really like Favors
2. The Jazz aren't going to overpay for free agents this year
3. The Jazz will only let go of Favors if
a. A trade comes through that makes sense
b. good players (potentially like Thad or Mirotic) get squeezed by the market and you can pick up two of them in the space you get from waiving Favors

They arent going to be early players in free agency. They are going to sit on their hands (other than in trade talks) and wait for **** to settle and pick up the scraps. That's just the play this year unless DL can make some trade.
How are you going to find out who are “squeezed” before free agency actually begins?
How are you going to find out who are “squeezed” before free agency actually begins?
Most of the good FA's will have contracts in hand by the 4th. Remember how few FA's there were when Hayward waited until July 4th to sign? Don't have to make a decision on Favors until the 6th. Timing will be tight but I'm sure Lindsey will be able to gauge his options before keeping or waiving Derrick.
Name the teams that pair two non-shooting bigs in their starting lineup. I’ll wait.

No doubt the Jazz are different. (Yet somehow they're better than most teams, so the quality of the players rather than just the type of players makes a difference, of course). But I'm curious, what kind of data would you accept? Do you have a cutoff for number of 3 pointers or 3-pt percentage that would qualify?
No doubt the Jazz are different. (Yet somehow they're better than most teams, so the quality of the players rather than just the type of players makes a difference, of course). But I'm curious, what kind of data would you accept? Do you have a cutoff for number of 3 pointers or 3-pt percentage that would qualify?
Attempts primarily.
OK, certainly the Jazz are lowest by that criteria. And you have a point that the Jazz are much different than basically any other team (though I'm not sure anybody was trying to argue otherwise; it's the impact this difference makes that's the point of contention).

But I have found that:
- Golden State's preferred lineups (with either Cousins or Looney along with Green, shot terrible percentages from 3, with quite low number of attempts, particularly with Looney in place of Cousins, which I think everyone agrees is a better lineup)
- Sacramento's single best lineup (though not the most common), had almost as few attempts/minute as the Favors/Gobert combo (it featured WCS/Bagley). Though WCS may not be with the Kings coming up, it seems possible that the Kings could roll with a low-3 volume PF/C duo next season depending on what happens in free agency.
Somehow the Knicks best lineup featured Vonleh and Robinson (with Vonleh hoisting only 2 3s per game compared to Favors's 1). Another of their good lineups had Vonleh and Kanter, with Kanter's rate at only 0.5 3-pt attempts/game. Of course they also had terrible lineups that included Kanter and Vonleh
The Nets lineups don't look appreciably more or less successful when they had two non-shooters in the game such as some combination of E Davis, Hollis-Jefferson, and Allen.
I guess you could mention the Spurs in the 24 games that Poeltl started. He and Aldridge shot fewer threes combined than Favors per game. The duo was part of the Spurs second most used lineup on the year (though it wasn't particularly successful).
So what I’m gathering is that destroying your own team’s spacing is a bad idea unless your other options are somehow worse (which only happens when you do a poor job constructing your roster in the first place).

This is not complicated. And when teams are routinely scoring 120 points, and/or perfectly comfortable shooting 3s, committing serious resources to a second rim-protector at the cost of a legit offense is almost laughable.
Still cant believe the disrespect for Favors around here.

The obsession with a 4 shooting threes is pretty dumb too. Its not a must. There are other ways to win.

You only get rid of Favors if it brings in someone significantly better. No one mentioned makes us that much better. What we gain with Tobias we also take a different kind of step back by letting Favors go.

Favors looked his absolute best last year and could get better.

Exum is the real problem with the roster. Fix that mess.
23 minutes per game and 17 million doe.
He sits on the bench more than he plays. Some say it's because he can't play more minutes than that for health reasons. Others say it's because we are a better team with a guy like Crowder next to gobert. Both explanations for his low minutes are reasons why you shouldn't pay him so damn much and why you should want another power forward.

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I still wish we could find a way to restructure the Memphis deal in a way that helps us. Pull some rabbit out of the hat like LA did with the Wiz.

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Neither Crowder nor 36 year old Joe Johnson were better players than Favors yet lineup data shows that we were better with them at the 4 than Favors. We don't need to replace Favors with someone who is significantly better than he is, we need to replace him with someone who is a significantly better fit at the 4 next to Gobert than he is.

Nah. Ignore all that. Let’s reduce the argument down to “you just want someone who can shoot threes.”

Except when they played with a PG that could shoot then having Favors in the lineup was better. I think Conley can shoot so...

Oh, I forget we ignore that data. Also we ignore playoff data when Favors was much better than Crowder with the starters over the last two years. We also ignore that Favors was better this year with Crowder at the 4 then Gobert was.