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TMZ reports that Kobe Bryant passed away.

There is a time and place for everything. The man died, bringing up anything but condolences and sadness at this time is tasteless and shameful.

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I don't think social media is the place to have that expectation.

I don't think anyone of us would say anything negative to Kobe's family. Kobe's family isn't here.
There is a time and place for everything. The man died, bringing up anything but condolences and sadness at this time is tasteless and shameful.

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I disagree. Read the article I posted.

If someone is a victim of someone who's died, then they shouldn't say anything about what the offender did, right? Time and place...

I'm not saying it's the right thing to do and definitely can see how it can come across as tasteless. However, I'm not close-minded enough to not understand why people bring it up. Rape is a traumatic, devastating, and horrific act that many people do not and will not forget.

Trust me, go back and read my posts in this thread. I'm just as devastated and saddened Kobe died as the next guy. I'm sure he was holding his daughter if they knew they were going down to comfort her. That's the type of dad he was.

Since his rape allegations have been brought up in this thread, I've gone back and read up on it. I can see why people can't and won't forget it. It's pretty disturbing. If you're upset people are making these posts, maybe read up on the case and evidence and you might see or understand their perspective a little more.
I don't think social media is the place to have that expectation.

I don't think anyone of us would say anything negative to Kobe's family. Kobe's family isn't here.

I'm not sure why people have this perspective other than they're regurgitating what they think is the "right" thing to say and do at this time without being able to have critical thinking skills.
You have low IQ if you think otherwise.

Any polarizing figure will have people, who at first chance, will dance on their corpses.

You're lying to yourself if you think otherwise.

No ****. But I'm not what part of "he makes it right out of the gate with no provocation. There was no reason to make the comment whatsoever, but dude did as a form of political shaming." do you not get? If he wants to make a attempt to attack folks in a remembrance thread/news thread for a deceased player, that's his call. Doesn't mean I can't call him out on it for being an ***.
I disagree. Read the article I posted.

If someone is a victim of someone who's died, then they shouldn't say anything about what the offender did, right? Time and place...

I'm not saying it's the right thing to do and definitely can see how it can come across as tasteless. However, I'm not close-minded enough to not understand why people bring it up. Rape is a traumatic, devastating, and horrific act that many people do not and will not forget.

This has nothing to do with a dude making a political attack/shame in a thread that has nothing to do with the politics. If folks want to bring up Kobe in a Kobe thread. That's fine because it could be valid. It's a part of history and maybe worthy of discussion.

But there isn't a reason to bring up Trump, Limbaugh, or make any sort of remark like Porcupine did. That's just stupid, low-class, low-ball, myopic arrogance. He was so gung-ho to make that comment that he made it the first thing in his post.

This is my last comment on the subject. Tired of taking away from the proper discussion.
No ****. But I'm not what part of "he makes it right out of the gate with no provocation. There was no reason to make the comment whatsoever, but dude did as a form of political shaming." do you not get? If he wants to make a attempt to attack folks in a remembrance thread/news thread for a deceased player, that's his call. Doesn't mean I can't call him out on it for being an ***.

If you read the thread I think he was using those shaming those about bringing up Kobe's rape allegations to make a point about cognitive dissonance. He used political and polarizing figures to make his point just like Kobe was polarizing to many. I can see how it comes across as a political attack.
People that bring up the allegations right after the man died are just attention seeking whores. They are taking some sort of moral high ground, being the salmon swimming against the current, "I am better than you guys and have a deep moral center" assholes.

People that bring up the rape allegations RIGHT after he died are degenerates and make me ashamed to be a part of this board.

If this kind of behavior is acceptable for Jazzfanzz then I'm out.

I've been posting on here for about 15 years, and this takes the cake.

Sent from my SM-G965U using JazzFanz mobile app
People that bring up the allegations right after the man died are just attention seeking whores. They are taking some sort of moral high ground, being the salmon swimming against the current, "I am better than you guys and have a deep moral center" assholes.

People that bring up the rape allegations RIGHT after he died are degenerates and make me ashamed to be a part of this board.

If this kind of behavior is acceptable for Jazzfanzz then I'm out.

I've been posting on here for about 15 years, and this takes the cake.

Sent from my SM-G965U using JazzFanz mobile app
How acceptable is it? He's taken a ton of heat for that opinion. It's not exactly popular here.
People that bring up the allegations right after the man died are just attention seeking whores. They are taking some sort of moral high ground, being the salmon swimming against the current, "I am better than you guys and have a deep moral center" assholes.

People that bring up the rape allegations RIGHT after he died are degenerates and make me ashamed to be a part of this board.

If this kind of behavior is acceptable for Jazzfanzz then I'm out.

I've been posting on here for about 15 years, and this takes the cake.

Sent from my SM-G965U using JazzFanz mobile app

I think you're being overly sensitive and shortsighted, dude. Pretty much every major news organization has either mentioned it or wrote an article about it since his passing.

I'm sure you'd call a rape victim an attention seeking whore if they brought up Kobe's rape allegation and celebrity fame to swing the scale of justice though, right? Seems about right.

Dear god, people are saying they're not going to post on Jazzfanz anymore because people are bringing up ****ing rape. You realize it's rape they're bringing up, right? And this somehow offends you?

This type of "behavior." Gtfoh...

This is from a once Kobe hater turned Kobe liker.
I hope at my funeral people feel the need to bring up all my faults and mistakes. When my dad dies I expect everyone to mention his battles with alcohol and the terrible things he did during those parts of his life. Would hate for people to just feel sorrow and compassion...
I hope at my funeral people feel the need to bring up all my faults and mistakes. When my dad dies I expect everyone to mention his battles with alcohol and the terrible things he did during those parts of his life. Would hate for people to just feel sorrow and compassion...

Unfortunately, we don't live in a perfect world. When people die, different people will remember them for good or bad - especially famous people.

It's just how the cookie crumbles.
People that bring up the allegations right after the man died are just attention seeking whores. They are taking some sort of moral high ground, being the salmon swimming against the current, "I am better than you guys and have a deep moral center" assholes.

People that bring up the rape allegations RIGHT after he died are degenerates and make me ashamed to be a part of this board.

If this kind of behavior is acceptable for Jazzfanzz then I'm out.

I've been posting on here for about 15 years, and this takes the cake.

Sent from my SM-G965U using JazzFanz mobile app

Jesus, another crybaby who wants to storm off. How many is that in this thread alone?
Unfortunately, we don't live in a perfect world. When people die, different people will remember them for good or bad - especially famous people.

It's just how the cookie crumbles.

I get it... for sure... it’s just timing I guess. Right now the focus has to be compassion. No need to magnify the ugly parts today.
Hardly. Rape is non-consensual. A huge difference.
It is downright terrifying to see someone downplay and justify rape this much. All the tropes are there. Why did she come to his room? It's not like he did it a bunch of times(he might have, you know damn well how few rapes get reported). Things got "out of hand." He made a mistake.

And no, not once in my life have I gone farther than someone wanted.
Judge not ... I guess you never were a teen with raging hormones.
You Trump haters really are just a different kind of ****ed up in the head.
Politics is headed to a scary place in this country. I feel like the anti-trump side should spend more energy finding and raising up an amazing candidate to take him down... but they too busy with the **** trump stuff.
Judge not ... I guess you never were a teen with raging hormones.
Raging hormones aren't an excuse for rape. You aren't helping the discussion at all. The rape discussion should not be downplayed. It's a reality rich people get away with a lot. Kobe is no exception. It will always be a part of his legacy and some people will rightfully hate him for it.

It's just that he also did a lot of good in his life, learned from his mistakes and inspired many people including lots of women. It's not right for people who grieves his death and share their love of him to see someone come and talk only of the bad things he did.

The rape discussion should and needs to happen. Just not this day. And we don't need to see it as a trivial thing because the the guy died.
So does the nba make sure this is Kobe remembrance season and cap it off by handing the Lakers a title?
I do wonder. I think it's kind of a Ouija Board phenomenon, where 5 people put their hands on the board and everybody involved is convinced that they're not influencing the movements, yet it produces result consistent with the collective desires of those handling it.