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What changes to you foresee post-Covid? Both good and bad.

These people strike me as the kind that still wear a mask when they’re driving alone in their car.

For about two weeks I would have been pretty gung-ho to stop the virus in every p0ossible way. But then I started seeing the maskies---- people walking alone, in the sunshine, 100 yards from anyone except those in cars like me, with their heads down and afraiid to look sideways, wearing their masks. Then it was all the people driving, alone, and wearing their masks.

I had it pretty good, hardly ever needed to wear a mask, and never for more than an hour.

I realized from the start that there were no actual scientific studies done about the effectiveness and proper hygeine of masks, it was all borrowed theory from hospital traditions and a few marginally scientific studies. But I have lived in Asia and saw people wearing masks as a standard personal mode. People spit a lot on sidewalks, crap in every possible place, piss on the walls or squat on gutters. And the crowds are petty thick. But there are still no actual scientific studies or analyses that show the benefits. A few epidemiologists have even come up with a study, from broad data sets like mandate areas, non-mandate areas, where they found no benefit.

We drive cars with air cleaners, but we don't bring the air cleaners indoors and set them on the dresser or kitchen counter, where the daily harvest can rub off or float off air conditioning flows.

Like truth in any war, common sense goes out of fashion with any government management.
Anybody else notice that a lot of people are better looking/cuter with their masks on?

I know I am.
I disagree. A human face is a far more welcome sight than any mask. Even yours.

(I thought about doing a roll call @everybody in here to get this into the notifications, but hey. )
I'm waiting to see how things turn out. So many people so pissed at everything done under Covid, when we get a real pandemic, nobody will listen.

But by the time it's campaign season this fall, the media will be so full of claims that Trump faked the pandemic to try to steal the election, even Mark Levin will be voting for Liz Cheney. And by 2024, Hannity and Levin will be campaigning for Fauci.

The National Savioor who keep government reasonable despite everything Trump did to overthrow democracy.
I wore a mask in the winter before it was cool. Cold air hurts my diseased lungs, so I wear an N95 outside, and even in my car.

I'm only wearing a mask to doctors' offices these days because they require them. Sadly, I go to them more than social events. Old age sucks.

Sent from my SM-A426U using JazzFanz mobile app
I wore a mask in the winter before it was cool. Cold air hurts my diseased lungs, so I wear an N95 outside, and even in my car.

I'm only wearing a mask to doctors' offices these days because they require them. Sadly, I go to them more than social events. Old age sucks.

Sent from my SM-A426U using JazzFanz mobile app
Knowing nothing about your specific factors, just saying "bad lungs" would bring me down on the case for N95. Just replace/clean it frequently though.
I get a chuckle seeing a person alone in their car wearing a mask but I wonder, maybe if they need to have a mask with them that's as good a place as any to hang onto it and not forget it. Maybe they think it's gross to have it on, take it off and stuff it in the cup holder, then put it back on again, or something along those lines.

The way my face is shaped having a mask around my ears and below my chin is the most uncomfortable way for that mask to be on my face, so if it's around my ears then it's over my mouth and nose because that's the most comfortable way for it to be there at all.
I get a chuckle seeing a person alone in their car wearing a mask but I wonder, maybe if they need to have a mask with them that's as good a place as any to hang onto it and not forget it. Maybe they think it's gross to have it on, take it off and stuff it in the cup holder, then put it back on again, or something along those lines.

The way my face is shaped having a mask around my ears and below my chin is the most uncomfortable way for that mask to be on my face, so if it's around my ears then it's over my mouth and nose because that's the most comfortable way for it to be there at all.
Why blame the teachers?
I'm blaming teacher's unions. I'm blaming the most vocal proponents of closing schools for two years even after it was clear kids weren't a vector of transmission. It isn't much of a shock that when you take two years off from educating kids in person that what kids have learned is less than what they used to learn. The actions of teacher's unions have extended beyond the school closures as you pointed out with reading habits.
The teacher's unions prevented kids from reading for pleasure? Go on, make the connection.
Teachers have an impact on students that extends beyond the classroom especially for students from poorer families where parents can't step in to fill any gaps. Making teachers into images on a screen, as the teacher's unions accomplished, is simply less effective and that includes diminished learning habits at home.

Do you want to make the case that teachers have no impact on students outside of teacher hours?
The teacher's unions prevented kids from reading for pleasure? Go on, make the connection.
It’s always amusing to see non-educators have hot juicy takes on education. It’s not always dumb. Sometimes there are good pts made. But usually those come (i. in person ii. from people actually concerned with education rather than using it as a punching bag to prove some overall political pt.).

For those actually curious, many Utah schools are moving to a standards based grading model. Some of you in Davis, Jordan, Granite, Canyons, and Alpine have perhaps already seen this? Grades are shown 0-4 rather Than F-A. They’re based on current student mastery of knowledge, skills, and dispositions identified by teacher teams. The pros to this is that rather than play the pts game for a grade, students and teachers focus on what’s truly important and parents can better support their learners. There are a bunch of cons, most of them logistical. Grading programs don’t easily produce 0-4 grades, secondary using a 0-4 scale doesn’t always translate nicely for colleges, many parents don’t understand 0-4 grading, some teacher teams don’t collaborate as well and haven’t agreed yet on what’s essential, etc. But this is a pretty big change from grading in the past.

Many schools are offering additional reading and writing programs over the summer. Some of it comes from left over Covid funds that weren’t included in last session’s tax cuts. We await the results of these programs.

There’s always chatter about changing secondary start times to be later. But that really clashes with extra curricular parents. No one wants sportsball practices to go late. And honestly, supervising late games in the spring when it’s still cold sucks. But seriously, if you want to see some gains in secondary? Get rid of the 2.5 month break over summer and start school 1 hr later. All the research I’ve seen supports this… the public probably won’t… but meh.

I also think we should boost the trade schools. Most secondary schools already have some programs. All your major districts along the Wasatch front have trade schools. I think we’ve gone overboard with college preparedness. One can make a great living being an electrician. Why go to 4 years of college and incur massive debt when you could knock out a bunch of your education at a trade school in high school?

Btw, if we really want to improve education, we need to stop giving handouts to private and charter schools. These schools for the most part, perform far worse than your median public school. I did some work early in the grading system in utah. Our top 20 schools? Majority public. Our bottom 20? Majority charter/private. There was one in particular that was a Mormon fundamentalist school in Davis County. *Shocked* that they sucked big time at science, math, and reading/writing

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