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Obamacare to increase premiums by 304 percent???

I don't know about other states but I am fairly certain you can't open a family practice in Utah if you're not a doctor. I remember a bill being proposed a few years ago to allow RN's to do this and get their own malpractice insurance. I thought it was a good idea and then I never heard anything more about it.

I think you probably mean Physician's assistants and Nurse Practitioners. RN's running clinics would be a horrible social experiment. You can get a RN degree from stevens henager college. Not exactly the model of consistency when it comes to education.

Obamacare, the ACA, actually favors nurse practitioners and PA's opening their own practices. I know in Utah, that Nurse practitioners can have their own practice, and I do not think that PA's can at this point. Where I live in Idaho, my family's primary care doctor is a PA, and he has his own practice. He said that the ACA is VERY attractive to PAs and Nurse Practitioners, because they will have so much more job security. All states are moving towards primary care being in the hands of Nurse Practitioners and PA's, with MD's moving out of primary care, and specializing. I think this is the way it should be. We will save a lot of money on our personal healthcare this way.
Sever connections with Canada? So the US can axe its main oil, and water-resource for the coming years?

Yup, we all know that's never gonna happen. Gonna keep enjoying my healthcare and cheap education in the mean-time. Thanks Merica :)

No way. I want to sever connections with every country except for Mexico and Canada. I want to keep you guys happy because if there ever is an invasion, you guys are our buffer. I'd want to pull all foreign aid, but toss you two countries a little extra to take the brunt of any attack. :D
Who the **** is talking about WW1 here? Why are you putting words in my mouth? I'm talking about the last 20 years. For a reason, too. That's when the US became world's only superpower.

My argument is this. US involvement in all kids of places in the past 20 years has only served to widen and broaden the fighting. Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Kosovo. In all those cases, the governments of those countries would have dealt with what was going on quickly and brutally. We're not debating the morality of it here.

I'm so sick of this argument. This is why I say pull completely out of the world, cut all funding, stay in the UN, but only match dollar for dollar the top contributor.

If we did those things, 6 months would pass by before the world would beg us for our money and military again.
I say pull all military out of the world, take a backseat role in the UN, tax every import at 30%, lower the business taxes down to 15%, and force corporations to bring manufacturing jobs back to America. Screw the rest of the world. Make it so expensive for Apple, Nike, etc to import parts for their products that they have to bring those jobs back. Make it so expensive to import products, and so cheap to work here, that companies move their headquarters to the US.

Instead of welfare for the masses, we would suddenly have jobs for the masses. What a novel concept.

Screw the rest of the world. I'm sick of propping them up, having them take my food and resources, and then having them tell me how awful I am.
No way. I want to sever connections with every country except for Mexico and Canada. I want to keep you guys happy because if there ever is an invasion, you guys are our buffer. I'd want to pull all foreign aid, but toss you two countries a little extra to take the brunt of any attack. :D

Severing connections with everyone is overkill. I am not for pulling all foreign aid but I am for reviewing it and pulling anything that does not truly help us.
I think you probably mean Physician's assistants and Nurse Practitioners. RN's running clinics would be a horrible social experiment. You can get a RN degree from stevens henager college. Not exactly the model of consistency when it comes to education.

Obamacare, the ACA, actually favors nurse practitioners and PA's opening their own practices. I know in Utah, that Nurse practitioners can have their own practice, and I do not think that PA's can at this point. Where I live in Idaho, my family's primary care doctor is a PA, and he has his own practice. He said that the ACA is VERY attractive to PAs and Nurse Practitioners, because they will have so much more job security. All states are moving towards primary care being in the hands of Nurse Practitioners and PA's, with MD's moving out of primary care, and specializing. I think this is the way it should be. We will save a lot of money on our personal healthcare this way.

let's be clear - in most states, nurses, PA's etc can open their own practices - - the question is what those practices are allowed to do without supervision by a licensed medical doctor.
let's be clear - in most states, nurses, PA's etc can open their own practices - - the question is what those practices are allowed to do without supervision by a licensed medical doctor.

This is where it gets so tricky. Everyone wants to have cheaper care and not see the Dr...until something goes wrong. Then they want to sue the Dr for everything he has. You can't have it both ways.
I think you probably mean Physician's assistants and Nurse Practitioners. RN's running clinics would be a horrible social experiment. You can get a RN degree from stevens henager college. Not exactly the model of consistency when it comes to education.

Obamacare, the ACA, actually favors nurse practitioners and PA's opening their own practices. I know in Utah, that Nurse practitioners can have their own practice, and I do not think that PA's can at this point. Where I live in Idaho, my family's primary care doctor is a PA, and he has his own practice. He said that the ACA is VERY attractive to PAs and Nurse Practitioners, because they will have so much more job security. All states are moving towards primary care being in the hands of Nurse Practitioners and PA's, with MD's moving out of primary care, and specializing. I think this is the way it should be. We will save a lot of money on our personal healthcare this way.

I may well be. I am not 100% on my medical acronyms but the core of the point stays the same an increased supply of medical practitioners should lead to more choices for consumers and competitive cost reduction. More financial support for those seeking medical training should help as well. I have heard that the nursing program at S.L.C.C. has a two year waiting list.It seems to me like a little funding to expand the program may be in order.

People losing their existing insurance.



These two are about Dems now calling for delays to parts of the ACA.

Plus the website problems.

Not turning out the way the President publicly hoped. How do you all feel this affects his favorability rating and his ability to lead on future issues if at all?

People losing their existing insurance.



These two are about Dems now calling for delays to parts of the ACA.

Plus the website problems.

Not turning out the way the President publicly hoped. How do you all feel this affects his favorability rating and his ability to lead on future issues if at all?

So people that have insurance have insurance that's not a high enough standard. ... Oh.. dang. They were wrong about someone taking their insurance away.. but it wasn't he government that did it. It was an insurance company that previously sold them crap insurance in the first place.

And because of the website problems, they want to push back the deadline. I might be able to see this, if it wasn't already starting to get better. There's something to be worried about, but don't people have until the end of March to get on something? In tech time, 5 months is about 5 years or more. They have plenty of time for the site to get fixed, and people to sign up appropriately.

Will his approval rating take a hit from what it was yesterday? Maybe slightly, but nothing enough to worry about.
So people that have insurance have insurance that's not a high enough standard. ... Oh.. dang. They were wrong about someone taking their insurance away.. but it wasn't he government that did it. It was an insurance company that previously sold them crap insurance in the first place.

And because of the website problems, they want to push back the deadline. I might be able to see this, if it wasn't already starting to get better. There's something to be worried about, but don't people have until the end of March to get on something? In tech time, 5 months is about 5 years or more. They have plenty of time for the site to get fixed, and people to sign up appropriately.

Will his approval rating take a hit from what it was yesterday? Maybe slightly, but nothing enough to worry about.

Slow your wagon down buddy. I was not laying blame.

I have not seen a single article or report saying that the wesite issues are improving. Link?

Also at first it was have health insurance. Now I have a level of health insurance that you approve of? Is liability only no longer good enough as car insurance? Slippery slope.

Thanks for the reply.
Sorry I just got back from nowhere, haven't had time to read the whole thread. . . I just know my opinion probably hasn't been dreamed of by anyone else.

A lot of people go online for medical advice, and then hunt down some herbal stuff, and don't even bother the insurance companies, doctors, or nurses or hospitals, and do very well with that. That is the future of health care in America. The sooner you personally go to that source, the better off you'll be.


My wife, who is a nurse, got scared a few years ago. I thought I had some life-threatening issues. . . . my heart and lungs. . . . Cardio-pulmonary failure. . . . heart rate way up, bp way up, congestion like crazy. . .. and fungus taking over huge swaths of my skin. . . .

I expected her to feel sorry for me, but all she could think of was how to get me covered for life insurance. She thought she was up the proverbial sheet creek.

Well, I went online and figured it all out. I did have to hit up my bil for a prescription I knew would work though, and it all cleared right up. My cost? About $80. I also discovered that my old water supply equipment at the ranch had developed a serious problem. . . . the water tank with the air bladder to maintain pressure had sprung a leak, and filled the underground pumphouse, pouring the "wash water" pooling in the wellhouse back down the well. Fungus. Rotting plywood, boards, muck, moss, everything, but mostly fungus. I was one huge fungus hospitality hotel.

Well, I told my wife I'd better not go to the doctor until I got better, or she'd have to pay too much for the insurance. And I stopped eating anything she cooked for me until after it was fed to the kids. I don't have a sweet tooth for Arsenic, ya know.

She made an appointment for me, but the soonest she could get me scheduled was six weeks out. I went, at her insistence, and had a complete work-up. . . . every test she could think of of. . . ..

I got a contractor to install a new bladder tank, and in fact a new pump as well.

When I finally got my check up, the doctor found my heart healthy and professed amazement at how good I'm doing at my age. Said I'm as healthy as any twenty year old, asked me what I've been eating and doing. . . . . No risk factors.

Well, my wife has her policy on me. I figure if that makes her happy why not. It's cheap term insurance. And I do more for her alive than dead, and as long as I keep that true. . .. well. . . . I'll still let the kids eat ahead of me. . . . .
Slow your wagon down buddy. I was not laying blame.

I have not seen a single article or report saying that the wesite issues are improving. Link?

Also at first it was have health insurance. Now I have a level of health insurance that you approve of? Is liability only no longer good enough as car insurance? Slippery slope.

Thanks for the reply.

Wasn't sure i needed one. I figured the proof would be in the success stories of people successfully getting insurance from the site, of which there are many.

They say they can have this up and fixed by the end of November. I'm finding it hard to believe it'll take that long, but given how bad those hired by the government are about building sites, I'm not terribly surprised. The end of November still gives people two weeks to get on board before the Dec 15th cut off, and they still have time to get it before being dinged in the taxes(End of March).

It's a slippery slope with ledges. Look at some of the bottom rung qualifying insurance plans out there. If your insurance plan "doesn't qualify", I would wonder what exactly your current plan DOES cover. I don't exactly see anyone actually saying what rules and regulations these plans are non-compliant with, but I'd surely be interested to find out.

NBC news kind of goes over some that I found from a link on a report of $11 a month for a family of four https://www.nbcnews.com/id/50876839/ns/health-health_care/t/final-health-benefit-rules-clarify-some-confusion/#.UmtoUxD0__I

But the only things they talk about are of benefit to the people; pre-cancerous growth removal is now a cancer screening; meaning you don't pay out of pocket for it. Mental health services, too. If that's what's being argued by the bulk of these reports, what's really being said here is from the insurance companies "Sorry guys, we've got you on something that we can't continue to support".

Now, there's an argument on the legislation of the "grandfathering in" clause that it is too narrow. And I'll agree with that. But for the most part news reporters are just throwing something up there to get people to read. They're not doing a good job educating the intricacies of everything that's happening here, they're just casting someone as the bad guy.

To scrap the ACA because the insurance companies sold lemons is not quite thought out. To get all up in arms and upset over this, I believe, is also not quite thought out. Everyone and their dog wants to blame someone(in this case Obama) for something. They don't understand what, but it's their God given right to make those accusations, and by golly they're gonna!

Bro, I'm not the guy jumping on the bandwagon... I'm the guy trying to hold the mob back at the salem witch trials.
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The site has had huge problems. From everything I see more people have lost an insurance coverage instead of gained one. Pick you news site for confirmation.


I usually pay attention to what you say as you often make legit points. Not this time. As of now the website has been a disaster. So much so that the gov. Won't even tell us how many people have enrolled.
The site has had huge problems. From everything I see more people have lost an insurance coverage instead of gained one. Pick you news site for confirmation.


I usually pay attention to what you say as you often make legit points. Not this time. As of now the website has been a disaster. So much so that the gov. Won't even tell us how many people have enrolled.

The site is crap. There's no sugar coating it. It's been admitted, and Obama himself has weighed in on it.

Does that make you feel better?
The site has had huge problems. From everything I see more people have lost an insurance coverage instead of gained one. Pick you news site for confirmation.


I usually pay attention to what you say as you often make legit points. Not this time. As of now the website has been a disaster. So much so that the gov. Won't even tell us how many people have enrolled.

It's pretty incredible how conservatives have fallen on the website's shortcomings and are using it as a rational to delay/defund/get rid of Obamacare.

Soooooo the website sucks? Ok. Will that not improve in the following weeks and months? Are there no other ways to sign up?

And why have we forgotten the previous system? Before, there wasn't any crappy website. Before, it was, "sorry, due to preconditions, your salary, our CEO's mood swing, you're screwed. Have a nice day!"

Even if Obamacare ends up being the worst case scenario (best case scenario for the GOP), it's still better than what we had before. Until the GOP offers a realistic alternative, they shouldn't even be opening their mouths.
It's pretty incredible how conservatives have fallen on the website's shortcomings and are using it as a rational to delay/defund/get rid of Obamacare.

Soooooo the website sucks? Ok. Will that not improve in the following weeks and months? Are there no other ways to sign up?

And why have we forgotten the previous system? Before, there wasn't any crappy website. Before, it was, "sorry, due to preconditions, your salary, our CEO's mood swing, you're screwed. Have a nice day!"

Even if Obamacare ends up being the worst case scenario (best case scenario for the GOP), it's still better than what we had before. Until the GOP offers a realistic alternative, they shouldn't even be opening their mouths.

Thriller, by your logic any fantasy is going sound better than yesterday's poop.

What we had was the power of choices affecting our own finances, health and life. What we have under Obamacare is the fantasy that someone else will make all the best decisions for us. Might sound good to people who are willing to shuffle off to the gas chamber believing they're going to the showers.

When I was working in industry, we had technology that was brought here from Germany after WWII. Couldn't have just been "brought here" on paper. . . . it was the kind of experience and knowledge only experts could have brought. Fact is, WWII happened because of the US legislation that was called the "Anti-Trust Act". . .. which meant our "Trust-Busters" ran our cartels offshore in the 1920s and 1930s. . . . to Germany, which under fascist government just loved the big business cartels. Some of our big money folks. . .. Oil, Pharmaceuticals, Chemicals, Steel. . . .. were majority stakeholders in the German industrialization leading up to WWII.

The same people who today are still majority stakeholders in our corporate cartels such as Big Pharma. And. . . . Yep. . . . no congressmen or senators knew what to put into the Obamacare package, but these cartel folks did, and our congressmen and Senators let them write the legislation that would give them the levers to work to make big money off government-managed healthcare. Nobody is talking about how much money these folks are going to make off our increased premiums and taxes under Obamacare, or about how the system functionally will result in decreased capacity to give healthcare. .. . meaning a net decrease in service to citizens even while paying a higher price, a greater share of our net income. . . .

And those facts will be your future as well as everyone else's.
What we had was the power of choices affecting our own finances, health and life. What we have under Obamacare is the fantasy that someone else will make all the best decisions for us. Might sound good to people who are willing to shuffle off to the gas chamber believing they're going to the showers.

Can you help me understand how you came to this conclusion? Obamacare regulates insurance companies. Not what insurance you're going to get. They give you a whole market to make your own decision.
Can you help me understand how you came to this conclusion? Obamacare regulates insurance companies. Not what insurance you're going to get. They give you a whole market to make your own decision.

I've sorta followed your contributions on this subject, and I know you're taking a very positive view. A lot of people want this to be an answer. I've seen people bankrupted by medical care, I've seen people who just decided not to go get treatment and die. When I was 25 I got sick and the company I worked for "downsized" me out of a claim to job benefits, and had to go to Legal Aid to try to make them own up to their touted benefit package.

I actually read hundreds of the pages of the ACA when it was passed. . .. a few days after, because no one actually had the final draft on their desk until a few hours before it was passed. Yah yah. . . . there were some of the movers and shakers who knew what it was going to be, months ahead of the "debate" in our legislature. . . . but what we were told in the media definitely was not either accurate nor complete in scope. You say it regulates insurance companies and not the people? You have to be ignoring a whole boatload of facts to feel that way.

Yes, we get to choose from offerings put forth by insurance companies, who get to offer those choices at prices which they hope will be profitable. Which means we pay for what we get, theoretically. In fact, without increased taxes as well, it won't fly. . . .. we will have to pay for all the administrative costs, all the regulatory costs, and our actual choices in the process of receiving care will be narrowed, often meaning we will actually not get the care we need, and we will die. Or live with impediments that put us on the welfare rolls. . . .

to get briefly to your question about the sentence you bolded from my remarks above, the best example I can give is the situation my wife faced a little over a year ago, under the present system, which isn't very good as it is. She was denied in her and her doctor's request for a new diagnostic procedure by her insurance carrier. Months later, during surgery, her actual situation was revealed. . .. to be something that the new diagnostic tool would have disclosed, which would have changed the whole program of treatment over more than six months. It was a critical and life-threatening situation, that had---- for the lack of information deemed too experimental and expensive by bureaucrats---not been addressed. This meant hundreds of thousands of dollars of ineffective care had been given, and in some statistical analyses means she lost some years of her life expectancy.

Obamacare will give more bureaucrats more power to make such decisions in your health care. You will not have choices you will otherwise at least have a chance to make. . . .

I have no delusions about who will pay for Obamacare, or any other collective care program. I know we will pay for it. We always have, and always will. Socialism creates some illusions about transferring expenses to corporates somehow, but they will pass their costs down to consumers, and government will pass it's costs down to taxpayers. . . . we will always be the ones paying for what we get.

I just think we ought to still make the decisions that affect our life, our health, and our finances.
The site is crap. There's no sugar coating it. It's been admitted, and Obama himself has weighed in on it.

Does that make you feel better?

No because that's not what I asked. I'm not going after blame so save the rhetoric.