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What do Jazzfanz do professionally (...assuming they have jobs) ?

I work for a local satellite company that many of you would know if you watch Jazz games (Yes, we sponsor the Jazz). I am in the accounting department and I actually really enjoy my job. There are times that I just don't understand why the company is doing what it is doing, but that happens with every company (I assume as much).

I have tried the work for yourself thing as well. Originally, after high school I got a vocational degree in massage therapy. It is not what it is cracked up to be. A few years later I moved on looking to get more into business. I soon realized that I needed better schooling so I have gone back to school full time while working full time and I am pursuing a degree in international management.

Posts like this always interest me. I am interested to know how people make their money and what actually drives them.
I sell desserts. Workin' on becoming a pastry chef...I think. I don't really know what's going on.

True or false, cake balls/pops are the worst tasting desserts ever known to the human species?

I have tried the work for yourself thing as well. Originally, after high school I got a vocational degree in massage therapy.

The nice thing about you and Ms Pastry Chef above is that you'll both have skills in things that carry over into daily living even if you don't end up doing those as careers. She'll marry some rich guy, won't have to work anymore, and spend all her time fattening him up. You'll bust out your massage skills every time your significant other is crabby. I wish I had any aptitude in either of those areas.
I used to sell appliances and electronics at a retail store for 5 years until I lost respect for the management and corporation I worked for and walked out (*cough* the entire national company is probably going to shut down in two years). I was proud of what I did and personally love selling, now I am a U student pursuing a degree in Business Operations Managements. I am looking for a job, any ideas folks?

Sears, right?
I'm an auto mechanic at the new KIA dealership down in STG. I make good money and enjoy what I do. Just waiting for my wife to finish college so I can sit home and drink beer all day while she makes 200k a year.

Not all it's cracked up to be. Crack a Beer!
I work as an engineer with Fairchild. Technically a "doping process engineer". I like my job, but I'm not in love with it. It pays well, and It's pretty flexible. But it's also surprisingly boring.

Have you applied at IMFT in Lehi? The people I've talked to who came from Fairchild say the pay is better at IMFT.
I sell desserts. Workin' on becoming a pastry chef...I think. I don't really know what's going on.

Troutbum visited me at work today...and in return, I gave him diabetes. Hey TB, can I babysit your cute kids?

Trust me, the 4 Mtn. Dews I drink every day gave me Diabeetus long before you. And screw babysitting, you can HAVE them.
You're is you are. Your is when it is not your.

I don't bother making sure I use the right one because most sport fans are redneck hillbilly's (even more clear by this thread). So fail once again troutbum.

Most sports fans actually have a college level education and make well over the median average...even lowly Utah sports fans.

I, however, am a high-school drop out, former enlisted sailor and have multiple felonies on my juvenile record. Feel free to continue insulting me, but leave these other guys alone.
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Most sports fans actually have a college level education and make well over the median average...even lowly Utah sports fans.

I, however, am a high-school drop out, former enlisted sailor and have multiple felonies on my juvenile record. Fell* free to continue insulting me, but leave these other guys alone.

Have you applied at IMFT in Lehi? The people I've talked to who came from Fairchild say the pay is better at IMFT.

I actually like what IMFT does, and would not mind being part of it. However, they are in Lehi. Fairchild is a 10 minute commute. I don't know if the extra money is worth all the added commute time. And I wouldn't want to live in Lehi.
I've always read your name as SiroMar, and it wasn't until very recently that I thought it has probably been Sir Omar the whole time -- glad to see that I was reading it right all this time.
I'm a high school recruiter for unnamed college. I cover Utah, Wyoming and Montana. Basically, I go around to different high schools and talk to the seniors about different careers, the school I represent, and areas of study offered at the school. It's not a bad gig and I feel I got really lucky, plus, they're going to pay for grad-school which I'll start in September or so. Right now I'm looking to get my masters in Organizational Leadership. Anyone have any thoughts or opinions about this?

I posted this earlier in a thread, but dang, it was super hard to find a job here in Utah. The interview process was a joke. Just getting in for a interview was a battle. It's truly not all about what you know, but who you know. Start networking and stay thirsty, my friends.
I actually like what IMFT does, and would not mind being part of it. However, they are in Lehi. Fairchild is a 10 minute commute. I don't know if the extra money is worth all the added commute time. And I wouldn't want to live in Lehi.

I live in West Jordan and considered working at Fairchild becuase it's less than 10 min from my house. But I only drive 30 min and work a compressed schedule (12 hour days alternating between 3 and 4 day work weeks) so the commute isn't too big a deal to me. IMFT is off the first exit once you get over the point of the mountain, not much farther than Cabelas. We also just got told our Fab has been extended beyond 2016. I've heard Fairchild has gone through multiple owners/management and things are a bit shakey there.
I've always read your name as SiroMar, and it wasn't until very recently that I thought it has probably been Sir Omar the whole time -- glad to see that I was reading it right all this time.

That's why I clarified it. Several people asked. :D
I'm a high school recruiter for unnamed college. I cover Utah, Wyoming and Montana. Basically, I go around to different high schools and talk to the seniors about different careers, the school I represent, and areas of study offered at the school. It's not a bad gig and I feel I got really lucky, plus, they're going to pay for grad-school which I'll start in September or so. Right now I'm looking to get my masters in Organizational Leadership. Anyone have any thoughts or opinions about this?

I posted this earlier in a thread, but dang, it was super hard to find a job here in Utah. The interview process was a joke. Just getting in for a interview was a battle. It's truly not all about what you know, but who you know. Start networking and stay thirsty, my friends.

Organizational theory was one of my favorite courses in college.
I'm a high school recruiter for unnamed college. I cover Utah, Wyoming and Montana. Basically, I go around to different high schools and talk to the seniors about different careers, the school I represent, and areas of study offered at the school. It's not a bad gig and I feel I got really lucky, plus, they're going to pay for grad-school which I'll start in September or so. Right now I'm looking to get my masters in Organizational Leadership. Anyone have any thoughts or opinions about this?

I posted this earlier in a thread, but dang, it was super hard to find a job here in Utah. The interview process was a joke. Just getting in for a interview was a battle. It's truly not all about what you know, but who you know. Start networking and stay thirsty, my friends.

As long as you can keep your hands off the HS girls it sounds like a decent gig.

Well hell, if you CAN'T keep you hands off HS girls it probably an even better gig, as long as you don't care about staying married.
Being serious? Not poking fun, I just frequently shop there. Used to live in the apartments to the East and would always just walk and hop over the fence.
I used to live in those apartments as well. Good times!

I spent most of my adult life being a legal secretary in SLC, which was a good gig. Due to health issues, I'm now working for half the money as an accounting clerk. It works well with my physical limitations and I like the work and my co-workers. Money and benefits stink, but you can't have everything, I guess.
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Is anyone in the marketing sector? My degree is in marketing and I'm just seeing now that maybe I didn't sign up for what I think I did.
I'm a graphic artist (the whole art dept, really) at a small clothing company for boys. My boss thinks I'm the greatest and treats me well. I telecommute quite a bit and I can do as much side work as I want. I won't get rich working there, but my satisfaction and happiness is off the charts.
ok,,here we go;im gonna write down my intire work history from past to present

i started workin at age 19 while i was studying.my first work was dish-washer.this was 1999(wtf edit 1993),i work in a big hotel,and i made 20 to 25 dollars an hour.Workin mostly after school and on weekends.i washed all the metal kitchen objects in huge washers,good money.Than i slowly started to help the cooks,when i had time.They offered me a assistent cook job which paid less.We had a really cool chef cook who was assuie and he liked me very much.i worked there over 2 years.ok this is gonna take way too long,so i will write it short

dish washer
assistant cook
assistant wok cook
wok cook
jump out of school
back to school
finished the school(PR and advertisement)
opened my first company-construction and renovation,i find out there was a huge gap in legal system,and i abused it,wrote down many invoices for the work which i never done,companies who had non tax registired money(which we call black-money in sweden) needed my invoices to wash those money.i made over one million dollars in less than a year.before the year ended,i register the company in someone else which we call them goal keepers(u pay them,they take the hit) in sweden,and i was washed away from any froud accusations.it took me not more than a year to lose all that money

in 2005(edit 2006) i went to iraq and joined to one of those private security companies(because of my military background and lotar course in israel)
i worked over 3 years as PS in iraq and afghanistan,i did great amount of money

2009 i moved to bangkok/thailand and opened my textile company(i have a thai partner).2011 i came to turkey and opened a enother company which deals with dried vegetables and pickles.my company in thailand is doing fine,but the one im dealing in turkey needs couple of years before i can make any profit.im far away from my goals,so i decided maybe i will go back to iraq next month and work there enother year(i know troops are out,but there are still plenty of jobs out there).by the time im in iraq,,i have people that i trust who can run my parts of companies.when i come back,i will start a new business in thailand,which i been dreaming for years.Im gonna open a factory and make a vodka drink made out of rice.it will be like bacardi-breezer typo drink with tropical fruite flavors.i have a good business plan.all i have to do is work hard for the next 2-3 years,sell the other companies.