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Jazz at Nets, 3/26, 5:30PM MT--KFNZ, ROOT, WFAN, YES

Classic. Really, I admire your steadfastness. The other meltwagoners haven't had a lot to say since the starters re-blew out the Nets.

The bench built up the lead, Favors and Burks kicked ***. Even Carroll was looking good. Then that 3rd quarter was a disaster. You saw how tired we were after just a few mins into the 3rd. In came in Favors, Burks, and Watson, and basically nothing changed (since Watson was completely worthless). Entered the game Millsap, Harris, and Jefferson who were reenergerzied and recommitted and the game was blown open.

Right around 6-7 mins left in the 3rd was when the Nets really made a run with our starters dying.

Corbin should have subbed early and often in this game only playing the starters in bursts. He should have subbed with about 8-9 mins left in the 3rd quarter. He should have given Jefferson and Millsap blows with Favors and Kanter. Seriously, against this pathetic NJ team, Favors could have played 25-30 mins (not 18) and it wouldn't have hurt us. Kanter could have played 15-20 (not 9) and it wouldn't have hurt.

Plus, Ty's lack of timeouts only fed to their run.

Lastly, has Watson ever looked better than Tinsley? Didn't think so. Watson is the 3rd best PG on this team, behind Harris and Tinsley. When Harris comes out, TINSLEY should come in. Not Watson. Why Ty is playing Watson over Tinsley is beyond idiotic. But go ahead, defend your boy, I DARE YOU. Prove me wrong you little ****.
Meltwagoners: people who complain about unnecessary mistakes and root for the Jazz to get better, instead of blind and worthless homerism for the sake of making youself feel loyal and honorable.

Jazz fans are the only people watching the NBA that don't think the team has improved over the last year. Literally everyone but you internet melters are in admiration of this playoff run and how the team plays together and for each other. It's really funny watching you reach and reach for something to bitch about.

You (sic) are pissed that your new high picks aren't getting enough burn but won't give much credit to the coaches for the development of Burks, Hayward and Favors, or how well the team has been playing overall. The Jazz are legitimately chasing the 5 seed on a 6-1 tear including LA/OKC but your coach is trash. Literally everyone else paying attention is impressed.

I provided a counter to the prevailing melty mindset here about the OT game and have yet to have somebody give me an example of a respected coach who would make subs in OTs for the sake of rest. Nothing. Thanks for that overwhelming argument. But I'm just a crazy homer huh. Okay.

Posters were acting like Watson's play was super destructive and Corbin was just nuts to play him. Just a little while ago he was a fan favorite. It's pathetic. Corbin cannot win with you people. There is literally nothing he can do that would make you happy. Nothing.

If he'd played Tinsley he's alienating Watson and now you have an excuse to say he's losing his vets. It's hilarious how a surprising strength of the team becomes a bash on TC. The overwhelming reaction to Corbin bringing most of the starters back in early in the 4th was extremely negative. They immediately and dramatically reversed the momentum of the game. Yet even with those extra minutes he didn't plan on none of those guys went much over 30 and there were no injuries. SOB Corbin.

If the team tanks like a lot of you want Corbin has zero chance of building trust. Zero. That trust is pretty important if you want to truly develop players within a system. It's way more important to develop the team we have than keep throwing dynamite at it for the sake of another draft.

Corbin is a very good coach and the evidence is how hard his players play for him and for each other. The wins are now following that which is the natural progression when the talent is there. They are learning how to close out games which is what playoff teams do. The fact is this team is pretty good and dangerous to any opponent. Just because they will sputter doesn't mean the coach sucks, it means they are still learning how to win.

Go ahead and hate on the man, you are just clowning yourself.
Lastly, has Watson ever looked better than Tinsley? Didn't think so. Watson is the 3rd best PG on this team, behind Harris and Tinsley. When Harris comes out, TINSLEY should come in. Not Watson. Why Ty is playing Watson over Tinsley is beyond idiotic. But go ahead, defend your boy, I DARE YOU. Prove me wrong you little ****.

Cute. This team isn't using the PG as much of a scorer. In any case neither is tremendously more valuable than the other at this point so you have to get Watson on the court to make his case. Tinsley has been a great surprise and he's been very good. It's a GOOD thing to have this "problem". Neither of these guys is anywhere near Harris so it's not a big deal.

Of course you would crown him though, you knee jerked yourself in the crotch calling Hayward a bust and ragequitting the team. Here we are in March with two viable backup vet PGs, Hayward playing great and a nice seeding within reach. Super intimidating post btw.
Pretty funny, but parr for the course here on Jazzfanz

Thing is, most fanz here have set their agenda and their story about what is happening. They got pissed and they want to stay pissed.
Last thing they want to do is admit they are wrong.

Same with last night. Jazz lose a close game. Fanz here can't accept that the jazz lose a game, so they get pissed and blame Corbin and say that they will be proven right when the jazz lose big against NJ because the starters are tired.
Tonight, they are proven wrong, the starters do well and we win the game. That SHOULD make everyone happy, but for these fanz, they had their story crushed, so they are pissed off.

No team goes undefeated. There are always gonna be losses to bad teams every year. But some fanz just can't take it. They want to stay negative because that is what they are. They can't enjoy what the jazz are doing because they already went all in on their negativity.It's too bad. Most fans I know are actually enjoying all of this. I know I am. Playoffs here we come.

It's like the silly fan in Major League 2. He gets so mad at the team when they have some rough times, that he can't even enjoy it when the team wakes up and starts winning. He still goes to all the games just so he can tell all the fans that they are stupid for believing and yell at all the players for sucking.
At the end, when the team is on the verge, he finally stops it and wants to join all the happy fans in the celebration. They all look at him like "what an idiot" but then shrug and say "oh well"
Could be worse though. We could be net fans.

They traded favors, kanter, Harris, 8th pick of this draft (fingers crossed), 4-7 pick of this draft( barring a lotto win). For dwill and Gerald Wallace both of whom will not be nets next year. What a complete cluster ****.
Good find. This picture (and the caption) cracked me up:

Best Free Agent Class Ever


Lol @ Petro. I feel bad for the guy, he's taken a load of **** for the Nets

Here's some more highlights from the forum:
'Another battle won in the war for a top 3 pick. Thank you, Tank Sgt. Petro."


Can the Nets call up a D-League coach???
Send Avery down!!!!!

I hate my favorite team.
Ugh, what are these feelings?


Have to do it... Nets Management...



These guys have the best material to deal with: 1) A bad coach and bad overall talent. 2) Stubborn superstar with a questionable future. 3) A GM that insists on winning now, gives up draft pick that's going to be around 3-5 to Portland for a 30 year old Wallace. 4) Dwightmare. 5) Deron trade
I feel bad for them.....I'd wish them the best and hope they get Anthony Davis, but Billy would probably just trade Davis for something else stupid.
Deron wants everything his way, and when he doesn't get his way, then he sulks.

Problem is that he can't make up his mind.
He wants to be the man, but then he wants a whole bunch of great players around him so he doesn't have to do it all.
He wanted to be in a big market, but now that he's there, suddenly winning is important again.

The NBA should just give Melo, Deron, Bosh, and Lebron some rings to shut them up. None of them seem to want to actually EARN them.

Deron is quickly starting to turn into the NBAs version of "Randy Moss"... I play when I want to play... I'm starting to be glad we got rid of him... Seems like a good move now...

Hey Deron, why don't you take a page from Michael Jordan?? He played with a bunch of 2nd rate scrubs aside from Scotty Pippen too... But he was a LEADER... Something you will never be... Oh and he's got about 6 championships to show for it!
The bench built up the lead, Favors and Burks kicked ***. Even Carroll was looking good. Then that 3rd quarter was a disaster. You saw how tired we were after just a few mins into the 3rd. In came in Favors, Burks, and Watson, and basically nothing changed (since Watson was completely worthless). Entered the game Millsap, Harris, and Jefferson who were reenergerzied and recommitted and the game was blown open.

Right around 6-7 mins left in the 3rd was when the Nets really made a run with our starters dying.

Corbin should have subbed early and often in this game only playing the starters in bursts. He should have subbed with about 8-9 mins left in the 3rd quarter. He should have given Jefferson and Millsap blows with Favors and Kanter. Seriously, against this pathetic NJ team, Favors could have played 25-30 mins (not 18) and it wouldn't have hurt us. Kanter could have played 15-20 (not 9) and it wouldn't have hurt.

Plus, Ty's lack of timeouts only fed to their run.

Lastly, has Watson ever looked better than Tinsley? Didn't think so. Watson is the 3rd best PG on this team, behind Harris and Tinsley. When Harris comes out, TINSLEY should come in. Not Watson. Why Ty is playing Watson over Tinsley is beyond idiotic. But go ahead, defend your boy, I DARE YOU. Prove me wrong you little ****.

You do realize the starters did get it back up to a 20 point lead in the 4th right.
Deron is quickly starting to turn into the NBAs version of "Randy Moss"... I play when I want to play... I'm starting to be glad we got rid of him... Seems like a good move now...

Hey Deron, why don't you take a page from Michael Jordan?? He played with a bunch of 2nd rate scrubs aside from Scotty Pippen too... But he was a LEADER... Something you will never be... Oh and he's got about 6 championships to show for it!

Right, because the '93-'94 Bulls were this abominable Colts-without-Manning butt-****ed disaster. Jordan won a championship in his seventh season. And he possibly had the best coach of all time, the best Robin of all time, a great shooter, and two top-ten pick bigs that held their ground. I'm not saying MJ isn't the GOAT, but he had better help than Deron has, and for Christ's sake, he IS the ****ing GOAT. Why are we comparing anyone to him except other top-10 players of all-time?
A thought:


That is the Nets biggest contribution to basketball this year. That we know how much more talent teams around the league can have with one less team.
“The old Jazz would have put their heads down and let them get away with the game,” Jefferson said. “This will show you how well we are playing now, to bounce back from last night and when they made their run and cut it to three, we still stayed on what we were doing and took over the game. That shows you how much we have grown as a team.”


Well put. Disappointed in losing the lead, but given the previous night, and the road, they hung in there and pulled the W.
Could be worse though. We could be net fans.

They traded favors, kanter, Harris, 8th pick of this draft (fingers crossed), 4-7 pick of this draft( barring a lotto win). For dwill and Gerald Wallace both of whom will not be nets next year. What a complete cluster ****.

....well, that's what you get when you turn your team over to a hip-hop GM (his name alludes me at this time, but I know he's heavily into hip-hop) and allow him to make any decisions whatsoever!
...by the way, nice comeback win by the Jazz after that grueling, pathetic 4 overtime loss to the wore out Hawks! I thought for sure we'd lose this one.
Deron is quickly starting to turn into the NBAs version of "Randy Moss"... I play when I want to play... I'm starting to be glad we got rid of him... Seems like a good move now...

Hey Deron, why don't you take a page from Michael Jordan?? He played with a bunch of 2nd rate scrubs aside from Scotty Pippen too... But he was a LEADER... Something you will never be... Oh and he's got about 6 championships to show for it!
Poor Deron; he can't even be a Prima Donna right.

While he pouted/mouthed his way to the Jersey shore (and maybe to the Brooklyn Bridge, if Mark Cuban doesn't bail him out), CeePeeThree diva'd himself a ticket to Tinseltown to play with that Kia guy who can dunk. And unlike Chrissy, Deron doesn't make teammates nearly as much better.
The Nets forum:


This is the best team forum I've seen ever. They photoshop players heads, use gifs, and best of all, it's super funny in a depressing way.

found this there - though I have used that image as my avatar at times in the past, I swear it's not me

Me watching Nets games ever since NBA trade deadline...


by Big_Moe55 on Mar 26, 2012 8:49 PM EDT reply actions 1 recs

....well, that's what you get when you turn your team over to a hip-hop GM (his name alludes me at this time, but I know he's heavily into hip-hop) and allow him to make any decisions whatsoever!

Just when you think CJ couldn't say anything dumber, he goes ahead and establishes yet another bar of stupidity.

Yes, CJ he makes bad decisions, so he MUST listen to hip-hop. And of course we all know that anyone who listens to hip hop MUST make bad decisions.

You're a moron.

(On reflection, I can't help but wonder if CJ is intentionally making a caricature of himself. I mean, can someone actually believe what this guy writes? Sadly, judging by his past posts, I'm more inclined to think he's serious than he's goofing on us.)
I know I was expecting a loss coming off of everything the Jazz had going against them I just assumed they'd be tired and let this one get away.

Also hard to complain in a loss (for me) during the 3rd Qtr I was thinking Corbin would sub early like he did in the 1st Qtr and I was thinking probably like most of you he should have gotten the starters out sooner especially after last night. I think he was hoping to rest the starters entire 4th qtr and so played them longer in the 3rd but that plan back fired when NJ cut into the lead. It started when mid-late 3rd Qtr and continued even when the bench came in causing him to have to put the starters back in IMO.

Also I don't have a problem with Watson getting time first off the Jazz had been playing a lot of games in a few nights so figured Watson was fresh and would hopefully supply that spark of energy he did early in the season. However Watson looked a bit rusty and not all that productive and it may have likely affected the entire bench play.
Guess we'll have to see how the backup PG plays out from here out, maybe he alternates games or goes off of match ups either way it is a good to have the depth now Tinsley should be fresher for the BOS game if he plays.
Right, because the '93-'94 Bulls were this abominable Colts-without-Manning butt-****ed disaster. Jordan won a championship in his seventh season. And he possibly had the best coach of all time, the best Robin of all time, a great shooter, and two top-ten pick bigs that held their ground. I'm not saying MJ isn't the GOAT, but he had better help than Deron has, and for Christ's sake, he IS the ****ing GOAT. Why are we comparing anyone to him except other top-10 players of all-time?

Okay, you are right about 93-94... I should have been more clear... I was talking about mid-90s, preferably 96-97...

You might be saying, Well yeah Hanginthere... They still had guys like Dennis Rodman, Ron Harper, and Toni Kukoc... Yeah... Well after the Bulls these guys became NOTHING!

Rodman was a walking circus and HORRIBLY overrated IMO... All he could really do is rebound and make an outlandish shot every once in a while... A guy like that wouldn't last very long on any team in the NBA today...

Toni Kukoc went from team to team and never did anything...

Granted, Ron Harper was a little older once he left, but he didn't do anything special after the Bulls either...

Jordan was a great leader that made the players around him better than what they were...

You could say the same for Stockton and Malone... Guys like Shandon Anderson, Chris Morris, Greg Foster, Bryon Russell, etc played their best basketball here with them in Utah... But when they went elsewhere, they were never heard from again...

My point is... Deron is doing nothing to make those players on the Nets around him better... Not a damn thing, and that was apparent last night...