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What is Critical Race Theory?

In Oklahoma, a teacher is forced to resign because anti-CRT legislation has forced it on her administrators. The inciting action was apparently a slightly sarcastic wording ("definitely don’t scan this") to a QR link the Brooklyn Public Library banned books on-line archive.

In Oklahoma, a teacher is forced to resign because anti-CRT legislation has forced it on her administrators. The inciting action was apparently a slightly sarcastic wording ("definitely don’t scan this") to a QR link the Brooklyn Public Library banned books on-line archive.

This quote is particularly irony-laden. As tone-deaf as you can get really.

“The concern centered on a Norman Public Schools teacher who, during class time, made personal, political statements and used their classroom to make a political display expressing those opinions,” the spokesperson, Moody, said. “Like many educators, the teacher has concerns regarding censorship and book removal by the Oklahoma state legislature. However, as educators, it is our goal to teach students to think critically, not to tell them what to think.”

"...not tell them what to think"....by doing things like, banning books maybe? Or making an entire law pushing a specific political agenda with no effort at critical thinking when said law was made? Seems like the entire state needs lessons on critical thinking and not pushing political agendas in school. The ironing, as they say, is delicious.

Absolutely ridiculous.
Just north of Columbus, Ohio, it turns out the "The Sneetches" are too controversial to read in class without getting parental approval.

The funny part is they got half way though the book and then ended it at the mid-point in the story. "Good morning class. There were Sneeches and some had stars on their bellies. They were racist and segregated when this guy figures out how to make money off their racism by claiming to be selling a solution to racism. This construction that was supposed to end racism only made the Sneeches more racist and it made the charlatan who claimed he was selling a solution to racism very rich. The end. Let's read a different story."
The funny part is they got half way though the book and then ended it at the mid-point in the story. "Good morning class. There were Sneeches and some had stars on their bellies. They were racist and segregated when this guy figures out how to make money off their racism by claiming to be selling a solution to racism. This construction that was supposed to end racism only made the Sneeches more racist and it made the charlatan who claimed he was selling a solution to racism very rich. The end. Let's read a different story."
I completely agree. If only I thought you understood what you said. McBean promises surface solutions (like formal legal equality), but the problem is deeper than that.
I completely agree. If only I thought you understood what you said. McBean promises surface solutions (like formal legal equality), but the problem is deeper than that.
Obviously the problem is insecurity. For a discussion on economics it is a brilliant example. McBean is making money by preying on insecurities of the Sneetches.

"When I'm watchin' my TV and a man comes on and tells me How white my shirts can be but he can't be a man 'cause he doesn't smoke the same cigarettes as me" -Mick Jagger

So much of marketing and capitalism is about selling you the life you think you want. The answer to the question at the top of this thread is that modern critical race theory is a construct to extract money from those insecure about racism. It isn't a solution. It is actually the opposite and dwells endlessly on events of the past to reinforce the racist mindset today. Anyone advancing CRT is either racist, because you have to be racist for its message to resonate, or cynically using it as a ploy to make money off the insecurities of the racist, or both.
The answer to the question at the top of this thread is that modern critical race theory is a construct to extract money from those insecure about racism.
There is always more money in reinforcing social oppression than opposing it. If proponents of CRT were really in it for the money, they'd go the route of Thomas Sowell and Candace Owens.

It isn't a solution.
Correct. It's an analysis of the deeply embedded problems. Analyses and solutions are fundamentally different.

It is actually the opposite and dwells endlessly on events of the past to reinforce the racist mindset today.
You are all the evidence needed that an unwillingness to examine race critically reinforces the racist mindsets.
There is always more money in reinforcing social oppression than opposing it. If proponents of CRT were really in it for the money, they'd go the route of Thomas Sowell and Candace Owens.
LOL. Thomas Sowell and Candace Owens make nothing compared to the heads of BLM. As for who is reinforcing what, that is a point I think you have backwards. Do you think cosmetics companies and fashion houses are truly combating body insecurities by positioning themselves as the ones who are working to make girls pretty?
LOL. Thomas Sowell and Candace Owens make nothing compared to the heads of BLM.
I accept that you are profoundly ignorant.

As for who is reinforcing what, that is a point I think you have backwards.
Your thinking here is at your usual standards.

Do you think cosmetics companies and fashion houses are truly combating body insecurities by positioning themselves as the ones who are working to make girls pretty?
I think they reinforce body insecurities by their advertising. Similarly, I accept that you would never notice racism if it was not being pointed out to you. You seem to think that speaks highly of you.
I think they reinforce body insecurities by their advertising.
Exactly! Cosmetics companies, fashion houses, and race hustlers employed in the CRT/DEI industry are reinforcing the insecurities that get them paid even as they claim to be doing the opposite. All use a Utopian vision which in reality only serves to increase insecurities in their customer base. CRT is made by racists for racists. Racists are their customer base.
... race hustlers employed in the Heritage Foundation and Daily Caller are reinforcing the insecurities that get them paid even as they claim to be doing the opposite.

All use a Utopian vision which in reality only serves to increase insecurities in their customer base.
There's nothing utopian coming out of CRT.

The Heritage Foundation and Daily Caller is made by racists for racists. Racists are their customer base.

The projection is strong with this one.
Exactly! Cosmetics companies, fashion houses, and race hustlers employed in the CRT/DEI industry are reinforcing the insecurities that get them paid even as they claim to be doing the opposite. All use a Utopian vision which in reality only serves to increase insecurities in their customer base. CRT is made by racists for racists. Racists are their customer base.
CRT just tell like history really was. Ignorance people don't no history. They make up it to make it feel good for them. They true ignorance, They bad for Americans who want be free and equal. People need study CRT to make America better place.
The only thing on the list that bugs me is cultural appropriation. That's such a load of crap. Without cultural appropriation throughout human history there would be no culture, like at all. So much for us being a melting pot.
The only thing on the list that bugs me is cultural appropriation. That's such a load of crap. Without cultural appropriation throughout human history there would be no culture, like at all. So much for us being a melting pot.
I think there is a sort of middle ground but I have absolutely seen things called cultural appropriation that I don't think is. I also see things pointed out that I may not have recognized that I would call cultural appropriation.

I'm gonna keep making tacos, Thai food, Italian food, whatever. I think food is a type of communication. I want a full exception made for food.
I think there is a sort of middle ground but I have absolutely seen things called cultural appropriation that I don't think is. I also see things pointed out that I may not have recognized that I would call cultural appropriation.

I'm gonna keep making tacos, Thai food, Italian food, whatever. I think food is a type of communication. I want a full exception made for food.
And music. And entertainment in general. And sports. I mean you trace nearly any human activity back far enough and you find someone else started it somewhere else in some form. If it's really a thing we're all guilty of it from time immemorial.
And music. And entertainment in general. And sports. I mean you trace nearly any human activity back far enough and you find someone else started it somewhere else in some form. If it's really a thing we're all guilty of it from time immemorial.
I think mockery is it's own thing. There is real appropriation but it isn't found in a taco.