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My Member's Premium
It doesn't have the same ring as the original thread, but it'll make a turd.

Yes friends, this is my official "Vote Ballou" thread of 2013. This is also a place for me to do two things:

1.) Let you all know about The Tournament of All Tournaments, for the Poker Championship of The World (also known as "Let's Get Trout Elected" fundraiser) to be hosted by none other than everyone's favorite Seaman, Gameface. The ToATftPCoTW is tentatively scheduled for early September. Seats are limited and previous members of GF's Poker Club will get first crack -- but all that means is that there will still be plenty of seats for first timers, never-played-before's, and girls. PM Gameface for details, or maybe check his forum.

2) To solicit help and money from you good people.

While it is true that I am very unlikable, mean, and generally obnoxious to a fault, I am very seriously involved with my City, the City Council, and in making my neighborhood a bad *** place to live and work. For some of you nooblets that don't know, I ran for this same position two years ago and while I put up a good fight, it wasn't enough to knock off an eight year incumbent. I made it through the Primary Election, but lost the General Election 60% to 40%. That sucked, let me tell you. If you've ever run for public office or helped someone campaign, then you know how much work and time needs to be put in in order to be successful. When it all comes down to the wire and you don't win, it's excruciating. Alas, I didn't give up on my city and I stayed involved. It is only by crazy circumstances that I'm running again, two years later. (it is a four year term, normally) I won't get into specifics, but let's just say that The Trout does not abide backroom politics, and there is no place for cronyism at any level. I didn't want to get involved -- like I said, it's excruciating -- but I can't stand that kind of BS, and here I am.

I have every advantage in this years election, imo, but even the best odds still have a chance to go down the crapper. This is where you guys can help. To run any kind of campaign, you need to have time, volunteers, and sadly, money. I've got the time, I can secure the volunteers, but I just don't have the funds I need to effectively pound the living snot out of my opponent. Two years ago, the members of this very forum donated over $1,000.00 to my campaign. It exceeded even my wildest dreams and expectations; do I dare hope to reach that lofty goal again? Truth be told, I need about $3,000.00 to run this sucker like it needs to be, and every little bit helps. I've already secured $700.00, so I am on my way.

You may be thinking that you don't care about any of this because you don't live in T-Ville, and that's a fair point. Remember though, we're all neighbors and one slummy house on a street can drag down the value of everyone else in the neighborhood who cares. I take pride in my city and want it to become the house on the block that raises everyone's value. We are almost there, but we've got some incompetent hacks that are giving our residents and businesses a bad taste in their mouths, including mine, and that kind of aggression just won't stand. Man.

I'm asking you to help me. Help me transfer my obnoxiousness to a forum that could desperately use a guy that tells it like it is, who won't put up with any B.S., and who won't be bought by big company donations, special interests, or peer pressure. Help me be what a city councilman is supposed to be: A mouthpiece for the residents, and not some blowhard who is going to do what he wants, regardless of what the people think or desire.

If you feel like you could spare a few bucks, I would seriously appreciate it. I have a campaign paypal account set up: Dave@DastrupInsurance.com. If you don't want me to share your name publicly as one of my donors, then please let me know and I can call it an anonymous donation. Again, thank you all for actually reading to this point, and thanks in advance for your hard earned money; I promise to put it to good use.

Dave Ballou
Taylorsville City Council, District 3
I'm pulling for you, man.

As for the poker tournament, in the interest of security for me, my family and my guests I'm not going to make all the details public but if you pm me I'll get back to you with all the details. It will be very much along the same lines as tournaments I've hosted in the past and it's a great way to meet your fellow jazzfanz posters. Without naming names there are several awesome posters **confirmed** for the game, many of whom have not played before. It's been almost a year since I've hosted a game and I can't say when or if I will host again, but I'm a sucker for tradition and I really want to help Dave out in any way that I can. Despite what you may think of his posts he's a hell of a guy and I'm sure he'll make us all proud once he takes his seat on the City Council.

Come out for the lulz, to meet some internet strangers, to support Dave's campaign or to try some award winning homebrew. There's something for everyone.
It doesn't have the same ring as the original thread, but it'll make a turd.

Yes friends, this is my official "Vote Ballou" thread of 2013. This is also a place for me to do two things:

1.) Let you all know about The Tournament of All Tournaments, for the Poker Championship of The World (also known as "Let's Get Trout Elected" fundraiser) to be hosted by none other than everyone's favorite Seaman, Gameface. The ToATftPCoTW is tentatively scheduled for early September. Seats are limited and previous members of GF's Poker Club will get first crack -- but all that means is that there will still be plenty of seats for first timers, never-played-before's, and girls. PM Gameface for details, or maybe check his forum.

2) To solicit help and money from you good people.

While it is true that I am very unlikable, mean, and generally obnoxious to a fault, I am very seriously involved with my City, the City Council, and in making my neighborhood a bad *** place to live and work. For some of you nooblets that don't know, I ran for this same position two years ago and while I put up a good fight, it wasn't enough to knock off an eight year incumbent. I made it through the Primary Election, but lost the General Election 60% to 40%. That sucked, let me tell you. If you've ever run for public office or helped someone campaign, then you know how much work and time needs to be put in in order to be successful. When it all comes down to the wire and you don't win, it's excruciating. Alas, I didn't give up on my city and I stayed involved. It is only by crazy circumstances that I'm running again, two years later. (it is a four year term, normally) I won't get into specifics, but let's just say that The Trout does not abide backroom politics, and there is no place for cronyism at any level. I didn't want to get involved -- like I said, it's excruciating -- but I can't stand that kind of BS, and here I am.

I have every advantage in this years election, imo, but even the best odds still have a chance to go down the crapper. This is where you guys can help. To run any kind of campaign, you need to have time, volunteers, and sadly, money. I've got the time, I can secure the volunteers, but I just don't have the funds I need to effectively pound the living snot out of my opponent. Two years ago, the members of this very forum donated over $1,000.00 to my campaign. It exceeded even my wildest dreams and expectations; do I dare hope to reach that lofty goal again? Truth be told, I need about $3,000.00 to run this sucker like it needs to be, and every little bit helps. I've already secured $700.00, so I am on my way.

You may be thinking that you don't care about any of this because you don't live in T-Ville, and that's a fair point. Remember though, we're all neighbors and one slummy house on a street can drag down the value of everyone else in the neighborhood who cares. I take pride in my city and want it to become the house on the block that raises everyone's value. We are almost there, but we've got some incompetent hacks that are giving our residents and businesses a bad taste in their mouths, including mine, and that kind of aggression just won't stand. Man.

I'm asking you to help me. Help me transfer my obnoxiousness to a forum that could desperately use a guy that tells it like it is, who won't put up with any B.S., and who won't be bought by big company donations, special interests, or peer pressure. Help me be what a city councilman is supposed to be: A mouthpiece for the residents, and not some blowhard who is going to do what he wants, regardless of what the people think or desire.

If you feel like you could spare a few bucks, I would seriously appreciate it. I have a campaign paypal account set up: Dave@DastrupInsurance.com. If you don't want me to share your name publicly as one of my donors, then please let me know and I can call it an anonymous donation. Again, thank you all for actually reading to this point, and thanks in advance for your hard earned money; I promise to put it to good use.

Dave Ballou
Taylorsville City Council, District 3

Lost me right there.. I thought I smelled victory and was going to make signs and everything....

Go Big Ballou!
I'm pulling for you, man.

As for the poker tournament, in the interest of security for me, my family and my guests I'm not going to make all the details public but if you pm me I'll get back to you with all the details. It will be very much along the same lines as tournaments I've hosted in the past and it's a great way to meet your fellow jazzfanz posters. Without naming names there are several awesome posters **confirmed** for the game, many of whom have not played before. It's been almost a year since I've hosted a game and I can't say when or if I will host again, but I'm a sucker for tradition and I really want to help Dave out in any way that I can. Despite what you may think of his posts he's a hell of a guy and I'm sure he'll make us all proud once he takes his seat on the City Council.

Come out for the lulz, to meet some internet strangers, to support Dave's campaign or to try some award winning homebrew. There's something for everyone.

Just like to echo that part.
I'm pulling for you, man.

As for the poker tournament, in the interest of security for me, my family and my guests I'm not going to make all the details public but if you pm me I'll get back to you with all the details. It will be very much along the same lines as tournaments I've hosted in the past and it's a great way to meet your fellow jazzfanz posters. Without naming names there are several awesome posters **confirmed** for the game, many of whom have not played before. It's been almost a year since I've hosted a game and I can't say when or if I will host again, but I'm a sucker for tradition and I really want to help Dave out in any way that I can. Despite what you may think of his posts he's a hell of a guy and I'm sure he'll make us all proud once he takes his seat on the City Council.

Come out for the lulz, to meet some internet strangers, to support Dave's campaign or to try some award winning homebrew. There's something for everyone.

Be selective GF.
I read Trout's entire post and planned on saying something snarky but damn it, he's one of the few who is actually trying to get off his *** and make a difference. That's admirable.

I'm still not giving him any money though.
I have Archie to drive me home, so I may end up pulling what I like to call a "franklin".
I have Archie to drive me home, so I may end up pulling what I like to call a "franklin".

I'll be ridin my bike
I'll be there cuz I'm addicted to kicking trouts *** in poker.

This post brought to you by UGLI baby
E.J., have you ever taken first?

EDIT: AKA "won"
I've always thought that Taylorsville should merge with Murray.

Economies of scale and what not.
Lost me right there.. I thought I smelled victory and was going to make signs and everything....

Go Big Ballou!

Yeah I was gonna get my employer to bankroll your whole campaign, 15 grand, campaign manager, the works, but eBay is a pretty big company so I will just have to send you 5 bucks...in pennies and pocket lint.