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Twitter is a cesspool.
True but it is also crazy fast.
[deleted because I don't want to give this dirtbag any publicity]

At first appearance this doesn't seem to have anything to do with Rittenhouse. The guy's social media isn't political but he does seem to have an obsessive love for Kobe Bryant. I only found 1 tweet that was even sort of political and it had more to do with Kanye than any political tribe. There was nothing about Rittenhouse, or BLM, or anything divisive in his social media.
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So you are saying that 1) we need citizens to assume the mantle of the police at their whim to maintain law and order, and 2) that angry white men are not responsible for most mass shootings in this country. Interesting take. Seems you want the wild west. I am glad we live in a society where you would not be making the rules.

So yes he was ambushed. Ok. If he hadn't been there at all, or hadn't had a gun, would anyone have felt they had a reason to ambush him? You are acting as if his choice to be a vigilante is fully reasonable and justified, and that he was the only one capable of being a vigilante.

Here is another way to look at it. Rosenbaum went there to stop shooters from attacking the protesters, with a plan to take out any bad guys by any means necessary, you know, as a vigilante. So he sees a kid brandishing a gun, an obvious gun, waving it around out in the open, like those used in mass shootings. He devises a plan to stop this dangerous shooter, since someone needs to maintain law and order, as you said. So he determines the best way to do this while being as safe for himself as possible, and he "ambushes" him, intent on stopping the guy with the gun, and not believing him while he yelled at him that he was a friendly, I mean that is what the bad guy would say, right? So he tries to stop him and the bad guy, the active shooter, shoots him. Who is the vigilante here?

You act like since Rittenhouse went there with a gun he was automatically authorized by the police to meet out both sentence and execution on any situation he deems to be dangerous that needs to be taken care of. This is so ridiculous it is mindboggling anyone could put that forward as a reasonable response. We do not live in the wild west. We do not live in a third world country where it is bouncing between tin-pot dictators. We live in an actual country with rule of law and law enforcement personnel and everything. We have no need of vigilantes.

It is hard to believe we have to state this stuff to adult human beings. Scares the **** out of me for where we are heading as a country. Which president will be the one fiddling while Washington burns?

Edit: the plinking argument is one of the worst excuses I have ever heard. So he innocently took a gun to the protest, not to hunt anyone down but because he got lost on the huge tract of land and had to find some cans to plink somewhere? Wow, the leaps in logic are astounding.

He was just there to visit a friend. Nothing more. Lol

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Seriously shut the **** up with this nonsense. NO ONE REASONABLE BUYS YOUR ********. No one made the assertion that guns made things less dangerous, least of all me. The protest was not peaceful and go **** yourself if you think you’re going to use that nonsense talking point. It and other protests were NOT peaceful long before Rittenhouse showed up. And yes, other people died across the country due to that violence.

Now go with the “it’s just property” BS. Go ahead use the talking point. Everyone saw what happened. Leftists are so much more like right wing crazies than they’d ever have the dignity to look in the mirror and see.

Rittenhouse was just there to visit a friend and was ambushed by satan worshipping murderous baby rapers. Luckily there was a gun laying on the ground nearby and he was able to kill the people participating in the purge and save the day.

Sent from my iPad using JazzFanz mobile app
True but it is also crazy fast.
[deleted because I don't want to give this dirtbag any publicity]

At first appearance this doesn't seem to have anything to do with Rittenhouse. The guy's social media isn't political but he does seem to have an obsessive love for Kobe Bryant. I only found 1 tweet that was even sort of political and it had more to do with Kanye than any political tribe. There was nothing about Rittenhouse, or BLM, or anything divisive in his social media.

Yeah, I saw his awful rap video. Even the car was in it which is surreal.

I don’t know what this guy’s motive was or what he was on, but it’s guys like him why I support the death penalty. I just wish it didn’t take 20 years.

Hope he rides the lightning.
Yeah, I saw his awful rap video. Even the car was in it which is surreal.

I don’t know what this guy’s motive was or what he was on, but it’s guys like him why I support the death penalty. I just wish it didn’t take 20 years.

Hope he rides the lightning.
Even for guys who've done things as bad as this guy has, I don't support capital punishment. I won't try to change anyone's mind on it.
People already saying the tragedy tonight in Wisconsin during the parade is payback for Rittenhouse when they don’t even have a clue. Let’s get some facts first.

Twitter is a cesspool.
There are many responsible sources on Twitter. Unfortunately they're drowned out by the idiots and imbeciles on both sides that love to jump the gun so they can be the first to espouse their "hot takes" on any given event.

And of course the other side loves to use those failed hot takes as a gotcha moment.

Twitter is a cesspool that feeds on its own garbage.
There are many responsible sources on Twitter. Unfortunately they're drowned out by the idiots and imbeciles on both sides that love to jump the gun so they can be the first to espouse their "hot takes" on any given event.

And of course the other side loves to use those failed hot takes as a gotcha moment.

Twitter is a cesspool that feeds on its own garbage.
This is all social media, imo.
In many ways, life in prison in 23 hour solitary confinement is a worse punishment knowing you will never be a free man ever again.

If im ever given the option of death penalty or life in prison then i will beg for death penalty.

I find it strange that people want life in prison more than they want death.

Sent from my iPad using JazzFanz mobile app
Rittenhouse was just there to visit a friend and was ambushed by satan worshipping murderous baby rapers. Luckily there was a gun laying on the ground nearby and he was able to kill the people participating in the purge and save the day.

Sent from my iPad using JazzFanz mobile app
Yes, and all those wonderful people showed up just to "protest" That's all they did.
@LogGrad98 take is obviously correct. Also, the leftist-blaming rhetoric is stupid af.
LogGrad's take is the same delusional talking points that will swing the elections in November but sure. Leftists are nut jobs who should be blamed for plenty. Hardcore leftists deserve plenty of blow back just like right win extremist nut jobs do. Leftists just throw their hands up and act like they aren't guilty of extremism when challenged on it. The police thing is about as perfect example as you could get. “Abolish the police”……until they’re not there right? Then you’re crying about wanting them to be there to do their job. Policing needs plenty of reform, training improvements, etc. That’s not abolishment. And it’s 100% what the leftist faction of the party believes is a good idea and not an insanely stupid idea. You want more Rittenhouses? Keep advocating for abolishing the police and you’ll get them.
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LogGrad's take is the same delusional talking points that will swing the elections in November but sure. Leftists are nut jobs who should be blamed for plenty. Hardcore leftists deserve plenty of blow back just like right win extremist nut jobs do. Leftists just throw their hands up and act like they aren't guilty of extremism when challenged on it.
LOL you haven't read much or anything I have written if you think I am a leftist. Just ask @The Thriller .

No, I am a realist, and I can recognize what escalates something like this, and what is needed for order, and encouraging vigilantes is not it. And if you are so blind by your right-wing religion that you cannot recognize that NOT bringing a gun in the role of a self-proclaimed vigilante will lead to less violence, then there is just no hope for you. Espousing vigilantism is straight up the dumbest thing imaginable from a semi-intelligent human being, but that is what you and your other right-wing nut jobs are doing. Strongly implying, if not outright stating, that we NEED the Rittenhouses of the country to take their guns and go protect mah rights, or whatever the **** it is you think he was doing. It is this kind of delusional thinking that got the closest thing we have ever had to a tyrant elected in 2016. Pull your head out of your *** long enough to take a breath and try to look at the issue itself, and maybe put some actual thought to it, and not just go looking for whatever right-wing talking points you most agree with on the issue that you can copy and paste into the interwebz forum.
LOL you haven't read much or anything I have written if you think I am a leftist. Just ask @The Thriller .

No, I am a realist, and I can recognize what escalates something like this, and what is needed for order, and encouraging vigilantes is not it. And if you are so blind by your right-wing religion that you cannot recognize that NOT bringing a gun in the role of a self-proclaimed vigilante will lead to less violence, then there is just no hope for you. Espousing vigilantism is straight up the dumbest thing imaginable from a semi-intelligent human being, but that is what you and your other right-wing nut jobs are doing. Strongly implying, if not outright stating, that we NEED the Rittenhouses of the country to take their guns and go protect mah rights, or whatever the **** it is you think he was doing. It is this kind of delusional thinking that got the closest thing we have ever had to a tyrant elected in 2016. Pull your head out of your *** long enough to take a breath and try to look at the issue itself, and maybe put some actual thought to it, and not just go looking for whatever right-wing talking points you most agree with on the issue that you can copy and paste into the interwebz forum.
What escalated this was “abolish the police” and then beginning to burn down businesses, kill and injure business owners, police, etc. in these RIOTS, not protests. Then Rittenhouse further escalated things by bringing an AR15 to one of them. None of the people involved in this garbage acts are innocent. Want more Rittenhouses? Keep pretending the left advocating for abolishing the police is bubbly and fine and not extremism, or like you’ve done, pretend it’s not happening when it absolutely is. You claim you’re not leftists but then you respond with perfect leftism lol. You are a leftist. I’ve stated several times Rittenhouse is an idiot, and we don’t need more of him. My point is both parties extremes are driving this and the “both sides” thing is true. No one dares look in the mirror though.
Before he gets the chance to respond like a jerk about it, @Dkeaton024 claims to be a Democrat. Just one that doesn't like the extreme left more than Trump Jr., apparently.
Because it’s a faction of my own party that’s gone off the deep end and is costing Democrats elections by acting like insane people. The right wing idiots aren’t something I have anything to do with. I’d rather not lose in 2022, and 2024 especially to Donald Trump who is terrible for the country, but leftists will gladly drive us there. You know why Joe Biden won and Bernie Sanders didn’t? Because Joe Biden was seen as a moderate, plain, nothing candidate people wanted to return to.
If im ever given the option of death penalty or life in prison then i will beg for death penalty.

I find it strange that people want life in prison more than they want death.

Sent from my iPad using JazzFanz mobile app
Be careful what you beg for. I'd sentence you to death by Sarlacc. In its belly, you will find a new definition of pain and suffering, as you are slowly digested over a thousand years.
@MT Steve

I want to preface this by saying that I don't want to get into a political argument with you, so let's please not go there. I don't have a political party, but I generally lean left more than right on most issues. I'm only going to bring up a few examples because you asked. This is not inclusive - there are many more I could've chosen:

Biden himself tweeted about white supremacists, which featured a video including Rittenhouse. A host on MSNBC referred to Rittenhouse as "a little murderous white supremacist". Congresswoman Cori Bush tweeted that the system isn't built to "hold white supremacists accountable" (referring directly to Rittenhouse).
I appreciate your response.

I don't know what the context was of Biden's tweet, but I don't think it's at all inaccurate to connect Rittenhouse's vigilantism to white supremacy. Just like we don't have Jan 6 without Trump, the GOP, and right wing media spreading The Big Lie for two months.

I think that MSNBC host jumped the gun there. I think he's a murderous vigilante who killed two people and injured a third.

I agree with Cori Bush regarding accountability. I don't know if Rittenhouse is a white supremacist. But it certainly seems like he should have some accountability for what was done.

If this is directed at me, I can assure you that I'm not at ALL justifying what the Republican media is doing. In fact, I'll even segue into a rant about that.
It wasn't and I apologize for not being clearer. It's more of a general post as I'm so tired of the both sidesing of issues by the media and by several posters here.

I think it's deplorable that the media is depicting Kyle as a hero. I think there's a great chance it'll inspire other people to be vigilantes, and lead to extremely dangerous situations in future protests. It's disgusting. Furthermore, I hate guns. I hate this country's embarrassing gun control laws. I think it's abhorrent that anybody, let alone a kid, can openly carry an AR-15 in any public setting, let alone a volatile one, and not face any consequences.
I agree.

Depicting him as a murderer and a white supremacist
This is where we might disagree. Without white supremacy I don't think Rittenhouse does what he does. I remember the summer of 2020 well. Trump was attacking governors for not "dominating the streets" and was pressuring the nation's top military leaders to deploy troops in American cities. White supremacist groups and right wing media were working in tantum to create so much chaos, that would scare voters into voting for a strongman like Trump again. Rittenhouse went there to fulfill a fantasy or to indulge in his fear that blacks/liberals/commies were taking over the country. These protests were the results of years of white supremacy.

Without white supremacy, we don't have Rittenhouse shooting people at a protest.
This is why I hate the leftists in my own party @Gameface It’s not the policies like an infrastructure bill, paid family leave, Medicaid expansion, legal weed, $1,400 during a pandemic that people hate. Polls look like this because people hate the AOC wing of the Democratic Party and are tired of their nonsense and whining. It ain’t a policy thing that’s losing Democrats elections, it’s a faction in the party that people hate and has gone completely insane and are convinced they are a majority because they echo chamber each other on Twitter and within out of touch media sources. That’s why I will rant all day long about the extremists within my own party that have stupid ideas, and delusional thought processes. Don’t want gerrymandering and to lose state house and Senate seats that create districts? Start appealing to more people than those in cities and ultra blue areas. You may win the battle(Presidency) but we are losing the war down ballot.

Be careful what you beg for. I'd sentence you to death by Sarlacc. In its belly, you will find a new definition of pain and suffering, as you are slowly digested over a thousand years.
Eh, unless you are willing to eat some chunks of bounty hunter you would starve to death before that.
Eh, unless you are willing to eat some chunks of bounty hunter you would starve to death before that.
Legends canon states the Sarlacc enzymes keep its victims alive and aware in constant horrific pain (the enzymes make you feel like you are boiling). The good news is the sarlacc absorbs your sentience, meaning you will consciousness in some form will live in that pit for up to 50,000 years, unless a krait dragon gets to you first.
I can say with certainty that Rittenhouse is an idiot. I'm not going to give him other labels without more.

I believe we need to have better equality, and I think our poor citizens, including blacks, are disadvantaged and we need to do something about it. I'm all for doing more to protect black lives and work to stop racism, but I can't say I fully support Black Lives Matter (which I have donated to), as it seems like it is just as corrupt as many other organizations, particularly its founder.

He could be pro-police, he could be anti-black or simply a gun nut, or perhaps a mix of all. I haven't seen direct evidence that he is a white supremacist, but that doesn't mean he isn't.