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The *OFFICIAL* Russia Is About To Invade Ukraine Thread

F* the poors

I might riot and rape some children later today though. Idk.

You should rape a bunch of women, too, so that some of them can have fun later getting an abortion.

I will add it to my list

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Trolling is when someone posts or comments online to ‘bait’ people, which means deliberately provoking an argument or emotional reaction. In some cases they say things they don’t even believe, just to cause drama.

According to a study about internet trolls by Psychology Today, internet trolling is linked to what is defined as the “Dark Tetrad” of interrelated negative personality traits, which include the following: narcissism, Machiavellianism, psychopathy, and sadism

Not that this is a surprise to any of us normal non cult people…

As president, Donald Trump “made it very clear” that he thought Ukraine “must be part of Russia”, his former adviser Fiona Hill says in a new book about US national security under threat from Russia and China.

“Trump made it very clear that he thought, you know, that Ukraine, and certainly Crimea, must be part of Russia,” Hill, senior director for European and Russian affairs on the US national security council between 2017 and 2019, tells David Sanger, a New York Times reporter and author of New Cold Wars: China’s Rise, Russia’s Invasion, and America’s Struggle to Defend the West.

“He really could not get his head around the idea that Ukraine was an independent state.”

This, Sanger writes, meant Trump’s view of Ukraine was “essentially identical” to that of Vladimir Putin

No wonder he got along so well with the world’s strongmen. He gave them everything they wanted. Like a prostitute.

Not that this is a surprise to any of us normal non cult people…
Trolling is when someone posts or comments online to ‘bait’ people, which means deliberately provoking an argument or emotional reaction. In some cases they say things they don’t even believe, just to cause drama.

According to a study about internet trolls by Psychology Today, internet trolling is linked to what is defined as the “Dark Tetrad” of interrelated negative personality traits, which include the following: narcissism, Machiavellianism, psychopathy, and sadism

Interesting article. It’s sad how even our allies can see what trumpers domestically refuse to see. Our nation’s enemies all want Trump to be president.

Budanov predicted that Russia will launch a big offensive starting in June to try to capture all of Donetsk and Luhansk, the two provinces known as the Donbas region, which Russia has claimed but doesn’t control. The Russians will then focus on the November elections in the United States and the aftermath. “Until the inauguration of your president, they will try to get as much as possible of the territories of Donetsk and Luhansk,” perhaps hoping that a reelected President Donald Trump can ratify their gains.
What did any of this accomplish? We’ve delayed sending aid for 6+ months. How many lives could’ve been saved had republicans just passed the damn aid? What have their gotten out of any of this delaying? If anything they’ve proven to Americans that they don’t deserve the majority come this fall.

Restoring Roe nation wide, killing off the Trump tax cuts (his only real piece of legislation), and keeping Ukraine and Israel well armed begins with us retaking the House.

Elections have consequences.
What a colossal jerk…..the woman thinks her positions are her ticket to POWER. It’s actually her ticket to being labeled a traitor and laughing stock(she’s already achieved that much) by future histories of our times. All this just part of her plan to be a power broker, to be important. Sadly, destined to be seen as a rather disgusting nitwit instead.

View: https://twitter.com/RepMTG/status/1780953016448774594

Honestly hanging is too good for her.
And for what? What did delaying 6 months do to help the GOP? We could’ve passed this months ago and saved countless lives.
For nothing, but right now I’m hoping the aid is coming.

Check out the crazy lady from Georgia, and her associates, and her transparent alignment with Vladimir Putin. She is indeed Putin’s Congressional envoy. Withdraw from NATO, etc etc….

“Extremists Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) and Thomas Massie (R-KY) vowed to throw House speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) out of the speakership, but Democrats Tom Suozzi of New York and Jared Moskowitz of Florida have said they would vote to keep him in his seat, thereby defanging the attack on his leadership….

….Greene was especially active in opposition to aid to Ukraine. She tried to amend the bill to direct the president to withdraw the U.S. from NATO and demanded that any members of Congress voting for aid to Ukraine be conscripted into the Ukraine army as well as have their salaries taken to offset funding. She wanted to stop funding until Ukraine “turns over all information related to Hunter Biden and Burisma,” and to require Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky to resign. More curiously, she suggested amending the Ukraine bill so that funding would require “restrictions on ethnic minorities’, including Hungarians in Transcarpathia, right to use their native languages in schools are lifted.” This language echoes a very specific piece of Russian propaganda.

Finally, Moskowitz proposed “that Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene…should be appointed as Vladimir Putin’s Special Envoy to the United States Congress.”….

….instability made Freedom Caucus members nervous enough to put together a Floor Action Response Team (FART—I am not making this up) to make sure other Republicans didn’t limit the power of the extremists when they were off the floor.
….The name of their response team seems likely to be their way to signal their disrespect for the entire Congress.”

What a colossal jerk…..the woman thinks her positions are her ticket to POWER. It’s actually her ticket to being labeled a traitor and laughing stock(she’s already achieved that much) by future histories of our times. All this just part of her plan to be a power broker, to be important. Sadly, destined to be seen as a rather disgusting nitwit instead.

View: https://twitter.com/RepMTG/status/1780953016448774594

This excuse of the human being rivals Trump which one is more repulsive.
This excuse of the human being rivals Trump which one is more repulsive.
That is a tough one. I still say trump though. He has such a long history of being a scummy douchebag that it really isn't a fair competition.

Trump was stealing from charities and making fake universities way back before anyone had ever heard of MTG.

Now trump will be dead soon and MTG has quite a few years left (if we are going by average lifespan) so she might catch up to him someday but for now it's still trump.

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^^^Speaking of self admitted child rapist and flat out scum....
I might riot and rape some children later today though. Idk.

You should rape a bunch of women, too, so that some of them can have fun later getting an abortion.
(Their very own disgusting admittance. Their exact words)

How utterly grotesque. You Democrats can't openly hate black people like your grandparents did. Little KKK lover but now they allow biological men to go into women's spaces. This truly is the biggest human rights violations I have ever seen. One second Democrats laugh about raping children the next they are allowing biological men into children's bathrooms like we see all over. Little women hating cultist are crying about whatever childish like the post above. Not surprising for bunch of self admitted child rapist...

Grotesque … Betrayal Of Students’: Critics Blast Biden’s New Title IX Regulations Championing ‘Gender Identity’

Title IX—which was enacted to protect women and girls and provide them equal educational opportunities—has been manipulated so that gender activists and woke politicos can feel good about themselves. Under the new rule, girls and women will no longer have any sex-separated bathrooms, locker rooms, housing accommodations, or other educational programs. Women’s sports are likely endangered too. Any education institution, including many private schools that receive even nominal federal funding, will be affected by this rule.

The rule also erases other important protections, like due process protections for students accused of sexual misconduct, free speech protections for students and teachers who don’t want to use ‘preferred pronouns,’ and parents’ right to know if their child is in the process of a gender identity ‘social transition’ at school.
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For nothing, but right now I’m hoping the aid is coming.

Check out the crazy lady from Georgia, and her associates, and her transparent alignment with Vladimir Putin. She is indeed Putin’s Congressional envoy. Withdraw from NATO, etc etc….

“Extremists Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) and Thomas Massie (R-KY) vowed to throw House speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) out of the speakership, but Democrats Tom Suozzi of New York and Jared Moskowitz of Florida have said they would vote to keep him in his seat, thereby defanging the attack on his leadership….

….Greene was especially active in opposition to aid to Ukraine. She tried to amend the bill to direct the president to withdraw the U.S. from NATO and demanded that any members of Congress voting for aid to Ukraine be conscripted into the Ukraine army as well as have their salaries taken to offset funding. She wanted to stop funding until Ukraine “turns over all information related to Hunter Biden and Burisma,” and to require Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky to resign. More curiously, she suggested amending the Ukraine bill so that funding would require “restrictions on ethnic minorities’, including Hungarians in Transcarpathia, right to use their native languages in schools are lifted.” This language echoes a very specific piece of Russian propaganda.

Finally, Moskowitz proposed “that Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene…should be appointed as Vladimir Putin’s Special Envoy to the United States Congress.”….

….instability made Freedom Caucus members nervous enough to put together a Floor Action Response Team (FART—I am not making this up) to make sure other Republicans didn’t limit the power of the extremists when they were off the floor.
….The name of their response team seems likely to be their way to signal their disrespect for the entire Congress.”

Correct me if I’m wrong, but the deal Repubs rejected several months ago included stronger border legislation, right? So they could’ve had that. And now they’re getting nothing, right?


I’m certainly not tired from all of this winning! Can’t wait for this fall where Donald drags the entire ticket down with him. So much winning!
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Correct me if I’m wrong, but the deal Repubs rejected several months ago included stronger border legislation, right? So they could’ve had that. And now they’re getting nothing, right?
Yes, as far as I know, no money in bill for southern border security.