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SIAP - Just a disgusting piece of journalism. Hit piece in the SF Chronicle.

Unfortunately, it’s 0% surprising that so many people are either (a) rushing to defend Ryan in a quasi-tribal way, or (b) defending the article for the wrong reasons or on the wrong points.

I also wasn’t surprised that it was initially presented as a piece of “journalism”..... which it ISN’T. When will we attain to the level of digital literacy that lets us see the difference between reporting pieces and opinion pieces? Pls soon emmk.
Oh you're one of them...okay. What is your problem with black and brown kids getting access to these scholarships? Being poor sucks, but if you're black or brown, you've got this **** to deal with, too. Let me know if you need help with identifying the context of this pic, pal.

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Fighting against racism begins with inclusion not exclusion.. Grouping and judging someone by the color of their skin, no matter what direction is racist and only breeds more hate. Why is this so hard to understand?


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I’m now so sorry to have participated in this thread.... especially because now that I didn’t univocally dismiss the writer, I might be somehow grouped with dudes such as midair. **** this.
Fighting against racism begins with inclusion not exclusion.. Grouping and judging someone by the color of their skin, no matter what direction is racist and only breeds more hate. Why is this so hard to understand?
How do you, personally, fight racism? I’m genuinely interested.
Fighting against racism begins with inclusion not exclusion.. Grouping and judging someone by the color of their skin, no matter what direction is racist and only breeds more hate. Why is this so hard to understand?
I don't see why this is true when the "grouping" you're referring to is for the purpose of helping an objectively underpriviledged race while doing zero harm to anybody else.
There is some truth in the article. Ryan Smith would buy Patrisse Cullors a new home if it would help the Jazz image, wait he kind of already did. Ryan Smith would exclude kids based on the color of their skin in his scholarship program if it helped his image, again he already did. Be honest, what part of the article upsets you? I think the article is poorly written and a hit job, but it carries truth. Smith is pandering and doing it for business reasons.
I’d disagree. I think you’re suggesting that if someone supports a good cause/movement that has negatives (virtually everything does) than they must undoubtedly endorse the negatives of those organizations. BLM has many many faults, but it also has some fundamental goods. There was a cool insight by Locke onto Ryan’s family helping racial causes in the 50s/70s and taking lots of heat for it. I think his position comes from both familial experience and a genuine desire to do good.
In regards to his exclusion of kids for scholarship funds based on their skin color, I understand what you’re saying. I think you’ve got to look at it as he’s trying to help one group, but that doesn’t equate to him damaging another group. If I help any one individual person, I’m not simultaneously hurting other people ya know? To say Smith is pandering is an assumption. Frankly the dudes political involvement seems to cover both parties which we should all be able to appreciate since neither is perfect. Smith seems like a good dude, runs a great company (my bro is a long time employee), serves his community, serves a lot in his church, and genuinely appears by all actions and accounts to be trying to leave the world a better place than he found it. You can question how he measures or accomplishes that based off of your political ideology, but you can’t question that this is a man whose put a lot of effort into achieving what he thinks is the proper way to improve the world.
Fighting against racism begins with inclusion not exclusion.. Grouping and judging someone by the color of their skin, no matter what direction is racist and only breeds more hate. Why is this so hard to understand?
We all know *you* are not racist.

Sure, you are repeating racist talking points. You are quoting MLK in the same fashion racists do. I haven't seen you complaining about scholarships for people of Polish/Greek/etc. descent, just for those directed at black kids.

So, since *you* are not racist, maybe it's worth your while to ask yourself why you sound so much like one?
I’d disagree. I think you’re suggesting that if someone supports a good cause/movement that has negatives (virtually everything does) than they must undoubtedly endorse the negatives of those organizations. BLM has many many faults, but it also has some fundamental goods. There was a cool insight by Locke onto Ryan’s family helping racial causes in the 50s/70s and taking lots of heat for it. I think his position comes from both familial experience and a genuine desire to do good.
In regards to his exclusion of kids for scholarship funds based on their skin color, I understand what you’re saying. I think you’ve got to look at it as he’s trying to help one group, but that doesn’t equate to him damaging another group. If I help any one individual person, I’m not simultaneously hurting other people ya know? To say Smith is pandering is an assumption. Frankly the dudes political involvement seems to cover both parties which we should all be able to appreciate since neither is perfect. Smith seems like a good dude, runs a great company (my bro is a long time employee), serves his community, serves a lot in his church, and genuinely appears by all actions and accounts to be trying to leave the world a better place than he found it. You can question how he measures or accomplishes that based off of your political ideology, but you can’t question that this is a man whose put a lot of effort into achieving what he thinks is the proper way to improve the world.
So, what exactly does his company do? The hit piece attacks and make assumptions but it doesn't really tell us what the company does. And how did he make a billion dollars doing it?
I’d disagree. I think you’re suggesting that if someone supports a good cause/movement that has negatives (virtually everything does) than they must undoubtedly endorse the negatives of those organizations. BLM has many many faults, but it also has some fundamental goods. There was a cool insight by Locke onto Ryan’s family helping racial causes in the 50s/70s and taking lots of heat for it. I think his position comes from both familial experience and a genuine desire to do good.
In regards to his exclusion of kids for scholarship funds based on their skin color, I understand what you’re saying. I think you’ve got to look at it as he’s trying to help one group, but that doesn’t equate to him damaging another group. If I help any one individual person, I’m not simultaneously hurting other people ya know? To say Smith is pandering is an assumption. Frankly the dudes political involvement seems to cover both parties which we should all be able to appreciate since neither is perfect. Smith seems like a good dude, runs a great company (my bro is a long time employee), serves his community, serves a lot in his church, and genuinely appears by all actions and accounts to be trying to leave the world a better place than he found it. You can question how he measures or accomplishes that based off of your political ideology, but you can’t question that this is a man whose put a lot of effort into achieving what he thinks is the proper way to improve the world.
Well said. I can see your point and wholeheartedly agree giving one doesn't take away from the other. Ive said what I've said and won't repeat myself. I didn't realize it would be so controversial that people would be scared to be associated with me. I fully appreciate the well thought out response instead of just shutting down any discussion with "you're a racist". I agree Ryan is probably doing good. I just disagree with him on this issue. I did hear Lockes podcast though about i believe his uncle in Ogden. Good listen. Thanks.
Yawnnnn. Lazy writing, lazy investigative journalism, even worse delivery. Just another low hanging fruit hack job. Why even give this a full read. Can’t even take the time to give quotes just broad characterizations. No real world examples or annactodotes. No real numbers. Just awful journalism
So, what exactly does his company do? The hit piece attacks and make assumptions but it doesn't really tell us what the company does. And how did he make a billion dollars doing it?
Their main focus is analytics that help companies gain insight into customer experience, enabling companies to understand how they can improve their products and services. Qualtrics is a massive survey company, if you’ve taken an online service in the pass few years there’s a good chance it was qualtrics. In the hit piece it looks like the complaint was that Qualtircs illegitimately collects data to allow company’s to manipulate customers or something like that. I’m not an expert on all these things but essentially Qualtrics does lots of surveys, analytics, and data interpretation so companies can know how they’re doing, and what their customer feedback means. Honestly doesn’t seem fishy to me. The author seemed liked they were trying to tie it back to how Trump one so there ya go, that’s an opinion for ya. Hopefully that had some bit of insight somewhere in there haha.
Well said. I can see your point and wholeheartedly agree giving one doesn't take away from the other. Ive said what I've said and won't repeat myself. I didn't realize it would be so controversial that people would be scared to be associated with me. I fully appreciate the well thought out response instead of just shutting down any discussion with "you're a racist". I agree Ryan is probably doing good. I just disagree with him on this issue. I did hear Lockes podcast though about i believe his uncle in Ogden. Good listen. Thanks.
For sure dude. I think if you look at a lot of the things going on as isolated instances, then the principles seem kinda questionable right. For example, “only black kids can receive this scholarship”. That seems racist right? But, then add in the context with a larger perspective and it’s like okay, that makes sense. That’s at least how I look at it cause I agree with you that as isolated policies, much of what’s going on is questionable. However, in context of larger implications then I can understand it better. Take that for what you will.
Here are some of his other, I assume, award winning columns:


Seems like a miserable **********.
That part, that part right there. The "poorly written" and "a hit job" part.
I wouldn't say poorly written but extremely biased and agenda driven. It was actually the opposite of what journalism is supposed to be and the publication that ran it is peddling propaganda.
Smith has definitely been very purposeful and crafted with how he’s projected himself. His stepping forward into this new public image has been part of a deliberate PR campaign.

We don’t need to view this as a negative, of course. But your reply appears to make too little of the fact that Smith has deliberately made himself into a product for public consumption.
That's what business persons and politicians do, create an image that the public would admire. That's nothing new. What is wrong is when the image they create is far from or opposite of the truth.
Their main focus is analytics that help companies gain insight into customer experience, enabling companies to understand how they can improve their products and services. Qualtrics is a massive survey company, if you’ve taken an online service in the pass few years there’s a good chance it was qualtrics. In the hit piece it looks like the complaint was that Qualtircs illegitimately collects data to allow company’s to manipulate customers or something like that. I’m not an expert on all these things but essentially Qualtrics does lots of surveys, analytics, and data interpretation so companies can know how they’re doing, and what their customer feedback means. Honestly doesn’t seem fishy to me. The author seemed liked they were trying to tie it back to how Trump one so there ya go, that’s an opinion for ya. Hopefully that had some bit of insight somewhere in there haha.

Correct - and that's what's so ****ing weak about the article.

Let's blame Johannes Gutenberg for books that inspired people to do bad things.

Let's blame Jonas Salk for people who were saved by the Polio Vaccine as children and then went on to become criminals.

A close second is this ultra woke mentality that Smith is taking advantage of D-Wade as if Wade isn't smart enough to figure out when he's being bamboozled by evil whitey - it's becoming glaringly obvious that racists and woke **** heads like Magary are two sides of the same coin.

We don't know the terms of Wade's ownership but I'd bet serious money it's way more attractive than any offer he got from the Miami Heat. And Wade will be working for an organization where every idea doesn't live or die on Pat Riley's desk.
Correct - and that's what's so ****ing weak about the article.

Let's blame Johannes Gutenberg for books that inspired people to do bad things.

Let's blame Jonas Salk for people who were saved by the Polio Vaccine as children and then went on to become criminals.

A close second is this ultra woke mentality that Smith is taking advantage of D-Wade as if Wade isn't smart enough to figure out when he's being bamboozled by evil whitey - it's becoming glaringly obvious that racists and woke **** heads like Magary are two sides of the same coin.

We don't know the terms of Wade's ownership but I'd bet serious money it's way more attractive than any offer he got from the Miami Heat. And Wade will be working for an organization where every idea doesn't live or die on Pat Riley's desk.
When did MCarter say anything about the article being weak? I'm puzzled by your comment because you're being critical of Magary but so is MCarter. What's your point? I'm confused.