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Pick a Side: Rudy or Don

Which Player Do You Side With?

  • Rudy

  • Donovan

  • Sick of Both

Results are only viewable after voting.
Again no accountability and responsibility taken. He pretty much is saying - what I'm doing is good enough so deal with it...
He acknowledged that he missed Rudy. And he said he's going to look to get better. What the hell else you want him to do?
I can't explain the vote. It's beyond explanation for me. Maybe it's because I don't live in the area and Rudy is some Mother Theresa in the Salt Lake Community. Or maybe it's because we have a bunch of moron fans who create or follow drama more than watch playoff games.
Lopo tells me to try to be more humble, like him, and then when the entire forum disagrees with him on a vote he speculates that everybody except for him must be a moron, and that he can't possibly be wrong.
Do you really think Rudy is the limiting factor to our defense? Have you never watched any Jazz games? The reason the Jazz don't switch is not because Rudy can't guard a switch. He's keeping guards to shooting in the low 40s on switches. Do you know who can't guard perimeter players on the Jazz? EVERY OTHER PLAYER! This is why we don't switch. Because it makes Rudy easier to scheme out of helping our weak *** perimeter defenders. Rudy is very possibly our best perimeter defender in addition to being our best paint defender. The reason the Jazz don't want him switching is not because he can't handle himself on a switch - it's because it takes him away from what he's best at and because EVERY OTHER player can't handle guarding any actions on ball.
I don't think you understand my point, and that could be my fault.

Rudy is not the problem with our defense. However, like Rudy Gay said, we run a defense with Rudy that's unique (and not switching). I think our FO and coaching is trying to run this unique Rudy defense despite the fact that we don't have the pieces to run it. Without even one great ball stopper, too much is put on Rudy in this unique system, and everything breaks down.
Lopo tells me to try to be more humble, like him, and then when the entire forum disagrees with him on a vote he speculates that everybody except for him must be a moron, and that he can't possibly be wrong.
I just told you to own up every once in a while when you are wrong or completely misrepresent what I have said. You know, show a bit of humility.

I'm not a moron - I don't expect you to be humble.
What’s our offensive ranking in the last 5 minutes of a game? I hate amalgamated stats that obscure the actual problem.
I don’t know what we want from him as a response to that question. If the question was asked specifically about late game offense then that’s another deal. People are generally predisposed to thinking they are right so I don’t expect him to elaborate and mention how ****** his crunch time stats are and how many 4th quarter leads we’ve blown and that is the issue not how many times I pass to Rudy.

We just have big time loser energy… and the response has some of that in it… “he there’s some stats that support us as the best so how can we get better than that?” That’s some loser ****… but it’s not the worst loser **** we have had this year. I give the response a C-.
I don’t know what we want from him as a response to that question. If the question was asked specifically about late game offense then that’s another deal. People are generally predisposed to thinking they are right so I don’t expect him to elaborate and mention how ****** his crunch time stats are and how many 4th quarter leads we’ve blown and that is the issue not how many times I pass to Rudy.

We just have big time loser energy… and the response has some of that in it… “he there’s some stats that support us as the best so how can we get better than that?” That’s some loser ****… but it’s not the worst loser **** we have had this year. I give the response a C-.
C- is passing and gets you credit. “They’ve passed all their classes, Jazz fans. What more could you possibly want?”

“Oh yeah, this team has honor roll aspirations.”
You just called the entire forum a bunch of morons for disagreeing with you on a vote...
Once again, work on your reading comprehension. I didn't call the entire forum a bunch of morons. Just a lot of them.
Sounds like your are sick of both, which is an option.
Not at all. I expect young men to behave like young men. I don't know the inner workings here, but each of these guys has not just coaches, but agents and mentors that should be reminding them to be the better person here. That's where I see the fault lying.
This is not a grown man response. This is hoeish behavior at its finest and any real MF’rs knows this is a hoe *** response.
His response is a very defensive, frustrated response. Sounds like he's answering somebody who frustrates him.

Sounds like a response you would usually hear from a coach.

"We are doing our best, we do so many things well, we screwed up today, we will be fine, and we will strive to be better."

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I know everyone (including me) has been piling on Mitchell, and I still really hate that lack of a pass to Gobert that has been shared ad nauseum, but at this point I just want to see him do better in those situations and hope that all the petty bickering can be buried. I have my doubts it will be, but I can still hope.

Tonight will be an interesting game just to see if it can. Mitchell is a fantastic player when he's motivated and in the right mind set, and he's by far not the sole reason everything has gone south for this team lately.
I don't think you understand my point, and that could be my fault.

Rudy is not the problem with our defense. However, like Rudy Gay said, we run a defense with Rudy that's unique (and not switching). I think our FO and coaching is trying to run this unique Rudy defense despite the fact that we don't have the pieces to run it. Without even one great ball stopper, too much is put on Rudy in this unique system, and everything breaks down.
I think you're misinterpreting what Gay was saying. I think he was saying that because Gobert is such a dominant defensive player the other guys have a tendency to stop doing what they should do, with Gobert on the floor or not.
Tim McMahon on Checketts show today said the overwhelming intel around the NBA is that Donovan is not going to stay in Utah and that a lot of people believe he could ask out as soon as this summer.
Tim McMahon on Checketts show today said the overwhelming intel around the NBA is that Donovan is not going to stay in Utah and that a lot of people believe he could ask out as soon as this summer.
It hasn't made any sense until the last 48 hours. If Utah/Salt Lake is anything like this forum, I would want out too. Never seen such a mountain of stupidity.

Let's just dig our "stars don't want to be here" hole a bit further.

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