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  1. D

    400 Americans - $1.37 TRILLION I can't really wrap my head around this. I can't fathom that 400 people could own the equivalent of the...
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    Let's all look at the bright side.

    Futurama is coming back from the dead tonight! WOO HOO!
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    The Vice President's beach party with the press

    The slow, painful march of the American media towards its well deserved inglorius end continues: That's CNN's Ed Henry's twitter feed, as he and other robustly independent "journalists" have a jolly good time cozying up to the people they're supposed to be acting as a balance against...
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    MWC decides not to expand I'm not sure about the MWC's logic in not inviting in someone like Boise St. It doesn't look good to be passive while all the other conferences are making moves to bring in good schools. I have to wonder if there's something...