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Let’s talk boring…

Most boring sport overall to play/watch

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Baseball (going to games is fun)

From boring to exciting.
I never picked up on Baseball. I hate watching it... I hate attempting to play it.

Hate is such a strong word. But I'm gonna use it anyway.
Hockey --> I can't even see what they are going after.

This reminded me of a funny story from when my wife and I were dating. I got free tickets to a Grizzlies game at the Delta Center (yeah, back when they played at the Delta Center and not the E Center). So the game had been going for a few minutes and my wife leans over ans says "So why isn't the puck glowing?" That was when some TV station was highlighting the puck during the broadcast and I guess she thought the puck actually glowed.

Ultimately she really loved the game because at half time they had a bunch of kids dressed in sumo suits running around on the ice trying to knock each other over. I could probably get a laugh out of her today if I brought it up.
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Just throwing it out there - is football really that exciting or is it just that the season is only 16 games, once a week and every sunday is basically armageddon for a team?

Imagine trying to sit through an 80 game football season.
Baseball and Soccer are basically tied for most boring. I would even rather watch golf but it is a close 2nd to the other 2. Baseball and football are both boring to play and watch, except for the few exciting plays in a game, it is 3-4 hours of long boring nothing interspersed with the occasional exciting play. You know it's boring if you can see literally every single exciting play in a 90 second spot on sports center. Golf is really just meh, although I play golf so I can appreciate the complexities you just don't get if you don't play. But it isn't very much fun to watch overall. I could never stand soccer long enough to watch more than a couple of minutes of it and playing it is brutally boring. So I guess for me in order of most boring to least boring it would be:

1a. Baseball
1b. Soccer
2. Golf
3. Football

I don't consider nascar to be a sport at all.

Basketball is obviously the most exciting sport to both play and watch. Rarely a dull moment, unless a team is down 3-5 points in the final minute, in which case you better plan on 30 minutes of hack-a-whoever followed by free throws. But even then there is the chance of a last-second shot that amps up the excitement level.
Just throwing it out there - is football really that exciting or is it just that the season is only 16 games, once a week and every sunday is basically armageddon for a team?

Imagine trying to sit through an 80 game football season.

If football was an 80 game season there would be no players left after 35 games. But I find it almost as interesting as Basketball.

It is:
1A. Jazz
1B. Broncos

Watch all the games for each team.
I have yet to get into NASCAR-- but I'm sure I could get into it. I used to hate football and baseball, but now I enjoy watching games of both sports.

I feel like I can watch any game of any sport if I give enough time to get into it.

I think the 'sport' that irritates me most is UFC, mostly because it has taken the limelight away from boxing, a way more awesome sport IMO. Sucks that boxing isn't what it used to be. Loved watching Tyson, Gatti/Ward, and RJJ with my dad growing up.
If football was an 80 game season there would be no players left after 35 games.

Not really the point - just a hypothetical. Does the game of football in and of itself have enough excitement to sustain a season as long as some of the other major sports.

I find football painfully boring if I'm not emotionally invested in the game. It's way too long and has far too many stoppages in play.
I actually find Curling kind of entertaining in a weird way. It's like housewives shouting at each other to "clean" the floor more thoroughly. Some of the Swedish are even proper MILFs.
I have yet to get into NASCAR-- but I'm sure I could get into it. I used to hate football and baseball, but now I enjoy watching games of both sports.

I feel like I can watch any game of any sport if I give enough time to get into it.

I think the 'sport' that irritates me most is UFC, mostly because it has taken the limelight away from boxing, a way more awesome sport IMO. Sucks that boxing isn't what it used to be. Loved watching Tyson, Gatti/Ward, and RJJ with my dad growing up.

you and your dad are going to love watching your countries fastest rising star... the ALBANIAN BEAR!!! RESHAT MATI!!! a undefeated champion at the tender age of 13
lol... the things people have to do to feel good about themself. themselves. theirself. their-selves

eff it.

Please. I never seek self-gratification from my peers.

Now excuse me whilst I upload a selfie on Instagram
you and your dad are going to love watching your countries fastest rising star... the ALBANIAN BEAR!!! RESHAT MATI!!! a undefeated champion at the tender age of 13

Holy **** LMAO
This reminded me of a funny story from when my wife and I were dating. I got free tickets to a Grizzlies game at the Delta Center (yeah, back when they played at the Delta Center and not the E Center). So the game had been going for a few minutes and my wife leans over ans says "So why isn't the puck glowing?" That was when some TV station was highlighting the puck during the broadcast and I guess she thought the puck actually glowed.

Ultimately she really loved the game because at half time they had a bunch of kids dressed in sumo suits running around on the ice trying to knock each other over. I could probably get a laugh out of her today if I brought it up.


Had a girl ask me once at a football game where the yellow first down line was.

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