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WTF Rudy?

I've thought this too, I don't think they really like each other, they are just civil.
I don't think they are best friends, but I definitely think they are friends. They seem to have friction/frustration with one another on the court. I don't see some Kobe/Shaq thing building here, but they need to work better together.
you do though, clearly you know **** and people diss you for it too. you got no credibility around here
I’ve often made it clear I’m not perfect, and many of my speculations are erroneous at best sometimes, but I have no problem being bold on what I know for a fact, and at the very least there is a fondness and high mutual respect for one another.

just listen to Mitchell’s response to Gobert detractors fast forward to 1:42 in this video then tell me they don’t like each other. Some of those passes to Gobert aren’t easy not every player is confident in making some of those passes.

I've thought this too, I don't think they really like each other, they are just civil.
The angle was not there for Donovan to make that pass you're talking about. He had a couple defenders bigger than him who could have easily jumped and tipped that pass. Donovan didn't miss Rudy there, Bogey did. Donovan is 6 foot 1 inches tall guys. I don't think they are best friends by any means, but neither were Stockton and Malone, but they sure won a lot of games together.
I’ve often made it clear I’m not perfect, and many of my speculations are erroneous at best sometimes, but I have no problem being bold on what I know for a fact, and at the very least there is a fondness and high mutual respect for one another.

just listen to Mitchell’s response to Gobert detractors fast forward to 1:42 in this video then tell me they don’t like each other. Some of those passes to Gobert aren’t easy not every player is confident in making some of those passes.

Do you really think Mitchell is gonna talk bad about his teammate to the media ? they aren't close, they just are decent teammates
Do you really think Mitchell is gonna talk bad about his teammate to the media ? they aren't close, they just are decent teammates
You said they didn’t like each other that’s a far cry from they aren’t close, and no I wouldn’t expect Mitchell to talk bad about him but he’s also not going to give the bold impassioned statement he gave either if he wasn’t close to Gobert.
You said they didn’t like each other that’s a far cry from they aren’t close, and no I wouldn’t expect Mitchell to talk bad about him but he’s also not going to give the bold impassioned statement he gave either if he wasn’t close to Gobert.

doesn't like each other doesn't mean they hate each other there just indifferent, civil.
I don’t like you, I hate you. I find it hard to understand how you could think they’re just indifferent, and yes that means they hate each other. IMO indifference is hate in my book, idiot

We will never know how players truly feel about one another, one can only assume, no one knows for certain, I think you are pretty sure of their emotions to one another. Do you see a difference in how Spida was with Rubio, how he is with Royce and the newly acquired Clarkson? it's different than he is with Gobert. Maybe it's a competition thing? who's team is it? I took less time to be an allstar? it's all assumptions but I just get this vibe

on a side note,

you need to get out more, you seem to live too much of a sheltered life. Try this and just let the negativity out. you aren't liked on here, I can see why. get a life loser
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We will never know how players truly feel about one another
Yet, here you are, telling us how they feel about each other.
We hit 20 three pointers which means we should have won this game by at least 20 points! We need to beat both NY and Detroit to make this at least a decent road trip. We lose to either NY or Detroit, we might as well slit our throats and be done with it!