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Post Pictures of Your Pet Thread

Would it make you feel differently if I mentioned the Madame was considering acquiring a chinchilla?

I believe she wants to name it Ms. Chinchy.
Would only be cool if you also bought a ferret, set them both loose, and recorded the carnage. I doubt Ms.Chinchy would last an hour.

Nice snot stream.



Pics of momma and the new puppies.
One of the puppies, 18 hours old.

I can't own a dog until I get a house. Until then it wouldn't be fair to the dog being locked up in a townhouse all day with no back yard.

Here are my two cats. Yes, I'm sure there's a joke here about them being only ***** that's in this house.

What is it with all of the men on this board owning little puss-weed dogs and cats?

Color me disappoint.
What is it with all of the men on this board owning little puss-weed dogs and cats?

Color me disappoint.

Does it suck to be that insecure in your masculinity? I wouldn't know.
Does it suck to be that insecure in your masculinity? I wouldn't know.

I've never really thought about it. So I guess it doesn't suck that bad.

FWIW, I do have a jacked up truck with huge tires, and I want a Corvette.
I did the Corvette thing. Traded it in on a house down-payment. I will go Corvette as soon as I can again too. The most fun you can have with your clothes on, and the second most with them off.

My Dobie, he was 10 months in this picture, he's just over 2 yrs now.

(can anyone tell me how to upload a picture at full size instead of thumbnailed?)
Click the image to see it full-size - I think the one with his mouth open might be too ferocious to post full-size though!!!

(but if you insist, when you post the image you need to deselect the little box that says "link to remote...blah blah blah.." or whatever it says)

No pets here, unless the squirrels in the attic and the mice that run around along the baseboards count...
I hate wild life that doesn't know its place is out in the wild.

And seeing the picture of Trout's fishing companion makes me think of a story on the radio this morning about a guy (from Utah no less) whose dog somehow shot him in the butt when they were out hunting and fishing together. Funny stuff!!!

(maybe that's why Trout's been on hiatus... just kidding, they said the unnamed man is 46 yrs old, and I know Trout's a much younger fellow)