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Ads on the right side of the screen.


Well-Known Member
These ads take up more than 1/3 of the screen. Can you make them fit better? Just a little narrower?
Even without the ads, the body_wrapper_2 div is blocking out 170px of space over there. I didn't donate $5 6 years ago to be treated like this.
How narrow are your windows? I see the ad, but it's only about 1/6 of the width, and doesn't affect readability at all.
It is a little cumbersome. Even for those of us that don't have them(Premium) we see a large white box, and feels lopsided.

Any way you can push it further into the margin on the right?
The problem is not on the desktop site, but when I use the site on my phone. I can only handle the app so much, as it crashes constantly. The desktop site is mildly annoying to have the adds, but on my mobile, it is literally more than 1/3 of the screen dedicated to ads. Not only that, but now the navigation buttons are on top of the top ad, so when you try to press the button, half of the time it ends up going to some stupid ad site.
The problem is not on the desktop site, but when I use the site on my phone. I can only handle the app so much, as it crashes constantly. The desktop site is mildly annoying to have the adds, but on my mobile, it is literally more than 1/3 of the screen dedicated to ads. Not only that, but now the navigation buttons are on top of the top ad, so when you try to press the button, half of the time it ends up going to some stupid ad site.

I think this is a more than valid concern, yes. I'll look at that for super-small screens.

On the others, can you post some screenshots on what you're experiencing?

Google highly recommended this and I've been dragging my feet for years on it. Sorry.
It is a little cumbersome. Even for those of us that don't have them(Premium) we see a large white box, and feels lopsided.

Any way you can push it further into the margin on the right?

I forget, are premiums blocked from all ads on the website version? I only recall the app but it's been a long time. I'll test this.
I think this is a more than valid concern, yes. I'll look at that for super-small screens.

On the others, can you post some screenshots on what you're experiencing?

Google highly recommended this and I've been dragging my feet for years on it. Sorry.

It definitely forces me to see it more than the horizontal ones..

Now if those ads are more interesting/applicable to me I would love to click them. Currently it's showing an ad for "Learn Hypnotherapy New Zealand"

Not really my thing..
Sometimes it is not as bad, but more than half the time it forces the page to go smaller and the ad moves from the right side closer to the center, making the content just a little over half the page.
Now if those ads are more interesting/applicable to me I would love to click them. Currently it's showing an ad for "Learn Hypnotherapy New Zealand"

Do you use Google regularly from the same device? My understanding is that they weigh in heavily what you search for and other sites you visit that are likely using Google tracking. All my ads are TMobile it seems since I recently switched carriers. Sorry they're not more relevant.
Do you use Google regularly from the same device? My understanding is that they weigh in heavily what you search for and other sites you visit that are likely using Google tracking. All my ads are TMobile it seems since I recently switched carriers. Sorry they're not more relevant.

I guess they are relevant in the sense that I do live in NZ.. the vertical ads are making me pay more attention that's for sure though, so hopefully I'll start clicking on a few more of them.