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Video Game Thread

Yeah I thought AP would be all over the Dark Souls II, he is what got me into Dark & Demon Souls series. However with as little time as I have to play those games are hard for me to play, in my younger more time free years I would've been more into those games but it is hard to make any headway thanks to the no pausing. Love the idea of it but again I just don't have the uninterrupted/dedicated time to play enough. Sadly.

Do you have young children? I do, and it's hard to fit in game playing time especially when we decided not to play games in front of them at least during their first 7-8 years or so. I have this work-around where I play after they go to sleep because I don't start work until like 11:00 on most days. I usually get 3 hours in every other day or so. Having a limited amount of playing time definitely forced me to prioritize what I would be playing. Basically, I decided to stick to RPGs (Mostly JRPGs, Skyrim? no thanks) because I get the most satisfaction out of playing them in a general sense.
Regarding Dark Souls 2, for me it's a little early to start getting worked up. No release date yet, and more than that, the director of the two previous games has been moved to another project. I'll wait until there are more substantial gameplay previews.

As for the first Dark Souls, sounds like you're having fun with it, Safetydan. I've never done a dex build myself (although my brother likes the scythe as well), usually I put just enough in to use the Pharis bow and call it a day there. My first character was basically pure sorcerer, which seemed really OPed, I was killing bosses in like 60 seconds with homing crytal soul mass, crystal soul spear, and white dragon breath. But I started a strength character a few months ago... if I remember right I'm using the black knight greataxe and havel's armor, also got a max pyro flame. But I haven't played it in a while, been caught up in other things. For the last couple of weeks I've been playing Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate on the 3DS, and I'm sure after today I'll dive into Dragon's Dogma and Dead Island. I'm glad you're picking up Dragon's Dogma, people who like the Souls games have tended to like that one as well, I'm almost certain you'll dig it.

I'm not at all surprised that the Souls series are your favorite games ever. A lot of people feel that way. You should give a listen to that podcast I posted a page or two back, they start having a Dark Souls love fest less than five minutes in.

FWIW, I was just recently thinking about what my favorite games ever are, and it occurred to me that they're all by either Capcom or From Software, both Japanese companies: the King's Field series, the Souls Series, Resident Evil 4 (Gamecube), and the Monster Hunter Series.

I forgot to mention, I have the Black Bow of Pharis +15 and I also have +15 Painting Gaurdian Sword which I got and upgraded due to the insane dex scaling and after upgrading, yes it does great damage but I overestimated the **** reach on it. I, essentially, have to be standing on top of somebody to make it connect. anyways, Great game great game. I upgraded all those weapons and then some other ones for trophy purposes and it's no wonder I'm way OP. oh well, I think I'll get into some pvp on ng+

As far as fav games ever go, I'm pretty sure I've talked about this before on this thread, or at least you did AP. Although, I'm sure I've mentioned how much I loved Demon's Souls.

In no particular order:

Demon's and Dark Souls
Final Fantasy 6-8, 10 (Yes, 8)
SSB Melee
Majora's Mask
Valkyria Chronicles (I really don't know what possessed me to buy this game, the same applies to Demon's Souls for that matter.)
Super Mario World
Red Dead Redemption
I forgot to mention, I have the Black Bow of Pharis +15 and I also have +15 Painting Gaurdian Sword which I got and upgraded due to the insane dex scaling and after upgrading, yes it does great damage but I overestimated the **** reach on it. I, essentially, have to be standing on top of somebody to make it connect. anyways, Great game great game. I upgraded all those weapons and then some other ones for trophy purposes and it's no wonder I'm way OP. oh well, I think I'll get into some pvp on ng+

As far as fav games ever go, I'm pretty sure I've talked about this before on this thread, or at least you did AP. Although, I'm sure I've mentioned how much I loved Demon's Souls.

In no particular order:

Demon's and Dark Souls
Final Fantasy 6-8, 10 (Yes, 8)
SSB Melee
Majora's Mask
Valkyria Chronicles (I really don't know what possessed me to buy this game, the same applies to Demon's Souls for that matter.)
Super Mario World
Red Dead Redemption

Good call on Valkyria Chronicles. Love that game.

Just played a little Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen. It's not bad. New content is definitely meant for high level, I haven't died but I'm pretty OPed. Anyway, I won't have much time for games the next two or three weeks because I've got term papers to write for the last classes of my life...
I heard good things about Witcher2, but that rating on that game keeps it out of my house. :(

The witcher 2 has a very in-depth, complex, and satisfying combat system. Fights are actually really difficult and tactical, you gotta try it some time. Even a small fight with 3 guys is pretty intense and you'll probably die a lot. Its probably the best hand-to-hand combat system in a game I know of.

Dota 2 anyone?
Do you have young children? I do, and it's hard to fit in game playing time especially when we decided not to play games in front of them at least during their first 7-8 years or so. I have this work-around where I play after they go to sleep because I don't start work until like 11:00 on most days. I usually get 3 hours in every other day or so. Having a limited amount of playing time definitely forced me to prioritize what I would be playing. Basically, I decided to stick to RPGs (Mostly JRPGs, Skyrim? no thanks) because I get the most satisfaction out of playing them in a general sense.
Yes I also have kids and while I don't have a rule like you of not playing in front of them I do try to keep that to a minimum and so I'm similar in playing time hours just in smaller chunks.

Also my youngest is now 8 so he's getting to really want to play games with me and that really makes me wish there was a good multiplayer RPG game. He does very well in school and spends enough time playing outside that I could use it as bribery if he wants to play with me (joking sorta).
Bought the new dragons dogma on the way home from work. The pawn system always turned me off, but all the good things AP has to say plus all the comparison to the Souls series sold me. will report back.
srs video game discussion from this point out. take your angry birds and shove it up your ***, ugli.
Yes I also have kids and while I don't have a rule like you of not playing in front of them I do try to keep that to a minimum and so I'm similar in playing time hours just in smaller chunks.

Also my youngest is now 8 so he's getting to really want to play games with me and that really makes me wish there was a good multiplayer RPG game. He does very well in school and spends enough time playing outside that I could use it as bribery if he wants to play with me (joking sorta).
Kids make for good watchdogs. We have to limit how much they play and also what type of games we allow. And it's just too much of a pain (not to mention hypocritical) to have my own set of "mature games". Much like movies their standards apply to us. :mad:
Really quick, because I'm busy:

The new Dead Island really is more of the same. They've made a very few gameplay tweaks and added one new character, but that's it. I'd say the original is a better game solely because it's longer -- in this new one there's basically only two big areas (a jungle and a city), and once you do all the missions in those, it's over. I'm still getting some enjoyment out of it, but you really have to have loved the first game for this one to be worth it at all. Still, Dead Island is the melee equivalent of Borderlands, so it may still be worth checking out for some folks. My advice would simply be to pick up the first game at a bargain price.

As for Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen, I'm quite enjoying it. The combat isn't at a Dark Souls level, but it's still interesting and way better than the combat in your average action game. And the new dungeons have really added the difficulty that the original was lacking at high levels. Don't get me wrong, the original game is tough when you're low-level and still starting out, but they have a level cap of 200, and by the time you're lvl 70 or so there's just nothing that's really threatening anymore. I had stopped playing at lvl 115 because I was just demolishing enemies too easily. But the new area -- Bitterback Isle -- is a whole different animal. It's designed to be tough even for max-level characters, and it is (especially on a 2nd-playthrough, when enemies get even more badass). The pity is that this new area is fairly small and the rest of the world is still frustratingly easy, so that once you pass a certain level you're functionally stuck in a tiny portion of the world, unless you want to be just rolling over everything. Still a fun time despite this, though. I'm still on the prowl for new equipment, since there's a lot of stuff in the new area that's worlds better than anything that was in the vanilla game.
Just finished Papo and Yo. I must say it's a great game. Art is great and story itself is art.
Anyone else gonna buy a PS4 when it comes out?

I am sure I will get one eventually. But probably not right at launch. It will all depend on the games. There will need to be at least two or three games that I really, really want for it before I shell out another $500 or whatever it's going to be.
I am sure I will get one eventually. But probably not right at launch. It will all depend on the games. There will need to be at least two or three games that I really, really want for it before I shell out another $500 or whatever it's going to be.

I think it's gonna be around $400 at launch and the lineup up is suppose to be one of the biggest launch lineups from any console release so there should be some good options to choose from.

I am.

I don't really even play video games, but *** it, it's cool to have new thangs.

posted from my htc one using tapaBONGO

lol. if enough people on here buy one, should make a jazzfanz clan.
The ps4 paddle looks badass. But I'm gonna wait til Tuesday before I decide between ps4 and Xbox vnext