Recent content by Harold Ballz

  1. Harold Ballz

    Twist in Planned Parenthood Saga--Does it Change Anyone's Mind?

    I still want to defund the baby killers!
  2. Harold Ballz

    Rudy leads the NBA

    Rudy is THE MAN!
  3. Harold Ballz

    Jazz jumped 2 spots in the nba powerrankings! number 9 now

    Why do people put so much stock into crap like this? Who cares?
  4. Harold Ballz

    Stupid Pet Peeves

    Elk meat is by far my favorite. I tried antelope for the first time here in Utah at my uncles house and it tasted like **** on a cracker. Elk and deer (white tail) is where its at. I've never tried mule deer, is there a difference?
  5. Harold Ballz

    Quotes from Trey Burke today...

    Anyone besides me worried about his quotes? We've always had mediocre players who have one good game out of ten so we just give them a pass on the rest. I'd be stoked if he could just be average!
  6. Harold Ballz

    For those Jazz fans that LURK here but don't post

    I'm not new anymore, and i didnt lurk for all that long. Still happy to be here.
  7. Harold Ballz

    Point Guard Situation

    I'm feeling good about my "under" bet, sadly.
  8. Harold Ballz

    Where's Harpring?

    Boone is horrible. That is all.
  9. Harold Ballz

    Good god I hate these things

    I have never seen one of these uturn things before but where I live there is some STUPID **** called flex lanes. Talk about killing people nobody knows what lane there supposed to be in. I've only lived here for a few months and I've already seen like six accidents because people didnt know...
  10. Harold Ballz

    Trevor Booker

    I agree with you bro, I didn't like it at all. My gf even said it was a bitch move lol.
  11. Harold Ballz

    Can the Alec Burks experiment please end?

    LOL, this thread is horrible! Outside of Hayward, Burks is the easy #1.
  12. Harold Ballz

    Scanning the Waiver Wire

    Well you have fun reading all the whining from the BYU fans about how their golden child isnt getting the playing time HE DESERVES!
  13. Harold Ballz

    Putin has pwned Obama

    So its cool to call a black man a monkey? Whatever you can think what you want but man you look like a dumbass when you talk like that.
  14. Harold Ballz

    Scanning the Waiver Wire

    Geeze man lol its not that bad of a question. I have been wondering the same question. Dear God please stop with the Jimmer nonsense! Zoobs will never get the fact that HE SUCKS!!!!