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What do Jazzfanz do professionally (...assuming they have jobs) ?

ok,,here we go;im gonna write down my intire work history from past to present

i started workin at age 19 while i was studying.my first work was dish-washer.this was 1999(wtf edit 1993),i work in a big hotel,and i made 20 to 25 dollars an hour.Workin mostly after school and on weekends.i washed all the metal kitchen objects in huge washers,good money.Than i slowly started to help the cooks,when i had time.They offered me a assistent cook job which paid less.We had a really cool chef cook who was assuie and he liked me very much.i worked there over 2 years.ok this is gonna take way too long,so i will write it short

dish washer
assistant cook
assistant wok cook
wok cook
jump out of school
back to school
finished the school(PR and advertisement)
opened my first company-construction and renovation,i find out there was a huge gap in legal system,and i abused it,wrote down many invoices for the work which i never done,companies who had non tax registired money(which we call black-money in sweden) needed my invoices to wash those money.i made over one million dollars in less than a year.before the year ended,i register the company in someone else which we call them goal keepers(u pay them,they take the hit) in sweden,and i was washed away from any froud accusations.it took me not more than a year to lose all that money

in 2005(edit 2006) i went to iraq and joined to one of those private security companies(because of my military background and lotar course in israel)
i worked over 3 years as PS in iraq and afghanistan,i did great amount of money

2009 i moved to bangkok/thailand and opened my textile company(i have a thai partner).2011 i came to turkey and opened a enother company which deals with dried vegetables and pickles.my company in thailand is doing fine,but the one im dealing in turkey needs couple of years before i can make any profit.im far away from my goals,so i decided maybe i will go back to iraq next month and work there enother year(i know troops are out,but there are still plenty of jobs out there).by the time im in iraq,,i have people that i trust who can run my parts of companies.when i come back,i will start a new business in thailand,which i been dreaming for years.Im gonna open a factory and make a vodka drink made out of rice.it will be like bacardi-breezer typo drink with tropical fruite flavors.i have a good business plan.all i have to do is work hard for the next 2-3 years,sell the other companies.

I don't even know where to start on this one... I'll just skip all the obvious questions and go to a comment: I have a buddy in Iraq doing contract work for the military. Tall and skinny, named Bates. Know him?
does he know me?

and there is no army left in iraq,,so no army contractors,,only private security companies,ammbasy personal,,oil companies,construction companies
Aybars, you are one of the most interesting people I have ever had the pleasure of speaking with (not in person, of course)
does he know me?

and there is no army left in iraq,,so no army contractors,,only private security companies,ammbasy personal,,oil companies,construction companies

I messed up, he's w/ a private security company, not the military. My bad. I'm sure there are many over there and it's very unlikely that you know eachother, but you never know.

Also, I would love to hear "the whole story". Please.
As long as you can keep your hands off the HS girls it sounds like a decent gig.

Well hell, if you CAN'T keep you hands off HS girls it probably an even better gig, as long as you don't care about staying married.

Honestly, to me, high school kids look like, well, children. Lucky for me, I'm not attracted to children.
I messed up, he's w/ a private security company, not the military. My bad. I'm sure there are many over there and it's very unlikely that you know eachother, but you never know.

Also, I would love to hear "the whole story". Please.

story is too long bro,,your friend Bates,which company does he work for?triple canopy?aegis?Sabre?
story is too long bro,,your friend Bates,which company does he work for?triple canopy?aegis?Sabre?

He actually won't tell me. For some weird security reason. Go ahead and PM the story to me, please. I will edit it and post it here for all to enjoy.
He actually won't tell me. For some weird security reason. Go ahead and PM the story to me, please. I will edit it and post it here for all to enjoy.

no point,i did write more than everyone else here,not only what i do,what i did and what im gonna do :),,i think its more than enough.And if u see your friend,,u can tell him my name(its same with my nick-name here),and i worked at camp speicher,IZ,diamond bag and anaconda..if we met,he will remember me
Sears, right?

Yeah that place is a joke. They got fed up with me cause management got mad that I tried to give people too many good deals. There was so much red tape around the place, it became it really depressing to watch my customers walk out the door, especially when I worked on 100% commission. They cut everyone's commission in half last year and tried to make you sell a 550 dollar warranty on a damn fridge. I really do miss selling, got to talk to some of the nicest people and strangers. I hope that place fails bad. There's a saying in my store, "good things happen when you leave Sears" and its pretty much true for everyone. You'll be surprised how many people have college degrees working for managers who could barely graduate high school. XD
True, true, true!
Correct answer.

opened my first company-construction and renovation,i find out there was a huge gap in legal system,and i abused it,wrote down many invoices for the work which i never done,companies who had non tax registired money(which we call black-money in sweden) needed my invoices to wash those money.i made over one million dollars in less than a year.before the year ended,i register the company in someone else which we call them goal keepers(u pay them,they take the hit) in sweden,and i was washed away from any froud accusations.it took me not more than a year to lose all that money
That doesn't sound shady.......not at all. And how come your father - Vicente Fox - made you start out washing dishes? Has he no shame?

Yeah that place is a joke. They got fed up with me cause management got mad that I tried to give people too many good deals. There was so much red tape around the place, it became it really depressing to watch my customers walk out the door, especially when I worked on 100% commission. They cut everyone's commission in half last year and tried to make you sell a 550 dollar warranty on a damn fridge. I really do miss selling, got to talk to some of the nicest people and strangers. I hope that place fails bad. There's a saying in my store, "good things happen when you leave Sears" and its pretty much true for everyone. You'll be surprised how many people have college degrees working for managers who could barely graduate high school. XD

I figured as much because I've been watching that train wreck for a few years from a stock investor's perspective and it's just been one bad move after another. They are constantly looking for credit and trying to raise money by divesting pieces of their business. All the brands they acquire go stagnant on the revenue front like the day Sears Holding buys them. High level personnel changes seem to be a frequent thing. It's just a mess. It looks eerily similar to the downfall of Circuit City from a credit perspective, except that Sears used to be the place to go way back when and people don't want to let it die as easily as a company like Circuit City and are willing to work out better high finance deals because of the name and the brands they have in their possession and the positive relationships built up over the 100+ years.

It does look like it's entering dinosaur graveyard territory very soon though, so it's interesting reading your inside employee perspective. Sometimes companies are just a mess at the corporate level and fail because of that, but it seems like Sears Holding has problems everywhere. And anybody that's been in a Sears or a K-Mart(especially K-Mart) lately probably can sense a forboding doom approaching. Who said Walmart, Lowes, Home Depot, and other Big Boxes were only mom and pop killers? Knaves, I tell ya, knaves! They kill some lesser giants along the way too.
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I teach Biology at Dixie State College!

Theblackswordsman and dalamon have either of you taken organic chemistry yet??
Yes I have, as a sophomore, however it was Organic Chemistry for bio majors which wasn't horrible.

Also at ASU they have Calculus for Bio majors which was a joke, I took Calc 1 and 2 in highschool so it was a nice class to say the least :).
ok,,here we go;im gonna write down my intire work history from past to present

i started workin at age 19 while i was studying.my first work was dish-washer.this was 1999(wtf edit 1993),i work in a big hotel,and i made 20 to 25 dollars an hour.Workin mostly after school and on weekends.i washed all the metal kitchen objects in huge washers,good money.Than i slowly started to help the cooks,when i had time.They offered me a assistent cook job which paid less.We had a really cool chef cook who was assuie and he liked me very much.i worked there over 2 years.ok this is gonna take way too long,so i will write it short

dish washer
assistant cook
assistant wok cook
wok cook
jump out of school
back to school
finished the school(PR and advertisement)
opened my first company-construction and renovation,i find out there was a huge gap in legal system,and i abused it,wrote down many invoices for the work which i never done,companies who had non tax registired money(which we call black-money in sweden) needed my invoices to wash those money.i made over one million dollars in less than a year.before the year ended,i register the company in someone else which we call them goal keepers(u pay them,they take the hit) in sweden,and i was washed away from any froud accusations.it took me not more than a year to lose all that money

in 2005(edit 2006) i went to iraq and joined to one of those private security companies(because of my military background and lotar course in israel)
i worked over 3 years as PS in iraq and afghanistan,i did great amount of money

2009 i moved to bangkok/thailand and opened my textile company(i have a thai partner).2011 i came to turkey and opened a enother company which deals with dried vegetables and pickles.my company in thailand is doing fine,but the one im dealing in turkey needs couple of years before i can make any profit.im far away from my goals,so i decided maybe i will go back to iraq next month and work there enother year(i know troops are out,but there are still plenty of jobs out there).by the time im in iraq,,i have people that i trust who can run my parts of companies.when i come back,i will start a new business in thailand,which i been dreaming for years.Im gonna open a factory and make a vodka drink made out of rice.it will be like bacardi-breezer typo drink with tropical fruite flavors.i have a good business plan.all i have to do is work hard for the next 2-3 years,sell the other companies.

my god!
Yes I have, as a sophomore, however it was Organic Chemistry for bio majors which wasn't horrible.

Also at ASU they have Calculus for Bio majors which was a joke, I took Calc 1 and 2 in highschool so it was a nice class to say the least :).

Not sure how different to the organic chemistry I took , but they were the two hardest classes I have ever taken! I have never studied my butt of more to earn a B+.
aybars list inspired me:

fast food line cook
grocery store clerk
religious missionary
pig farmer
printer repairman
federal employee