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Worst Move? Drafting Hayward over George or Burks over Leonard?

D Will Texas

Well-Known Member
Watching these playoffs got me thinking....

Imagine these true "studs" as our starting wings. George is athletic enough to handle SG duties.

Our Core 4 would have true Championship potential, as it stands now , we'll need Favors and Kanter to be absolutely unstoppable to even sniff the Finals
No brainer for me - we should have taken Leonard. I was pumped at the time that he was still on the board and surprised that we passed on him. To think that Jimmer went higher than Leonard is amazing
I always struggle saying that we should have taken a player that does well in the Spurs system because well...players are always doing well in the Spurs system. You also have to consider how those players would do playing for us. Both of their numbers would most likely decrease due to coaching. With that said, I would have taken Leonard so that we could play him at 3 and Hayward at the 2 spot.
I always struggle saying that we should have taken a player that does well in the Spurs system because well...players are always doing well in the Spurs system. You also have to consider how those players would do playing for us. Both of their numbers would most likely decrease due to coaching. With that said, I would have taken Leonard so that we could play him at 3 and Hayward at the 2 spot.

This, you have to wonder if a lot of Leonard's success is from Pop's system. If I could go back I'd rather have Leonard though and on draft day I thought the same thing.
No brainer for me - we should have taken Leonard. I was pumped at the time that he was still on the board and surprised that we passed on him. To think that Jimmer went higher than Leonard is amazing

I know its not like Jimmer crushed him in the ncaa tournament or anything :rolleyes:
easy buddy, its an interesting question to ponder....

dude it is like being at prom and wishing you were with some one else. why keep beating yourself.

I could play the same stupid game with my sons death. what if we had taken him to the hospital sooner. what if we had seen the signs sooner. what if the doctors had given him the meds sooner. and the list goes on. WE DID NOT DRAFT THEM MOVE ON.
Hayward is better than George, soon you shall see. Hayward is a very special player that has been under utilized, but his time is coming, and hopefully these ungrateful posts will cease. Don't get me wrong, George is great, will be a very good player, but I still think Hayward will be better. Hayward has been the kind of player that has sacrificed himself for the good of his team, the kind of **** that doesn't show up on stat sheets. Post injury, Hayward went on a rampage, and that was as the 4th, sometimes 5th option in the offense. A lot of his contributions don't show up on a stat sheet. He is the guy that helps to get our offense into position (when we didn't run Alfense), but didn't necessarily get the assist, he was the guy who made the pass before that allowed for the easy assist --the kind of IQ you can't teach.

I really think that if Hayward gets bumped up in the offense pecking order, and gets his minutes next year (which the F/O has indicated), a lot of people will be singing a different tune about him.

As for Burks, I love him, but I don't think, as of now (and this is Corbin and the F/O's fault for screwing up his development), is as good as Leonard. I think Burks has a different game though, and we've seen glimpses of greatness when he was getting consistent minutes when Mo was injured, but then we saw some desperate plays from him when he wasn't getting regular minutes. I don't want to judge his potential yet, because I don't think he, or Kevin Murphy, or Jeremy Evans, or Kanter, have been given anywhere near the kind of minutes necessary to develop their games.
You fools just wait until burks is unleashed and you will forget all about that ******* in san antonio
So are you asking would I rather have on the jazz:

Hayward Burks
Hayward Leonard
George Burks
George Leonard?

I think I would most like to see Burks Leonard, but since that is not possible I will go with
Hayward Leonard. Hayward is a sg, leonard a sf. Both can move up in a small lineup.
I'll wait until after next year to pass judgement. I think Hayward will have a very good career. Prolly a notch below George, but nothing to be disappointed about. I still think burkes ends up better than kawhi.
I wanted George over Hayward.

I wanted Burks over anyone available at 12.

I think I would have made the right decisions.
Burks> Leonard and that's not really tough for me. I think Burks will have a better career..

Hayward> George , but that is tough. I'm just Happy with Hayward because he is really good too. Maybe not as good as George but he is a bad *** in his own right. I like watching a corny *** looking white dude chasing down people and blocking them from behind, Lebron style. I like that he is a lock down defender too. He is a very underrated defender in my opinion.

I wanted George at the draft but I am very happy with Hayward now.
You fools just wait until burks is unleashed and you will forget all about that ******* in san antonio
Agree. I think Burks has a lot of potential. He just needs PT, which Corbin didn't give him. Obviously, in hindsight, you take George, because you absolutely KNEW before the draft he would still grow a few inches.

When Ilook back at that draft, I'm grateful KOC drafted one of the two best players available at the time. There were so many immediately after those two that many of us and many of the national darft "experts" had rated higher, but have done little in the league.