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The *OFFICIAL* Russia Is About To Invade Ukraine Thread

In many parts of the world, including 49 of the 50 US states, the power could come from solar arrays.
Unless the weather inclement. We had a freeze down here in South Texas and people died because we were relying on solar and wind. The point is you cannot rely on them.
If presidents could solely control the cost of gas and energy, every president would strive to make everything as cheap as possible to get votes. The real world doesn't work that way.

Supply and demand - cut Russia off, increases global demand. The rich get richer.

Yet another reason that if you want to get away from gas, we need to move faster and execute even better with electric cars by giving them longer range and making them more affordable.

It seems like people are ignoring that gas had risen a fair amount, and was still rising, before the issues with Russia happened.

It is, in my opinion, frustrating that we have options at home that could have helped with the supply issues far before this ever happened, but they were shut down. If you want to pay more to shut down Russia, why not pay for oil that comes from here, where we can create jobs, and business? But to act like all of this is happening because of Russia, well, there’s a fair amount of gaslighting going on there. Fuel was on the rise before this ever started with Russia.

In regards to electric, I’m glad it’s an option for some, and hope they continue to develop it. I don’t see any way in my lifetime that it develops enough to eliminate oil/fuel based vehicles. It simply isn’t feasible for anything that needs power and distance, i.e, semis, tractors, any kind of heavy equipment. Just for a personal example, it wouldn’t be very efficient to have a tractor shut down for a few hours while it needs to recharge when I’m very limited on time anyways. And as far as I know, there’s nothing that would create 500+ hp and last more than a few hours. That just ain’t gonna work. For commuters and city people it’s fine, for those of us who still have to travel long distances to get places, and deal with weather + mountain passes, not super realistic.
It seems like people are ignoring that gas had risen a fair amount, and was still rising, before the issues with Russia happened.

It is, in my opinion, frustrating that we have options at home that could have helped with the supply issues far before this ever happened, but they were shut down. If you want to pay more to shut down Russia, why not pay for oil that comes from here, where we can create jobs, and business? But to act like all of this is happening because of Russia, well, there’s a fair amount of gaslighting going on there. Fuel was on the rise before this ever started with Russia.

In regards to electric, I’m glad it’s an option for some, and hope they continue to develop it. I don’t see any way in my lifetime that it develops enough to eliminate oil/fuel based vehicles. It simply isn’t feasible for anything that needs power and distance, i.e, semis, tractors, any kind of heavy equipment. Just for a personal example, it wouldn’t be very efficient to have a tractor shut down for a few hours while it needs to recharge when I’m very limited on time anyways. And as far as I know, there’s nothing that would create 500+ hp and last more than a few hours. That just ain’t gonna work. For commuters and city people it’s fine, for those of us who still have to travel long distances to get places, and deal with weather + mountain passes, not super realistic.
No oil production was shut down...
Unless the weather inclement.
The cars run on batteries. You'd need complete cloud cover over a substantial period to drain the home battery completely.

We had a freeze down here in South Texas and people died because we were relying on solar and wind.
That's a lie (probably not yours, but a lie still). People died because the fossil fuel infrastructures was poorly maintained, and gas wasn't flowing. Wind/solar suffered much less than fossil fuels in that freeze.

The point is you cannot rely on them.
Relying on gas/oil is even worse.
What are these avenues?
While they Keystone probably wouldn’t have been completed by now, it would more than replicate what we were buying from Russia. To deny the oil from a close neighbor so we can buy it from Putin is nothing less than foolish. So that’s an avenue that while not completed, also isn’t any closer to completion than it should be.

There are also a lot of leases that could be available. But you don’t get to just sign up for a lease and drill oil the next day. Companies have assumed (and probably rightly) that an administration that has so far been opposed to fossil fuels would be very likely to quickly, easily, or cheaply, approve of the leases. That all costs money. Why spend money when it isn’t advantageous? Those would be my main points.
While they Keystone probably wouldn’t have been completed by now, it would more than replicate what we were buying from Russia. To deny the oil from a close neighbor so we can buy it from Putin is nothing less than foolish. So that’s an avenue that while not completed, also isn’t any closer to completion than it should be.

There are also a lot of leases that could be available. But you don’t get to just sign up for a lease and drill oil the next day. Companies have assumed (and probably rightly) that an administration that has so far been opposed to fossil fuels would be very likely to quickly, easily, or cheaply, approve of the leases. That all costs money. Why spend money when it isn’t advantageous? Those would be my main points.
So, the problem is that a pipeline that wouldn't have been completed isn't completed? And that's somehow... Biden's fault?
The cars run on batteries. You'd need complete cloud cover over a substantial period to drain the home battery completely.

That's a lie (probably not yours, but a lie still). People died because the fossil fuel infrastructures was poorly maintained, and gas wasn't flowing. Wind/solar suffered much less than fossil fuels in that freeze.

Relying on gas/oil is even worse.
Using your own standard of truth, your post here is also a lie.

Political pressures affect many decisions relating to power supply and reserve or emergency capacity in many places. Such was the case in south Texas. Under political pressure to "go green", they shut down or didn't maintain operability of enough plants, just so they could claim some god-damn "green" percentage achievement.

You lie the way Game does above,quibbling about "supply" or "delivery" definitions when the big lie is that our madness or lounacy for "green" progress is the reason we have shut down pipelines and power plants. Bad business decisions all, irresponsible and even dangerous to public health or national security.

Why we care about fossil fuels is a big lie on the whole.

The Arctic Melt off cited in most environmental and climate scaremongering is something that has happened before within our current global warming, and generally happens in interrglacial warm periods. The facts of science are suppressed by a coplicit fraudulent high priethood of "peer reviewers" and political hacks in research granting. But the photos from Russia of guys out in the muck/shallows of the former Arctic Ice terrain, puilling out tusks from woolly mammoths, who within 15-30k years were there grazing on lush grasslands is absolute proof that it happens, naturally, regardless of our fossil fuel combustion engines.

When I was younger, the lie was about "peak oil" and predictions of no more fossil fuel in 20 years. Then I bought some ground with oil rights and went to ask a neighbor who was known to be in the business. He was nice on that day. He walked me around his huge office showing me maps on the walls of Western US states where oil is proven. New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, Nevada. That neighbor worked for the Rockerfellers for over 50 years. We talked about coal, as it was right after the Escalante/Grand Staircase National Monument declaration by Pres.CFlinton. There are huge coal deposits in Utah and surrounding states as well, not so much Nevada or California. Colorado Plateau province. Enough to supply the world energy for hundreds of years, a thousand years even, and more if we just conserve it some.

A Dutch outfit was developing Kaiparowits coal, planning to sluice it down to Southern Nevada, contaierize it dry, and ship it to Indonesia and other SE Asia areas. The Philippines has some steel plants that could use it.

He said "We can't let them have that coal."

Clinton has rested at the Rockefeller ranch at Grand Teton for two weeks before making that sweeping "environmental" monument.

Speaking with a friend then of the family that ran the SL Trib, I noted that when the need comes and the right people own the mineral rights, the EGS would be developed just the same, she simply said "I don't care". Great, dedicated Environmentalist there.

Fact is, the whole environmental and green movement is owned by cartelists who are using it to leverage political power to control our resources, squeezing out competitors and raising prices for us. Fake greenies, Fake com ies. Fake socialists, and whole damn shipload of dupes who believe what they read in the newspapers like Red and most others in here.

I don't really blame anyone for not just believing what I say in here. Who the hell am I. But its time to do some more thinking, for all of us.

John D. Rockefeller was, at the very least, a genius. He formulated a global oil resource politcy that was simply stated: "Use theirs first".

We have plenty of oil and gas and coal, and it really doesn't hurt to use it. But if it were ever really the absolute fact that we could not sustain our global economic and political dominance because of no resources, we'd be up **** creek. As someone who believes in "The American Experiment" and "American Exceptionalism", I am not willing to run on a policy that is not sound in the long term.

But neither am I down with any idea of just going totalitarian fascist straight out.
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While they Keystone probably wouldn’t have been completed by now, it would more than replicate what we were buying from Russia. To deny the oil from a close neighbor so we can buy it from Putin is nothing less than foolish. So that’s an avenue that while not completed, also isn’t any closer to completion than it should be.
The oil that would have been in Keystone is still flowing to us, just not through Keystone. We have other pipelines and other methods of transportation.

There are also a lot of leases that could be available.
Psaki was just pointing out that there are 7,000 unused oil leases available right now. How many unused oil leases do we need?
Political pressures affect many decisions relating to power supply and reserve or emergency capacity in many places. Such was the case in south Texas. Under political pressure to "go green", they shut down or didn't maintain operability of enough plants, just so they could claim some god-damn "green" percentage achievement.
Sorry, but this is simply not believable. Texas is still GOP-run, and under zero pressure to go green. Maintenance was not done because maintenance is a cost, and companies make more money when they spend less on maintenance. When you say stuff like this, it's impossible to credit anything else in your post.
The oil that would have been in Keystone is still flowing to us, just not through Keystone. We have other pipelines and other methods of transportation.

Psaki was just pointing out that there are 7,000 unused oil leases available right now. How many unused oil leases do we need?
One Million!

Drill baby drill!
Using your own standard of truth, your post here is also a lie.

Political pressures affect many decisions relating to power supply and reserve or emergency capacity in many places. Such was the case in south Texas. Under political pressure to "go green", they shut down or didn't maintain operability of enough plants, just so they could claim some god-damn "green" percentage achievement.

You lie the way Game does avove,quibbling about "supply" or "delivery" definitions when the big lie is that our madness or lounacy for "green" progress is the reason we have shut down pipelines and power plants. Bad business decisions all, irresponsible and even dangerous to public health or national security.

Why we care about fossil fuels is a big lie on the whole.

The Arctic Meltoff cited in most environmental and climate scaremongering is something that has happened before within our current global warming, and generally happens in interrglacial warm periods. The facts of science are suppressed by a coplicit fraudulent high priethood of "peer reviewers" and political hacks in research granting. But the photos from Russia of guys out in the muck/shallows of the former Arctic Ice terrain, puilling out tusks from woolly mammoths, who within 15-30k years were there grazing on lush grasslands is absolute proof that it happens, naturally, regardless of our fossil fuel combustion engines.

When I was younger, the lie was about "peak oil" and predictions of no more fossil fuel in 20 years. Then I bought some ground with oil rights and went to ask a neighbor who was known to be in the business. He was nice on that day. He walked me around his huge office showing me maps on the walls of Western US states where oil is proven. New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, Nevada. That neighbor worked for the Rockerfellers for over 50 years. We talked about coal, as it was right after the Escalante/Grand Staircase National Monument declaration by Pres.CFlinton. There are huge coal deposits in Utah and surrounding states as well, not so much Nevada or California. Colorado Plateau province. Enough to supply the world energy for hundreds of years, a thousand years even, and more if we just conserve it some.

A Dutch outfit was developing Kaiparowits coal, planning to sluice it down to Southern Nevada, contaierize it dry, and ship it to Indonesia and other SE Asia areas. The Philippines has some steel plants that could use it.

He said "We can't let them have that coal."

Clinton has rested at the Rockefeller ranch at Grand Teton for two weeks before making that sweeping "environmental" monument.

Speaking with a friend then of the family that ran the SL Trib, I noted that when the need comes and the right people own the mineral rights, the EGS would be developed just the same, she simply said "I don't care". Great, dedicated Environmentalist there.

Fact is, the whole environmental and green movement is owned by cartelists who are using it to leverage political power to control our resources, squeezing out competitors and raising prices for us. Fake greenies, Fake com ies. Fake socialists, and whole damn shipload of dupes who believe what they read in the newspapers like Red and most others in here.

I don't really blame anyone for not just believing what I say in here. Who the hell am I. But its time to do some more thinking, for all of us.

John D. Rockefeller was, at the very least, a genius. He formulated a global oil resource politcy that was simply stated: "Use theirs first".

We have plenty of oil and gas and coal, and it really doesn't hurt to use it. But if it were ever really the absolute fact that we could not sustain our global economic and political dominance because of no resources, we'd be up **** creek. As someone who believes in "The American Experiment" and "American Exceptionalism", I am not willing to run on a policy that is not sound in the long term.

But neither am I down with any idea of just going totalitarian fascist straight out.
No pipelines have been shut down, but go ahead and keep accusing me of lying you stupid old turd.
That's a lie (probably not yours, but a lie still). People died because the fossil fuel infrastructures was poorly maintained, and gas wasn't flowing. Wind/solar suffered much less than fossil fuels in that freeze.
People didn't die in the freeze?
So, the problem is that a pipeline that wouldn't have been completed isn't completed? And that's somehow... Biden's fault?
Biden stopped work on that project as literally the first thing to do when in office. It was intentional. There was some talk about shutting down repairs on other essential pipelines.

Biden also did the grand Madelaine Albright foreign policy declaration that probably was a factor in timing on Putin's invasion. He said we wouldn't defend Ukraine, that we'd be alright if Putin took a little slice of that pie. Just like Albright did regarding Kuwait giving Saddam Hussein "courage" to invade.

Obama did not give Ukraine weapons of war when Russia took Crimea because he figured it might cause Russia to take more land with the justification that we had violated our treaties and other diplomatic assurances regarding Ukraine. President Trump did send arms to help the Ukrainians fight the separatists/Russians, but nothing really alarming.

However, literally on his first day in office, Biden was inciting war with Russia by name-calling. Then he gave Russia the gas pipeline go-ahead, and together with actions that directly and immediately curtailed our exploration/drilling and infrastructure development, he sent our oil price way up, giving the Russian oil business a shot in the god-damned arm.

Now, China is warning us against any kind of containment policy or "Asian NATO" alliance over Taiwan, while China is calling for peace talks between Ukraine and Russia. China and Russia have significant clout in various areas of the world, including Africa and South America.

Today, Zelensky's spokesman offered a deal including "neutrality" and assurances of independence and security to Russia. In the context of Biden rejecting the plan to get Polish jets to Ukraine, and of Odessa,with a significant Russian minority, being seen as next move. Moldava, just a few miles north of Odessa also has a "separatist" fight going on with a Russian minority wanting a new state. There is no way Ukraine will ever be absolutely anti-Russian because of cultural, language, historic, and ethnic composition. If it went "NATO" we mightas well make Russia "NATO" too. And that is where China becomes the problem.....Won't ever happen. Peace in Eastern Europe basically means we have to let Putin/Russia be a majormarket player in oil, forever.

to hell with Rockefeller pipe dreams of oil monopoly. To hell with Western, Brit-Am fascism or singular control of "Globalism".

today, Putin and Xi are meeting at a BRICS conference.

today, the OPEC chief said they are talking with Russia, and denied any physical oil shortage. It's hyperbolic fear, not shortage of oil at any point in the supply.

Damnedest thing about all this, is Trump and Trumpsters are such ignoramuses they are actually worse for the prospects of peace than Biden and his backers in our corrupt Establishment/Industrial/Media moron crowd who think they can run the world their way. Yah know, the peeps Kicky runs with.
Sorry, but this is simply not believable. Texas is still GOP-run, and under zero pressure to go green. Maintenance was not done because maintenance is a cost, and companies make more money when they spend less on maintenance. When you say stuff like this, it's impossible to credit anything else in your post.
Obviously, you've never really been to Austin, nor paid any attention to the news in Texas.

Don't know what good it'd do you anyway, if it's not on your talking points for the day, you're blind to the world.

"Green" politics is real even in Texas. It's a decision-making criterion even in industry.
No pipelines have been shut down, but go ahead and keep accusing me of lying you stupid old turd.
Like I said, you "lie" the same way One Brow does by simple omission of the critical or relevant fact. Shutting down work in progress, or needed repairs, of pipelines is in effect the same thing as shutting down a pipeline.

I'm reporting your slur. What I said about that kind of "lie" is the fact here.
So, the problem is that a pipeline that wouldn't have been completed isn't completed? And that's somehow... Biden's fault?
It is a solution for the future that was stopped because Biden stopped it. Things generally aren’t fixed in a day, but if you don’t allow them to progress, they don’t get fixed at all. But yes, the pipeline stopped because of Biden. And like I said, it wouldn’t have changed what we have now, but it would in the future. Now if they decide to start it up again, it’s just that much delayed. So I’ll ask you, why buy all that oil from Russia, when you can get it from your close neighbor who isn’t a tyrant? Why risk your oil prices on what we all know is an enemy of the state when you don’t have to? Until we get support for nuclear energy, we still need fossil fuels. Ignoring that and relying on tyrants comes at your own peril, and Biden has done nothing to help that.
The oil that would have been in Keystone is still flowing to us, just not through Keystone. We have other pipelines and other methods of transportation.

Psaki was just pointing out that there are 7,000 unused oil leases available right now. How many unused oil leases do we need?
Again, why spend the money to try to get leases when the administration has shown they aren’t supportive of home grown oil? Like I said earlier, it’s not like you put in a lease and the next day (or week) you’re drilling.