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The history white people need to learn

There is but there shouldn't be. A few idiots should not define what is acceptable for society. But it is not those groups alone that are pushing the shame over being proud to be white.

No I am not advocating for white history month.

How do you celebrate your "white pride"?
There is but there shouldn't be. A few idiots should not define what is acceptable for society. But it is not those groups alone that are pushing the shame over being proud to be white.

No I am not advocating for white history month.

So just to make sure I understand, are you saying that their should be no social stigma for racist beliefs?

When is social stigma justifiable?

I would argue that social stigma (or shame) appropriately applied is one of the greatest forces for moving social progress forward.

I would add further that, as with most things, good things can become bad if taken to extremes, which is where we get political correctness. I hate PC as much as most people, only I'd draw the line at different places than some of you as to where legitimate social stigma/shaming crosses into unreasonable PC.
So just to make sure I understand, are you saying that their should be no social stigma for racist beliefs?

When is social stigma justifiable?

I would argue that social stigma (or shame) appropriately applied is one of the greatest forces for moving social progress forward.

That's the problem, society feels that it absolutely has to equate white pride with racism.That they cannot be seperated. I reject that they are one and the same. I flat out reject that white pride has to be about racism. No matter how some groups, on both sides of the fence, wish to paint it so. I truly feel like you already knew I was saying this and are trying to spin.
I agree that there are social beliefs and opinions that should be rejected by society. Such as racist beliefs.
That's the problem, society feels that it absolutely has to equate white pride with racism.That they cannot be seperated. I reject that they are one and the same. I flat out reject that white pride has to be about racism. No matter how some groups, on both sides of the fence, wish to paint it so. I truly feel like you already knew I was saying this and are trying to spin.
I agree that there are social beliefs and opinions that should be rejected by society. Such as racist beliefs.

And here, my good friend, is where we part ways. I, on the other hand, see white pride as inevitably intertwined with racism.

I'm not trying to spin your words, if you think so, I'm sorry. I'm just trying to understand what your position is. We're coming from different places here, so there's bound to be some groping back and forth to try to understand each other.
And here, my good friend, is where we part ways. I, on the other hand, see white pride as inevitably intertwined with racism.

I'm not trying to spin your words, if you think so, I'm sorry. I'm just trying to understand what your position is. We're coming from different places here, so there's bound to be some groping back and forth to try to understand each other.

I will take you at your word that you are not spinning at all but asking for clirification. I hope I provided it.

On how we view white pride, and what it should mean, is indeed where we part ways. I view what racist white groups are doing as horribly damaging. Their usage of it and groups that incessanty cry racism over everything, are disgusting and taint our society. This very debate is an example of that.
As an aside observation, I find it endlessly interesting how members of privileged/oppressor groups try to dictate the 'appropriate' behavior among the members of the under privileged/oppressed groups. In the process they fail to understand that trying to dictate what or how the less privileged/oppressed think, say or behave is just another manifestation of the oppression. We don't mind that blacks, for example, get a little perturbed about how social institutions systematically disadvantage them, but heaven forbid they go and get all uppity about it.

This very thing is now playing out in the debate on class equity. While the 1% and their political allies continuously engage in structuring the rules of the game to the benefit of the 1%, they turn around and try to dictate to the 99% how they should think, feel and act about it labeling any opposition to the 1%'s continuing accumulation of national wealth as class warfare or class envy and trying to shame the 99% for thinking or saying there just might be other, more equitable, ways to structure the rules of the game so that wealth does not become so concentrated in the hands of the very, very few.
I love being white in the same way I love getting 21 in Blackjack. Wow, I got super lucky, this is awesome. I could have gotten 16 and really had to make a hard decision, but I just got super lucky and got more money than anyone else at the table while I did nothing extra to deserve it, yay me.
I will take you at your word that you are not spinning at all but asking for clirification. I hope I provided it.

On how we view white pride, and what it should mean, is indeed where we part ways. I view what racist white groups are doing as horribly damaging. Their usage of it and groups that incessanty cry racism over everything, are disgusting and taint our society. This very debate is an example of that.

We've come too far in our 'relationship' on this board for me to deal with you in bad faith. I don't always agree with you but I've learned to respect you and appreciate (what I consider) the reasonable and measured approach you take here.

Believe it or not but I actually read through all the posts on threads like this and often find reason to reconsider what I believe.

It was participating on a board like this that was instrumental in changing my views on same-sex marriage. I used to be rabidly opposed to it, but after reading, listening and engaging with others holding different views, I become convinced that they were right and I was wrong.
Who really cares what people are proud of? Personally I think it's stupid to be proud of what color you are verse the culture you came from, but who really cares? Obviously if somebody being proud of being white causes them to act negatively towards somebody who isn't white, or somebody being proud of their black skin causes them to act negatively towards somebody who isn't, then we have a problem.

I could give two ****s what any of you are proud about though, it doesn't affect my life at all. Maybe we need to stop using skin color as a crutch for all of our problems/successes and start realizing that our actions dictate who we are, not the color of our skin. This can't be that difficult.

/Still gonna always say that white people can't jump, black people can't swim, french people are ******* (wimps), and all of that good stuff. Cause America.
/Still gonna always say that white people can't jump, black people can't swim, french people are ******* (wimps), and all of that good stuff. Cause America.

I'm proud of you
How do you celebrate your "white pride"?

By taking selfies of my tiny penis. #atleastimnotasian #duckrogers #hottttnikkk

Who really cares what people are proud of? Personally I think it's stupid to be proud of what color you are verse the culture you came from, but who really cares? Obviously if somebody being proud of being white causes them to act negatively towards somebody who isn't white, or somebody being proud of their black skin causes them to act negatively towards somebody who isn't, then we have a problem.

I could give two ****s what any of you are proud about though, it doesn't affect my life at all. Maybe we need to stop using skin color as a crutch for all of our problems/successes and start realizing that our actions dictate who we are, not the color of our skin. This can't be that difficult.

/Still gonna always say that white people can't jump, black people can't swim, french people are ******* (wimps), and all of that good stuff. Cause America.

Don't forget teh gays and tranny's.
Don't forget teh gays and tranny's.

Oh don't worry, I'll make fun of them too.

I'm an equal-opportunist when it comes to laughing at people. If you wear a feather scarf, capris, neon skinny jeans and talk with a lisp, I'm gonna laugh at you…cause they're probably laughing at my plaid redneck outfit (or just drooling at me). Incidentally, Dala fits that entire category minus the lisp.
Oh don't worry, I'll make fun of them too.

I'm an equal-opportunist when it comes to laughing at people. If you wear a feather scarf, capris, neon skinny jeans and talk with a lisp, I'm gonna laugh at you…cause they're probably laughing at my plaid redneck outfit (or just drooling at me). Incidentally, Dala fits that entire category minus the lisp.

Guaranteed he has a lisp.
White privilege does not exist.

Put out two identical resumes, except for the name, on a job site. Give one of the the fist name of DeMare, or any similar name culturally associated with black people, and another a name associated with white people, say Bradley. Make sure to check the EEOC boxes appropriately. Get back to me on the difference in the response level, and then tell me there is no such thing as white privilege.
Do a social experiment. Go around telling differing groups of people how proud you are to be white. Pay attention to your responses.

If you don't feel pride in it, you must be ashamed of it? There is no middle ground?

I'm neither proud nor ashamed to be 5'11'', to have brown eyes, nor to be white. I just am. I recognize that I get some preferential treatment from the first and some from the third, but that does not make me ashamed of it.
If you don't feel pride in it, you must be ashamed of it? There is no middle ground?

I'm neither proud nor ashamed to be 5'11'', to have brown eyes, nor to be white. I just am. I recognize that I get some preferential treatment from the first and some from the third, but that does not make me ashamed of it.

You're a day late and a dollar short. That debate sailed.